STIR  6.2.0
utilities Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for utilities:



file  abs_image.cxx
 It produces the absolute value image of an image.
file  apply_normfactors.cxx
 Apply normalisation factors using an ML approach.
file  apply_normfactors3D.cxx
 Apply normalisation factors estimated using the ML code to projection data.
file  attenuation_coefficients_to_projections.cxx
 Takes the logarithm of attenuation coefficients to 'convert' them to line integrals.
file  back_project.cxx
 Back project an image.
file  calculate_attenuation_coefficients.cxx
 Calculates attenuation coefficients (as an alternative to correct_projdata).
file  compare_image.cxx
 compare images to see if they are identical, allowing for small differences
file  compare_projdata.cxx
 compare 2 files with sinogram data
file  compute_sqrt_Hessian_row_sum.cxx
 Computes the Square Root of the Hessian Row Sum of the objective function.
file  construct_randoms_from_GEsingles.cxx
 Construct randoms as a product of singles estimates.
file  construct_randoms_from_singles.cxx
 Construct randoms as a product of singles estimates.
file  conv_GATE_raw_ECAT_projdata_to_interfile.cxx
 This program converts GATE ECAT output (.ima) into STIR interfile format.
file  conv_gipl_to_interfile.cxx
 This program converts Images from GIPL (Guy's Imaging Processing Lab) format to Interfile Format.
file  conv_interfile_to_gipl.cxx
 This program converts Images from Interfile Format to GIPL (Guy's Imaging Processing Lab) format.
file  convert_to_binary_image.cxx
 This program outputs a binary image (voxel values 0 or 1) where all values strictly below a threshold are set to 0, and others to 1.
file  correct_projdata.cxx
 A utility applying/undoing some corrections on projection data.
file  create_multi_header.cxx
 create a "Multi" header for a set of data
file  create_projdata_template.cxx
 A utility that creates a template projection data.
file  ctac_to_mu_values.cxx
 Produces an image of mu-values from a CT/CTAC.
file  display_projdata.cxx
 This program displays projection data by segment.
file  do_linear_regression.cxx
 A simple programme to perform weighted least squares.
file  estimate_triple_energy_window_scatter_sinogram.cxx
 Calculate Triple energy window scatter.
file  extract_segments.cxx
 This program extracts projection data by segment into 3d image files.
file  extract_single_images_from_dynamic_image.cxx
 Split dynamic image into individual images.
file  find_fwhm_in_image.cxx
 List of FWHM and location of maximum in the image.
file  find_maxima_in_image.cxx
 List coordinates of maxima in the image to stdout.
file  find_ML_normfactors.cxx
 Find normalisation factors using an ML approach.
file  find_ML_normfactors3D.cxx
 Find normalisation factors using an ML approach.
file  find_ML_singles_from_delayed.cxx
 Find singles (and hence randoms) from delayed events using an ML approach.
file  find_normfactors_from_cylinder_data.cxx
 Find normalisation factors given projection data of a cylinder (direct method)
file  find_recovery_coefficients_in_image_quality_phantom_nema_nu4.cxx
 Utility program for calculating recovery coeficient values in the image quality phantom described in NEMA NU 4.
file  find_sum_projection_of_viewgram_and_sinogram.cxx
 This program reads a projection data file and squeezes a given sinogrm or viewgram of it (from a 2D matrix to a 1D vector).
file  forward_project.cxx
 Forward project an image.
file  generate_image.cxx
 A utility to generate images consisting of uniform objects added/subtracted together.
file  get_time_frame_info.cxx
 Prints start time and duration of a frame to stdout.
file  invert_axis.cxx
 This program inverts x y or z axis.
file  list_detector_and_bin_info.cxx
 A utility that lists bin and detector info for a given (cylindrical) scanner on stdout.
file  list_image_info.cxx
 This program lists basic image info. It works for dynamic images.
file  list_image_values.cxx
 Utility to extract image values along profiles (or another box-shape)
file  list_projdata_info.cxx
 A utility that lists size info on the projection data on stdout.
file  list_ROI_values.cxx
 Utility program for getting ROI values.
file  manip_image.cxx
 This program performs operations on image data.
file  manip_projdata.cxx
 process sinogram data
file  poisson_noise.cxx
 Generates a noise realisation according to Poisson statistics for some projection data.
file  postfilter.cxx
 This program performs filtering on image data.
file  rebin_projdata.cxx
 A utility to rebin projection data.
file  separate_true_from_random_scatter_for_necr.cxx
 This program gets a projection data file of a mouse/rat scatter phantom measured according to NEMA NU 4. It seperates number of true events from number of random+scatter events.
file  shift_image.cxx
 This program shifts the origin of an image.
file  shift_image_origin.cxx
 This program shifts the origin of an image.
file  SPECT_dicom_to_interfile.cxx
 Convert SPECT DICOM projection data to Interfile.
file  SSRB.cxx
 Main program for stir::SSRB.
file  stir_config.cxx
 Prints configuration directory and STIR version.
file  stir_list_registries.cxx
 Prints all registered names for many registries.
file  stir_math.cxx
 add or multiply data, with some other basic math manipulations
file  stir_timings.cxx
 Perform timings.
file  stir_write_pgm.cxx
 This program writes a PGM bitmap for an image (preliminary)
file  warp_and_accumulate_gated_images.cxx
 This program corrects the motion from an image.
file  warp_image.cxx
 This program warps an image.
file  write_proj_matrix_by_bin.cxx
 Program that writes a projection matrix by bin to file.
file  zeropad_planes.cxx
 This program zero pads the start & end planes of an image.
file  zoom_image.cxx
 This program serves as a stand-alone zoom/trim utility for image files Run without arguments to get a usage message.