STIR  6.2.0
Modules | Files | Classes | Functions
Items related to projection data
Collaboration diagram for Items related to projection data:


 Items related to Line Of Responses (preliminary)


file  ArcCorrection.cxx
 Implementation of class stir::ArcCorrection.
file  DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers.cxx
 Implementations for class stir::DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers.
file  extend_projdata.cxx
 Implementation of functions to extension of direct sinograms in view direction.
file  GeometryBlocksOnCylindrical.cxx
 Non-inline implementations of stir::GeometryBlocksOnCylindrical.
file  interpolate_projdata.cxx
 Perform B-Splines Interpolation of sinograms.
file  inverse_SSRB.cxx
 Implementation of stir::inverse_SSRB.
file  multiply_crystal_factors.cxx
 Implementation of stir::multiply_crystal_factors.
file  ProjData.cxx
 Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::ProjData.
file  ProjDataFromStream.cxx
 Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataFromStream.
file  ProjDataGEHDF5.cxx
 Implementations for class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::ProjDataGEHDF5.
file  ProjDataInfo.cxx
 Implementation of non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfo.
file  ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr.cxx
 Non-inline implementations of stir::ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr.
file  ProjDataInfoCylindrical.cxx
 Non-inline implementations of stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical.
file  ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr.cxx
 Implementation of non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr.
file  ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr.cxx
 Implementation of non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr.
file  ProjDataInfoGeneric.cxx
 Non-inline implementations of stir::ProjDataInfoGeneric.
file  ProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr.cxx
 Implementation of non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr.
file  ProjDataInfoSubsetByView.cxx
 Implementation of non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoSubsetByView.
file  ProjDataInMemory.cxx
 Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInMemory.
file  ProjDataInterfile.cxx
 Implementation of class stir::ProjDataInterfile.
file  scale_sinograms.cxx
 Implementations of functions defined in scale_sinogram.h.
file  Segment.cxx
 Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::Segment.
file  SegmentBySinogram.cxx
 Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::SegmentBySinogram.
file  SegmentByView.cxx
 Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::SegmentByView.
file  Sinogram.cxx
 Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::Sinogram.
file  SSRB.cxx
 Implementation of stir::SSRB.
file  Viewgram.cxx
 Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::Viewgram.
file  ArcCorrection.h
 Declaration of class stir::ArcCorrection.
file  Bin.h
 Declaration of class stir::Bin.
file  Bin.inl
 Implementations of inline functions of class stir::Bin.
file  DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers.h
 Declaration of class stir::DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers.
file  DetectionPosition.h
 Declaration of class stir::DetectionPosition.
file  DetectionPosition.inl
 Implementation of inline methods of class stir::DetectionPosition.
file  DetectionPositionPair.h
 Declaration of class stir::DetectionPositionPair.
file  DetectionPositionPair.inl
 Implementation of inline methods of class stir::DetectionPositionPair.
file  GeometryBlocksOnCylindrical.h
 Declaration of class stir::GeometryBlocksOnCylindrical.
file  multiply_crystal_factors.h
 Declaration of stir::multiply_crystal_factors.
file  ProjData.h
 Declaration of class stir::ProjData.
file  ProjData.inl
 Implementations for inline functions of class stir::ProjData.
file  ProjDataFromStream.h
 Declaration of class stir::ProjDataFromStream.
file  ProjDataFromStream.inl
 Inline implementations for class stir::ProjDataFromStream.
file  ProjDataGEHDF5.h
 Declaration of class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::ProjDataFromGEHDF5.
file  ProjDataInfo.h
 Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfo.
file  ProjDataInfo.inl
 Implementations of inline functions for class stir::ProjDataInfo.
file  ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindrical.h
 Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindrical.
file  ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr.h
 Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr.
file  ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr.inl
 Implementation of inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr.
file  ProjDataInfoCylindrical.h
 Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical.
file  ProjDataInfoCylindrical.inl
 Implementation of inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical.
file  ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr.h
 Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr.
file  ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr.inl
 Implementation of inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr.
file  ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr.h
 Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr.
file  ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr.inl
 Implementation of inline functions of class ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr.
file  ProjDataInfoGeneric.h
 Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoGeneric.
file  ProjDataInfoGeneric.inl
 Implementation of inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoGeneric.
file  ProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr.h
 Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr.
file  ProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr.inl
 Implementation of inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr.
file  ProjDataInfoSubsetByView.h
 Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoSubsetByView.
file  ProjDataInMemory.h
 Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInMemory.
file  ProjDataInterfile.h
 Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInterfile.
file  RelatedViewgrams.h
 Declaration of class stir::RelatedViewgrams.
file  RelatedViewgrams.inl
 inline implementations for class stir::RelatedViewgrams
file  scale_sinograms.h
 declaration of stir::scale_sinograms and stir::get_scale_factors_per_sinogram
file  Segment.h
 Declaration of class stir::Segment.
file  Segment.inl
 implementation of inline functions of class stir::Segment
file  SegmentBySinogram.h
 Declaration of class stir::SegmentBySinogram.
file  SegmentBySinogram.inl
 Implementations of inline functions of class stir::SegmentBySinogram.
file  SegmentByView.h
 Declaration of class stir::SegmentByView.
file  SegmentByView.inl
 Implementations of inline functions of class stir::SegmentByView.
file  SegmentIndices.h
 Definition of class stir::SegmentIndices.
file  SegmentIndices.inl
 inline implementations for class stir::SegmentIndices
file  Sinogram.h
 Declaration of class stir::Sinogram.
file  Sinogram.inl
 Implementations of inline functions of class stir::Sinogram.
file  SinogramIndices.h
 Definition of class stir::SinogramIndices.
file  SinogramIndices.inl
 inline implementations for class stir::SinogramIndices
file  SSRB.h
 Declaration of stir::SSRB functions.
file  TrivialDataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers.h
 Declaration of class stir::TrivialDataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers.
file  TrivialDataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers.inl
 Implementation of inline-methods of class stir::TrivialDataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers.
file  Viewgram.h
 Declaration of class stir::Viewgram.
file  Viewgram.inl
 Inline implementations of class stir::Viewgram.
file  ViewgramIndices.h
 Definition of class stir::ViewgramIndices.
file  ViewgramIndices.inl
 inline implementations for class stir::ViewgramIndices
file  ViewSegmentNumbers.h
 Definition of class stir::ViewSegmentNumbers, alias to stir::ViewgramIndices.
file  ViewSegmentNumbers.inl
 inline implementations for class stir::ViewSegmentNumbers
file  test_proj_data.cxx
 Test program for stir::ProjData and stir::ProjDataInMemory.
file  test_proj_data_info_subsets.cxx
 Test program for subsetting stir::ProjDataInfo via stir::ProjDataInfoSubsetByView.
file  test_proj_data_maths.cxx
 Test maths of stir::ProjData.


class  stir::ArcCorrection
 A class to arc-correct projection data. More...
class  stir::Bin
 A class for storing coordinates and value of a single projection bin. More...
class  stir::DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers
 A class for encoding/finding symmetries. Works only on ViewSegmentNumbers (instead of Bin). More...
class  stir::DetectionPosition< coordT >
 A class for storing coordinates of a detection. More...
class  stir::DetectionPositionPair< coordT >
 A class for storing 2 coordinates-sets of a detection, together with a timing-position index (for TOF), as suitable for PET. More...
class  stir::GeometryBlocksOnCylindrical
 A helper class to build the crystal map based on scanner info. More...
class  stir::ProjData
 The (abstract) base class for the projection data. More...
class  stir::ProjDataFromStream
 A class which reads/writes projection data from/to a (binary) stream. More...
class  stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::ProjDataGEHDF5
 A class which reads projection data from a GE HDF5 sinogram file. More...
class  stir::ProjDataInfo
 An (abstract base) class that contains information on the projection data. More...
class  stir::ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr
 Projection data info for data from a scanner with discrete dtectors organised by blocks. More...
class  stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical
 projection data info for data corresponding to a 'cylindrical' sampling. More...
class  stir::ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr
 Projection data info for arc-corrected data. More...
class  stir::ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr
 Projection data info for data which are not arc-corrected. More...
class  stir::ProjDataInfoGeneric
 projection data info for data corresponding to 'Generic' sampling. More...
class  stir::ProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr
 Projection data info for data for a scanner with discrete detectors. More...
class  stir::ProjDataInfoSubsetByView
 Projection data info for data corresponding to a subset sampling by views. More...
class  stir::ProjDataInMemory
 A class which reads/writes projection data from/to memory. More...
class  stir::ProjDataInterfile
 A class which reads/writes projection data from/to a (binary) stream, but creates the corresponding Interfile header. More...
class  stir::RelatedViewgrams< elemT >
 A class for storing viewgrams which are related by symmetry. More...
class  stir::Segment< elemT >
 An (abstract base) class for storing 3d projection dataThis stores a subset of the data accessible via a ProjData object, where the SegmentIndices are fixed. More...
class  stir::SegmentBySinogram< elemT >
 A class for storing (3d) projection data with fixed SegmentIndices. More...
class  stir::SegmentByView< elemT >
 A class for storing (3d) projection data with fixed SegmentIndices. More...
class  stir::SegmentIndices
 A very simple class to store segment numbers and any other indices that define a segment. More...
class  stir::Sinogram< elemT >
 A class for 2d projection data. More...
class  stir::SinogramIndices
 A very simple class to store all dincies to get a (2D) Sinogram. More...
class  stir::Viewgram< elemT >
 A class for 2d projection data. More...
class  stir::ViewgramIndices
 A very simple class to store all dincies to get a (2D) Viewgram. More...
class  stir::ProjDataInMemoryTests
 Test class for ProjDataInMemory. More...


Succeeded stir::inverse_SSRB (ProjData &proj_data_4D, const ProjData &proj_data_3D)
 Perform Inverse Single Slice Rebinning and write output to ProjData4D format. More...
void stir::multiply_crystal_factors (ProjData &proj_data, const Array< 2, float > &efficiencies, const float global_factor)
 Construct proj-data as a multiple of crystal efficiencies (or singles) More...
Succeeded stir::scale_sinograms (ProjData &output_proj_data, const ProjData &input_proj_data, const Array< 2, float > scale_factors_per_sinogram)
 apply a scale factor for every sinogram More...
Array< 2, float > stir::get_scale_factors_per_sinogram (const ProjData &numerator_proj_data, const ProjData &denominator_proj_data, const ProjData &weights_proj_data)
 find scale factors between two different sinograms More...
ProjDataInfostir::SSRB (const ProjDataInfo &in_proj_data_info, const int num_segments_to_combine, const int num_views_to_combine=1, const int num_tangential_poss_to_trim=0, const int max_in_segment_num_to_process=-1, const int num_tof_bins_to_combine=1)
 construct new ProjDataInfo that is appropriate for rebinned data More...
void stir::SSRB (const std::string &output_filename, const ProjData &in_projdata, const int num_segments_to_combine, const int num_views_to_combine=1, const int num_tangential_poss_to_trim=0, const bool do_normalisation=true, const int max_in_segment_num_to_process=-1, const int num_tof_bins_to_combine=1)
 Perform Single Slice Rebinning and write output to file. More...
void stir::SSRB (ProjData &out_projdata, const ProjData &in_projdata, const bool do_normalisation=true)
 Perform Single Slice Rebinning and write output to ProjData. More...
std::ostream & stir::operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Bin &bin)
 Outputs a Bin to a stream.Output is of the form. More...
template<class T >
std::ostream & stir::operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DetectionPosition< T > &det_pos)
 Outputs a DetectionPosition to a stream.Output is of the form. More...
template<class T >
std::ostream & stir::operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DetectionPositionPair< T > &det_pos)
 Outputs a DetectionPosition to a stream.Output is of the form. More...
Succeeded stir::interpolate_projdata (ProjData &proj_data_out, const ProjData &proj_data_in, const BSpline::BSplineType spline_type, const bool remove_interleaving=false)
 Perform B-Splines Interpolation. More...
Succeeded stir::interpolate_projdata (ProjData &proj_data_out, const ProjData &proj_data_in, const BasicCoordinate< 3, BSpline::BSplineType > &these_types, const bool remove_interleaving)

Detailed Description

Basic support for projection data. This is the term generally used in STIR for data obtained by the scanner or immediate post-processing.

Function Documentation

◆ interpolate_projdata()

Succeeded stir::interpolate_projdata ( ProjData proj_data_out,
const ProjData proj_data_in,
const BSpline::BSplineType  spline_type,
const bool  remove_interleaving = false 

Perform B-Splines Interpolation.

[out]proj_data_outIts projection_data_info is used to determine output characteristics. Data will be 'put' in here using ProjData::set_sinogram().
[in]proj_data_ininput data
[in]spline_typedetermines which type of BSpline will be used
[in]remove_interleavingThe STIR implementation of interpolating 3D (for the moment) projdata is a generalisation that applies B-Splines Interpolation to projdata supposing that every dimension is a regular grid. For instance, for a 3D dataset, interpolating can produce a new expanded 3D dataset based on the given information (proj_data_out). This mostly is useful in the scatter sinogram expansion.

See STIR documentation about B-Spline interpolation or scatter correction.

This currently only works for direct sinograms (i.e. segment 0).
Because of the boundary conditions in the B-spline interpolation, strange results can occur if the output sinogram has a larger range than the input sinogram.

Referenced by stir::ScatterEstimation::upsample_and_fit_scatter_estimate().

◆ inverse_SSRB()

Succeeded stir::inverse_SSRB ( ProjData proj_data_4D,
const ProjData proj_data_3D 

Perform Inverse Single Slice Rebinning and write output to ProjData4D format.

[out]proj_data_4DIts projection_data_info is used to determine output characteristics (e.g. number of segments). Data will be 'put' in here using ProjData::set_sinogram().
[in]proj_data_3Dinput data

The STIR implementation of Inverse SSRB applies the inverse idea of SSRB. inverse_SSRB will produce oblique sinograms by finding the sinogram that has the same 'm'-coordinate (i.e. the intersection with the z-axis of the central LOR). In addition, if the output sinogram would lie 'half-way' 2 input sinograms, it will be set to the average of the 2 input sinograms.

Note that any oblique segments in proj_data_3D are currently ignored.

Input and output projectino data should have the same number of views and tangential positions.

References stir::VectorWithOffset< T >::at(), stir::ProjData::get_empty_sinogram(), stir::ProjData::get_max_axial_pos_num(), stir::ProjData::get_max_segment_num(), stir::ProjData::get_min_axial_pos_num(), stir::ProjData::get_min_segment_num(), stir::ProjData::get_proj_data_info_sptr(), and stir::warning().

Referenced by stir::ScatterEstimation::upsample_and_fit_scatter_estimate().

◆ multiply_crystal_factors()

void stir::multiply_crystal_factors ( ProjData proj_data,
const Array< 2, float > &  efficiencies,
const float  global_factor 

Construct proj-data as a multiple of crystal efficiencies (or singles)

[in,out]proj_dataprojection data to write output. This needs to be an existing object as geometry will be obtained from it.
[in]efficienciesarray of factors, one per crystal
[in]global_factorglobal additional factor to use

Sets proj_data(bin) to the product global_factor times the sum of efficiencies[c1]*efficiencies[c2] (with c1,c2 the crystals in the bin).

This is useful for normalisation, but also for randoms from singles.

If TOF data is used, each TOF bin will be set to 1/num_tof_bins the non-TOF value. This is appropriate for RFS, but would be confusing when using for normalisation.
, the name is a bit misleading. This function does currently not multiply the existing data with the efficiencies, but overwrites it.

References stir::error(), and stir::ProjData::get_proj_data_info_sptr().

Referenced by stir::randoms_from_singles().

◆ scale_sinograms()

Succeeded stir::scale_sinograms ( ProjData output_proj_data,
const ProjData input_proj_data,
const Array< 2, float >  scale_factors_per_sinogram 

apply a scale factor for every sinogram

[out]output_proj_datais were the new sinograms will be stored
[in]scale_factors_per_sinogramarray with the scale factors. The first index corresponds to segments, the second to axial positions.
indicates if writing failed or not

References stir::Bin::axial_pos_num(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_max_axial_pos_num(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_max_segment_num(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_min_axial_pos_num(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_min_segment_num(), stir::ProjData::get_proj_data_info_sptr(), stir::ProjData::get_sinogram(), stir::SegmentIndices::segment_num(), and stir::ProjData::set_sinogram().

Referenced by stir::ScatterEstimation::upsample_and_fit_scatter_estimate().

◆ get_scale_factors_per_sinogram()

Array< 2, float > stir::get_scale_factors_per_sinogram ( const ProjData numerator_proj_data,
const ProjData denominator_proj_data,
const ProjData weights_proj_data 

find scale factors between two different sinograms

[in]numerator_proj_datainput data
[in]denominator_proj_datainput data
[in]weights_proj_dataweights to be taken into account
scale_factors_per_sinogram array with the scale factors. The first index corresponds to segments, the second to axial positions.

scale factors are found for every sinogram such that

scale_factor = sum(numerator * weights) / sum(denominator * weights)

Currently this function sets the scale factor or a sinogram to 1 (and calls warning()) when the denominator gets too small.

References stir::Bin::axial_pos_num(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_max_axial_pos_num(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_max_segment_num(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_min_axial_pos_num(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_min_segment_num(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_num_tangential_poss(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_num_views(), stir::ProjData::get_proj_data_info_sptr(), stir::ProjData::get_sinogram(), stir::VectorWithOffset< T >::resize(), stir::SegmentIndices::segment_num(), stir::Array< num_dimensions, elemT >::sum(), stir::Array< 2, elemT >::sum(), and stir::warning().

Referenced by stir::ScatterEstimation::upsample_and_fit_scatter_estimate().

◆ SSRB() [1/3]

ProjDataInfo * stir::SSRB ( const ProjDataInfo in_proj_data_info,
const int  num_segments_to_combine,
const int  num_views_to_combine = 1,
const int  num_tangential_poss_to_trim = 0,
const int  max_in_segment_num_to_process = -1,
const int  num_tof_bins_to_combine = 1 

construct new ProjDataInfo that is appropriate for rebinned data

in_proj_data_infoinput projection data information.
num_segments_to_combinehow many segments will be combined into 1 output segment.
num_views_to_combinehow many views will be combined in the output (i.e. mashing)
num_tangential_poss_to_trimcan be used to throw away some bins. Half of the bins will be thrown away at each 'side' of a sinogram (see below).
max_in_segment_num_to_processrebinned in_proj_data only upto this segment. Default value -1 means 'do all segments'.
num_tof_bins_to_combinecan be used to increase TOF mashing.

The original SSRB algorithm was developed in M.E. Daube-Witherspoon and G. Muehllehner, (1987) Treatment of axial data in three-dimensional PET, J. Nucl. Med. 28, 171-1724. It essentially ignores the obliqueness of a Line of Response and moves data to the axial position in segment 0 such that z-resolution on the axis of the scanner is preserved.

The STIR implementation of SSRB is a generalisation that applies the same idea while still allowing preserving some of the obliqueness. For instance, for a dataset with 9 segments, SSRB can produce a new dataset with only 3 segments. This essentially increases the axial compression (or span in CTI terminology), see the STIR Glossary on axial compression. In addition, SSRB can introduce extra mashing (see the STIR Glossary) of the data, i.e. add views together. Finally, it can also be used to combine TOF bins together.

Here is how to determine which bins are discarded when trimming is used. For a certain num_tangential_poss, the range is from

   -(num_tangential_poss/2) to -(num_tangential_poss/2) + num_tangential_poss - 1.

The new num_tangential_poss is simply set to old_num_tangential_poss - num_tang_poss_to_trim. Note that because of this, if num_tang_poss_to_trim is negative, more (zero) bins will be added.

in_proj_data_info has to be (at least) of type ProjDataInfoCylindrical
This function can only handle in_proj_data_info where all segments have identical 'num_segments_to_combine'. So it cannot handle standard GE Advance data.

get rid of both restrictions flagged as warnings in the documentation for this function.

rename to something much more general than SSRB

References stir::ProjDataInfo::clone(), stir::error(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::get_axial_sampling(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::get_azimuthal_angle_offset(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::get_azimuthal_angle_sampling(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::get_m(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_max_axial_pos_num(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::get_max_ring_difference(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_max_segment_num(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_min_axial_pos_num(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::get_min_ring_difference(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_num_tangential_poss(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_num_views(), stir::ProjDataInfo::get_tof_mash_factor(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::reduce_segment_range(), stir::round(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::set_azimuthal_angle_offset(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::set_max_axial_pos_num(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::set_max_ring_difference(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::set_min_axial_pos_num(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::set_min_ring_difference(), stir::ProjDataInfo::set_num_tangential_poss(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::set_num_views(), stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical::set_tof_mash_factor(), and stir::warning().

Referenced by stir::FBP2DReconstruction::FBP2DReconstruction(), and stir::ScatterEstimation::make_2D_projdata_sptr().

◆ SSRB() [2/3]

void stir::SSRB ( const std::string &  output_filename,
const ProjData in_projdata,
const int  num_segments_to_combine,
const int  num_views_to_combine = 1,
const int  num_tangential_poss_to_trim = 0,
const bool  do_normalisation = true,
const int  max_in_segment_num_to_process = -1,
const int  num_tof_bins_to_combine = 1 

Perform Single Slice Rebinning and write output to file.

output_filenamefilename to write output projection data (will be in Interfile format)
in_projdatainput data
num_segments_to_combinehow many segments will be combined into 1 output segment.
max_in_segment_num_to_processrebinned in_proj_data only upto this segment. Default value -1 means 'do all segments'.
do_normalisation(default true) wether to normalise the output sinograms corresponding to how many input sinograms contribute to them.
num_tof_bins_to_combinedefaults to 1, so TOF bins are not combined.
See also
SSRB(ProjData& out_projdata, const ProjData& in_projdata, const bool do_normalisation = true)

References stir::ExamData::get_exam_info_sptr(), stir::ProjData::get_proj_data_info_sptr(), and stir::SSRB().

◆ SSRB() [3/3]

void stir::SSRB ( ProjData out_projdata,
const ProjData in_projdata,
const bool  do_normalisation = true 

Perform Single Slice Rebinning and write output to ProjData.

out_projdataOutput projection data. Its projection_data_info is used to determine output characteristics. Data will be 'put' in here using ProjData::set_sinogram().
in_projdatainput data
do_normalisation(default true) wether to normalise the output sinograms corresponding to how many (ignoring TOF) input sinograms contribute to them. Note that we do not normalise according to the number of TOF bins. This is because the projectors will take the width of the TOF bin properly into account (by integration over the TOF kernel). (In contrast, in spatial direction, projectors are outputting "normalised" data, i.e. corresponding to the line integral).
in_projdata has to be (at least) of type ProjDataInfoCylindrical
See also
SSRB(const ProjDataInfo& in_proj_data_info, const int num_segments_to_combine, const int num_views_to_combine, const int num_tang_poss_to_trim, const int max_in_segment_num_to_process, const int num_tof_bins_to_combine ) for information on the rebinning.

References stir::ProjData::get_proj_data_info_sptr().

Referenced by stir::SSRB().

◆ operator<<() [1/3]

std::ostream& stir::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Bin bin 

◆ operator<<() [2/3]

template<class T >
std::ostream& stir::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const DetectionPosition< T > &  det_pos 

Outputs a DetectionPosition to a stream.Output is of the form.

[tangential=..., axial=..., radial=...]

◆ operator<<() [3/3]

template<class T >
std::ostream& stir::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const DetectionPositionPair< T > &  det_pos 

Outputs a DetectionPosition to a stream.Output is of the form.

[pos1=..., pos2=..., timing_pos=...]

References stir::operator>>().