Known problems in the current release of the STIR software
See also the release notes for the current version and the
issue tracker on GitHub.
- Currently the implementation if the incremental interpolating
backprojector can have problems on certain processors due to floating point
rounding errors. You would notice problems in the central voxel, which
will influence neighboring voxels in the iterative algorithms.
Running the recon_test_pack will tell you if you have the problem (but
there might still be a problem for your particular scanner/pixel size).
Update Thanks to an update by Bing Bai, this seems less of
an issue now, but it does still occur.
Please notify the mailing list if this problem still occurs
on your system (give details of OS, processor, compiler and compiler switches).
See the User's Guide for details on how to choose another backprojector.
- Currently the implementation if the incremental interpolating
backprojector fails when the number of views is not even. Images
are wrong, even though the programs might run till the end.
- Images have to have the default number of planes. Trying to
forward project images with smaller or larger number of planes
will show up some problems, which we thought to have removed already :-/ .
- Dead-time code for ECAT7 files might currently give wrong results due to uncertainty
in units for singles rates
- CPU times reported are invalid on Windows 9?, maybe ME as well. They are
fine on NT and later.There doesn't seem to be a way to get
CPU times in the older Windows versions.
- In STIR 2.x, the default settings for the forward projector/back projector pair result in
unmatched projectors. This can give problems in certain
situations. It is strongly recommended to change this to use
the ray tracing matrix projectors (use some extra rays to approximate strip-integrals).
Last modified: Mon Jan 13 20:03:14 GMT 2014