Summary of changes in STIR release 4.0

Overall summary

This version is 95% backwards compatible with STIR 3.0 for the user (see below). Developers might need to make code changes as detailed below. In addition, this release adds a lot of new functionality to STIR. Of course, there is also the usual code-cleanup and improvements to the documentation.

This release contains mainly code written by

but with contributions by Jannis Fischer (ETH Zurich) for SAFIR support, Elise Emond (UCL) for IO fixes, Yu-jung Tsai (UCL) for implementation of the PLS prior, Edoardo Pasca (STFC) for Siemens interfile support, Benjamin Thomas (UCL) for CTAC to mu values and support on SPECT, and some code clean-up by David Volgyes.

Various bits were tested by (in alphabetical order, all UCL except where indicated): Ottavia Bertolli, Matthias Ehrhardt, Pawel Markiewicz, Richard Manber, Alaleh Rashidnasab, Benjamin Thomas (CIRC ASTAR and UCL), Yu-jung Tsai, Vesna Cuplov.

Patch release info

Summary for end users (also to be read by developers)

Changes breaking backwards compatibility from a user-perspective

Bug fixes

New functionality

Changed functionality

Python (and MATLAB) interface

Build system

The build system now only uses CMake. We recommend to use CMake version 3.1 or later on Linux/MacOSX and 3.10.2 or later on Windows, but we try to accomodate older versions of CMake.

Known problems

See the Github issues for more information.

Minor bug fixes

Documentation changes

recon_test_pack changes

Other changes to tests

Scatter updates

This release contains major updates on the scatter code, mostly contributed by Nikos Efthimou, see the pull request on GitHub.

What's new for developers (aside from what should be obvious from the above):

Major bugs fixed

Backward incompatibities

New functionality

Other code changes