This page is for participants in the Short Course on Image Reconstruction
at the IEEE MIC. It will be updated with extra information before the course.
Please refresh the page when you re-visit. (In some browsers,
such as FireFox, a normal Page Refresh doesn't work. On windows, right-click on the page, select This Frame and Release Frame).
Check the bottom of page for list of updates.
During the course, we will have practical exercises using STIR. These exercises are an integral part of the course. To be able to participate, students are asked to bring their own laptop if possible.
We will provide a Virtual Machine with everything preinstalled for the course. Please follow the installation instructions below to get this on your laptop before the conference (we will be available 30 minutes before the course to help with installation problems and will have some USB sticks with us as well).
Please note that the STIR version that we will be using is more recent that the current 3.0. Therefore, please use the virtual machine. If you really want to do this all yourself, you will need to get STIR from github, install SWIG, Python, etc and compile STIR with Python support. You would then need to get the example scripts from github. Don't try this at short notice...
Please prepare for these exercises, see bottom of this page.
If you have any problems, please first re-check this web-page. If you cannot solve your issue, please email k dot thielemans at ucl dot ac dot uk. sudo apt-get install ipython ipython-qtconsole python-zmq csh
The files might need another update before the course (but with minimal download time). In particular, the exercises themselves will still change. Therefore, please check this web-page occasionally.
Update process: open the terminal and just type
We recommend that you get yourself (somewhat) familiar with VirtualBox and Ubuntu and iPython.
Links are provided in the HELP.htm and on the Desktop in your VM and the (this is a simple text file in Markdown
format. It is nicely formatted on the web-site).
Here is some suggested material:
Contact webmaster.
Last modified: Oct 23, 2017