▼ home | |
▼ sirfuser | |
▼ devel | |
▼ STIRdistrib | |
▼ STIR | |
▼ examples | |
► C++ | |
► General_Reconstruction | |
General_Reconstruction.h | Definition of class stir::General_Reconstruction |
► using_installed_STIR | |
demo_create_image.cxx | A simple program that creates an image and fills it with a shape |
► using_STIR_LOCAL | |
demo1.cxx | A simple program that backprojects some projection data |
demo2.cxx | A small modification of demo1.cxx to ask the user for the back projector she wants to use |
demo3.cxx | A modification of demo2.cxx that parses all parameters from a parameter file |
demo4_obj_fun.cxx | An example of a method to compute the objective function value of an image and then perform basic iterative gradient ascent. All parameters are parsed from a parameter file |
demo5_line_search.cxx | A class to compute a line search evaluation in the direction of the gradient of a given image and objective function. All parameters can be parsed from a parameter file. See demo5_line_search.par |
▼ src | |
► analytic | |
► FBP2D | |
FBP2D.cxx | Main program for FBP2D reconstruction |
FBP2DReconstruction.cxx | Implementation of class stir::FBP2DReconstruction |
RampFilter.cxx | Implementation of class stir::RampFilter |
► FBP3DRP | |
ColsherFilter.cxx | Colsher filter implementation |
FBP3DRP.cxx | Main program for FBP3DRP reconstruction |
FBP3DRPReconstruction.cxx | FBP3DRP reconstruction implementation |
► buildblock | |
ArcCorrection.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ArcCorrection |
Array.cxx | Non-inline implementations for the Array class |
ArrayFilter1DUsingConvolution.cxx | Implementations for class stir::ArrayFilter1DUsingConvolution |
ArrayFilter1DUsingConvolutionSymmetricKernel.cxx | Implementations for class stir::ArrayFilter1DUsingConvolutionSymmetricKernel |
ArrayFilter2DUsingConvolution.cxx | Implementations for class ArrayFilter2DUsingConvolution |
ArrayFilter3DUsingConvolution.cxx | Implementations for class ArrayFilter3DUsingConvolution |
ArrayFilterUsingRealDFTWithPadding.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ArrayFilterUsingRealDFTWithPadding |
buildblock_registries.cxx | File that registers all stir::RegisterObject children in buildblock |
ByteOrder.cxx | This file initialises ByteOrder::native_order |
centre_of_gravity.cxx | Implementations of centre_of_gravity.h |
ChainedDataProcessor.cxx | Implementations for class stir::ChainedDataProcessor |
DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers.cxx | Implementations for class stir::DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers |
date_time_functions.cxx | Functions for date-time conversions |
DetectorCoordinateMap.cxx | Implementation of class stir::DetectorCoordinateMap |
DiscretisedDensity.cxx | Implementations of non-inline functions of class stir::DiscretisedDensity |
DynamicDiscretisedDensity.cxx | Implementation of class stir::DynamicDiscretisedDensity |
DynamicProjData.cxx | Implementation of class stir::DynamicProjData |
error.cxx | Defines the stir::error() function |
ExamData.cxx | Implementation of stir::ExamData |
ExamInfo.cxx | Implementation of stir::ExamInfo |
extend_projdata.cxx | Implementation of functions to extension of direct sinograms in view direction |
find_fwhm_in_image.cxx | Implementations of functions defined in find_fwhm_in_image.h |
find_STIR_config.cxx | Implementation of functions to get configuration directory etc |
GatedDiscretisedDensity.cxx | Implementation of class stir::GatedDiscretisedDensity |
GatedProjData.cxx | Implementation of class stir::GatedProjData |
GeneralisedPoissonNoiseGenerator.cxx | Implements stir::GeneralisedPoissonNoiseGenerator |
GeometryBlocksOnCylindrical.cxx | Non-inline implementations of stir::GeometryBlocksOnCylindrical |
HUToMuImageProcessor.cxx | Implementation of class stir::HUToMuImageProcessor |
IndexRange.cxx | Implementations for the stir::IndexRange class |
interfile_keyword_functions.cxx | Implementations for stir::standardise_interfile_keyword |
interpolate_projdata.cxx | Perform B-Splines Interpolation of sinograms |
inverse_SSRB.cxx | Implementation of stir::inverse_SSRB |
KeyParser.cxx | Implementations for class stir::KeyParser |
line.cxx | Implementations for class stir::Line |
MaximalArrayFilter3D.cxx | Applies the dilation filter (i.e. voxel=max(neighbours)) |
MaximalImageFilter3D.cxx | Implementations for class stir::MaximalImageFilter3D |
MedianArrayFilter3D.cxx | Implementations for class stir::MedianArrayFilter3D |
MedianImageFilter3D.cxx | Implementations for class stir::MedianImageFilter3D |
MinimalArrayFilter3D.cxx | Applies the erosion filter (i.e. voxel=min(neighbours)) |
MinimalImageFilter3D.cxx | Implementations for class MinimalImageFilter3D |
ML_norm.cxx | Utilities for finding normalisation factors using an ML approach |
MultipleDataSetHeader.cxx | Implementation of class stir::MultipleDataSetHeader |
MultipleProjData.cxx | Implementation of class stir::MultipleProjData |
multiply_crystal_factors.cxx | Implementation of stir::multiply_crystal_factors |
NonseparableConvolutionUsingRealDFTImageFilter.cxx | Implementations for class stir::NonseparableConvolutionUsingRealDFTImageFilter |
num_threads.cxx | Implementation of functions related to setting/getting the number of threads |
NumericType.cxx | Implementations for the stir::NumericType class |
overlap_interpolate.cxx | Implementation of stir::overlap_interpolate |
ParseDiscretisedDensityParameters.cxx | Implementation of the stir::ParseDiscretisedDensityParameters class |
ParsingObject.cxx | Non-linline implementations for class stir::ParsingObject |
PatientPosition.cxx | Implementations of class stir::PatientPosition |
ProjData.cxx | Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::ProjData |
ProjDataFromStream.cxx | Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataFromStream |
ProjDataGEHDF5.cxx | Implementations for class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::ProjDataGEHDF5 |
ProjDataInfo.cxx | Implementation of non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfo |
ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr.cxx | Non-inline implementations of stir::ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr |
ProjDataInfoCylindrical.cxx | Non-inline implementations of stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical |
ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr.cxx | Implementation of non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr |
ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr.cxx | Implementation of non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr |
ProjDataInfoGeneric.cxx | Non-inline implementations of stir::ProjDataInfoGeneric |
ProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr.cxx | Implementation of non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr |
ProjDataInfoSubsetByView.cxx | Implementation of non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoSubsetByView |
ProjDataInMemory.cxx | Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInMemory |
ProjDataInterfile.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ProjDataInterfile |
Radionuclide.cxx | Implementations of inline functions of class stir::Radionuclide |
RadionuclideDB.cxx | Implementation of class stir::RadionuclideDB |
recon_array_functions.cxx | Implementations for functions declared in recon_array_functions.h |
RelatedViewgrams.cxx | Implementations for class stir::RelatedViewgrams |
scale_sinograms.cxx | Implementations of functions defined in scale_sinogram.h |
Scanner.cxx | Implementations for class stir::Scanner |
Segment.cxx | Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::Segment |
SegmentBySinogram.cxx | Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::SegmentBySinogram |
SegmentByView.cxx | Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::SegmentByView |
SeparableArrayFunctionObject.cxx | Implementations for stir::SeparableArrayFunctionObject |
SeparableCartesianMetzImageFilter.cxx | Implementations for class stir::SeparableCartesianMetzImageFilter |
SeparableConvolutionImageFilter.cxx | Implementation of class stir::SeparableConvolutionImageFilter |
SeparableGaussianArrayFilter.cxx | Implementations for class stir::SeparableGaussianArrayFilter |
SeparableGaussianImageFilter.cxx | Implementations for class stir::SeparableGaussianImageFilter |
SeparableMetzArrayFilter.cxx | Implementations for class stir::SeparableMetzArrayFilter |
Sinogram.cxx | Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::Sinogram |
SSRB.cxx | Implementation of stir::SSRB |
ThresholdMinToSmallPositiveValueDataProcessor.cxx | Implementations for class stir::ThresholdMinToSmallPositiveValueDataProcessor |
TimeFrameDefinitions.cxx | Implementation of class stir::TimeFrameDefinitions |
TimeGateDefinitions.cxx | Implementation of class stir::TimeGateDefinitions |
TruncateToCylindricalFOVImageProcessor.cxx | Implementations for class stir::TruncateToCylindricalFOVImageProcessor |
utilities.cxx | Non-inline implementations for utility.h |
Verbosity.cxx | Declaration of class stir::Verbosity |
Viewgram.cxx | Implementations for non-inline functions of class stir::Viewgram |
VoxelsOnCartesianGrid.cxx | Implementations of stir::VoxelsOnCartesianGrid |
warning.cxx | Defines the stir::warning() function |
zoom.cxx | Implementations of the stir::zoom functions |
► data_buildblock | |
data_buildblock_registries.cxx | File that registers all stir::RegisterObject children in data_buildblock |
randoms_from_singles.cxx | Implementation of stir::randoms_from_singles |
SinglesRates.cxx | Implementation of stir::FrameSinglesRates and stir::SinglesRates |
SinglesRatesForTimeFrames.cxx | Implementation of stir::SinglesRatesForTimeFrames |
SinglesRatesForTimeSlices.cxx | Implementation of stir::SinglesRatesForTimeSlices |
SinglesRatesFromECAT7.cxx | Implementation of stir::ecat::ecat7::SinglesRatesFromECAT7 |
SinglesRatesFromGEHDF5.cxx | Implementation of stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::SinglesRatesFromGEHDF5 |
SinglesRatesFromSglFile.cxx | Implementation of stir::ecat::ecat7::SinglesRatesFromECAT7 |
► display | |
display_array.cxx | Functions to display stir::Array objects (2d and 3d) and stir::RelatedViewgrams |
gen.c | Utility functions used by the screen* files (internal use only) |
gen.h | Declares some utility functions used by the screen* files |
mathlinkhelp.c | Functions to write data to MathLink |
screen.c | Very basic display routines for bitmaps (internal use only) |
screen.h | Very basic display routines for bitmaps (internal use only) |
screengen.c | Very basic display routines |
► eval_buildblock | |
compute_ROI_values.cxx | Implementation of functions declared in stir/evaluation/compute_ROI_values.h |
ROIValues.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ROI_values |
► experimental | |
► buildblock | |
AbsTimeIntervalFromDynamicData.cxx | Declaration of class stir::AbsTimeIntervalFromDynamicData |
AbsTimeIntervalFromECAT7ACF.cxx | Declaration of class stir::AbsTimeIntervalFromECAT7ACF |
AbsTimeIntervalWithParsing.cxx | Declaration of class stir::AbsTimeIntervalWithParsing |
DAVArrayFilter3D.cxx | |
DAVImageFilter3D.cxx | |
ModifiedInverseAveragingImageFilterAll.cxx | Implementations for class ModifiedInverseAveragingImageFilterAll |
ModifiedInverseAverigingImageFilter.cxx | Implementations for class ModifiedInverseAverigingImageFilter |
multiply_plane_scale_factorsImageProcessor.cxx | Implementations for class stir::multiply_plane_scale_factorsImageProcessor |
NonseparableSpatiallyVaryingFilters.cxx | Implementations for class NonseparableSpatiallyVaryingFilters |
NonseparableSpatiallyVaryingFilters3D.cxx | Implementations for class NonseparableSpatiallyVaryingFilters3D |
Quaternion.cxx | Implementation of class Quaternion |
► IO | |
ECAT7DynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ecat::ecat7::ECAT7DynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat |
local_InputFileFormatRegistry.cxx | Instantiations for class stir::InputFileFormatRegistry |
local_OutputFileFormat_default.cxx | Initialisation of the stir::OutputFileFormat::_default_sptr member |
OutputFileFormat_default.cxx | Initialisation of the stir::OutputFileFormat::_default_sptr member |
► iterative | |
► OSSPS | |
line_search.cxx | Disabled implementation of doing a simple line search (from the stir::OSSPSReconstruction class) |
► listmode | |
CListModeDataLMF.cxx | Implementation of class stir::CListModeDataLMF |
LmToProjDataWithMC.cxx | Implementation of class LmToProjDataWithMC |
► listmode_utilities | |
change_lm_time_tags.cxx | Program to change time-tags of listmode data |
get_singles_info.cxx | Utility program that lists the singles per bucket in a frame to a text file |
lm_to_projdata_with_MC.cxx | Main for LmToProjDataWithMC |
► motion | |
local_motion_registries.cxx | Registration of parsing objects related to motion |
MatchTrackerAndScanner.cxx | Implementation of class stir::MatchTrackerAndScanner |
NonRigidObjectTransformationUsingBSplines.cxx | Implementation of class stir::NonRigidObjectTransformationUsingBSplines |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndGatedProjDataWithMotion.cxx | Declaration of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndGatedProjDataWithMotion |
Polaris_MT_File.cxx | Implementation of class stir::Polaris_MT_File |
RigidObject3DMotion.cxx | Declaration of class stir::RigidObject3DMotion |
RigidObject3DMotionFromPolaris.cxx | Implementation of class stir::RigidObject3DMotionFromPolaris |
RigidObject3DTransformation.cxx | Implementation of class RigidObject3DTransformation |
TimeFrameMotion.cxx | Stir::TimeFrameMotion |
Transform3DObjectImageProcessor.cxx | Implementation of class stir::Transform3DObjectImageProcessor |
transform_3d_object.cxx | Functions to re-interpolate an image or projection data to a new coordinate system |
► motion_test | |
test_BSpline_transformations.cxx | Test program for non-rigid B-spline transformations with stir::NonRigidObjectTransformationUsingBSplines |
► motion_utilities | |
find_motion_corrected_norm_factors.cxx | Utility to compute norm factors for motion corrected projection data |
list_deformation_vectors.cxx | Utility to move an image according to average motion in the frame |
list_polaris_info.cxx | Utility to list information from a Polaris file |
match_tracker_and_scanner.cxx | A utility for finding the coordinate transformation between tracker and scanner coordinate systems |
move_image.cxx | Utility to move an image according to average motion in the frame |
move_projdata.cxx | Utility to move projection data according to average motion in the frame |
non_rigid_transform.cxx | Non-rigid transformation with b-splines |
remove_corrupted_sinograms.cxx | A utility that removes corrupted sinograms in the LMC method |
report_movement.cxx | Utility to report RMSE w.r.t. reference position and within the frames |
rigid_object_transform_image.cxx | A utility to re-interpolate an image to a new coordinate system |
rigid_object_transform_projdata.cxx | A utility to perform a rigid object transformation on projection data |
sync_polaris.cxx | Utility to synchronise Polaris data with a list mode file |
► recon_buildblock | |
BinNormalisationFromML2D.cxx | Implementation for class stir::BinNormalisationFromML2D |
BinNormalisationSinogramRescaling.cxx | Implementation for class BinNormalisationSinogramRescaling |
BinNormalisationUsingProfile.cxx | Implementations for class BinNormalisationUsingProfile |
DataSymmetriesForDensels_PET_CartesianGrid.cxx | Non-inline implementations for class stir::DataSymmetriesForDensels_PET_CartesianGrid |
local_recon_buildblock_registries.cxx | File that registers all RegisterObject children in recon_buildblock |
ParametricQuadraticPrior.cxx | Implementation of the stir::ParametricQuadraticPrior class |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndDynamicProjData.cxx | Implementation of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndDynamicProjData |
PostsmoothingForwardProjectorByBin.cxx | Implementation of class PostsmoothingForwardProjectorByBin |
ProjMatrixByBinSinglePhoton.cxx | Non-inline implementations for ProjMatrixByBinSinglePhoton |
ProjMatrixByBinUsingSolidAngle.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ProjMatrixByBinUsingSolidAngle |
ProjMatrixByBinWithPositronRange.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ProjMatrixByBinWithPositronRange |
ProjMatrixByDensel.cxx | Implementation of the stir::ProjMatrixByDensel class |
ProjMatrixByDenselOnCartesianGridUsingElement.cxx | Non-inline implementations for ProjMatrixByDenselOnCartesianGridUsingElement |
ProjMatrixByDenselUsingRayTracing.cxx | Non-inline implementations for ProjMatrixByDenselUsingRayTracing |
► recon_test | |
fwdtestDensel.cxx | Testing program for forward projection |
test_ProjMatrixByBinUsingInterpolation.cxx | Test program for ProjMatrixByBinUsingInterpolation |
► test | |
test_Fourier.cxx | Tests for function in the DFT group |
test_LmToProjdataWithMC.cxx | Test program for LmToProjdataWithMC functions |
test_proj_data_info_LOR.cxx | Test program to check consistency between projectors and LOR->detectors functions |
test_Quaternion.cxx | Test program for class Quaternion |
test_RigidObject3DTransformation.cxx | Test program for stir::RigidObject3DTransformation functions |
► utilities | |
add_ecat7_header_to_sgl.cxx | Prepend contents of ECAT7 header to a new sgl file (from list mode acquisition) |
add_side_shields.cxx | A preliminary utility to add side shields to an attenuation image |
add_time_frame_info.cxx | Add the Time Frame Information to Dynamic Images |
apply_plane_rescale_factors.cxx | This program rescales planes of an image according to a file with scale factors |
Bland_Altman_plot.cxx | Writes the Bland-Altman values for two images in a text file |
change_mhead_file_type.cxx | A small utility that changes the file type in an ECAT7 main header |
CoG.cxx | This program computes the centre of gravity in each plane and writes its coordinates to file, together with a weight for each plane |
compute_gradient.cxx | |
compute_plane_rescale_factors.cxx | This programme finds plane rescaling factors |
create_normfactors.cxx | Create sample normalisation factors for the ML approach to normalisation |
create_normfactors3D.cxx | Create sample normalisation factors for the ML approach to normalisation |
fillwith1.cxx | A utility that just fills the projection data with 1 |
fillwithotherprojdata.cxx | A utility that just fills the projection data with input from somewhere else. Only useful when the first file is an a different file format (i.e. ECAT 7) |
find_sinogram_rescaling_factors.cxx | Find sinogram rescaling factors |
fit_cylinder.cxx | |
image_flip_x.cxx | A preliminary utility to flip the x-axis of an image |
interpolate_blocks.cxx | A utility to set data corresponding to a certain detector block by interpolating from neighbouring data |
interpolate_projdata.cxx | Interpolate projdata using BSplines |
inverse_proj_data.cxx | Find the inverse of ProjData |
inverse_SSRB.cxx | Create 4D projdata from 3D using stir::inverse_SSRB |
line_profiles_through_projdata.cxx | Extracting profiles from projection data |
list_TAC_ROI_values.cxx | Utility program for getting TAC for ROI values |
make_grid_image.cxx | This program creates a simple grid image |
normalizedbckproj.cxx | This programm was based on bck_project originnal code with the difference that here we normalize the final value of a single pixel with a sum of all values in the corresponding LOR |
prepare_projdata.cxx | A utility preparing some projection data for further processing with iterative reconstructions. See stir::PrepareProjData |
remove_sinograms.cxx | A utility to remove (or add) some sinograms at the end of each segment |
set_blocks_to_value.cxx | A utility to set data corresponding to a certain detector block to a desired value |
shift_projdata_along_axis.cxx | A utility to shift projection data along the axial direction |
show_ecat7_header.cxx | Show contents of ECAT7 header |
threshold_norm_data.cxx | Threshold normalisation data |
zero_projdata_from_norm.cxx | Zero projection data when corresponding normalisation factors are too high |
► include | |
► stir | |
► analytic | |
► FBP2D | |
FBP2DReconstruction.h | Declares the stir::FBP2DReconstruction class |
RampFilter.h | Definition of class RampFilter, used for (2D) FBP |
► FBP3DRP | |
ColsherFilter.h | Colsher filter class |
FBP3DRPReconstruction.h | Declaration of class stir::FBP3DRPReconstruction |
► config | |
gcc.h | Configuration for gcc |
visualc.h | Configuration for Visual C++ |
► data | |
randoms_from_singles.h | Declare stir:randoms_from_singles |
SinglesRates.h | Declaration of class stir::SinglesRates |
SinglesRates.inl | Implementation of class stir::SinglesRates |
SinglesRatesForTimeFrames.h | Declaration of class stir::SinglesRatesForTimeFrames |
SinglesRatesForTimeSlices.h | Declaration of class stir::SinglesRatesForTimeSlices |
SinglesRatesFromECAT7.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::ecat7::SinglesRatesFromECAT7 |
SinglesRatesFromGEHDF5.h | Declaration of class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::SinglesRatesFromGEHDF5 |
SinglesRatesFromSglFile.h | Declaration of class stir::SinglesRatesFromSglFile |
► detail | |
test_if_1d.h | Classes for use in implementation of stir::Array, stir::BasicCoordinate etc to test if it's a 1D array |
► evaluation | |
compute_ROI_values.h | Declaration of various function that computes ROI values |
ROIValues.h | Definition of class stir::ROIValues |
► geometry | |
line_distances.h | A few functions to compute distances between lines etc |
► IO | |
► test | |
test_IO.h | A simple program to test the stir::OutputFileFormat function |
ecat6_types.h | ECAT 6 CTI matrix parameters |
ecat6_utils.h | Declaration of ECAT 6 CTI functions to access data |
ECAT6ImageInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::ecat6::ECAT6ImageInputFileFormat |
ECAT6OutputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::ecat7::ECAT6OutputFileFormat |
ECAT7DynamicDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::ecat7::ECAT7DynamicDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat |
ECAT7DynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::ecat7::ECAT7DynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat |
ECAT7ImageInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::ecat7::ECAT7ImageInputFileFormat |
ECAT7OutputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::ecat7::ECAT7OutputFileFormat |
ECAT7ParametricDensityOutputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::ecat7::ECAT7ParametricDensityOutputFileFormat |
ECAT8_32bitListmodeInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::ECAT8_32bitListmodeInputFileFormat |
ECAT962ListmodeInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::ecat7::ECAT962ListmodeInputFileFormat |
ECAT966ListmodeInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::ecat7::ECAT966ListmodeInputFileFormat |
FileSignature.h | Declaration of class stir::FileSignature |
GEHDF5ListmodeInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::IO::GEHDF5ListmodeInputFileFormat |
GEHDF5Wrapper.h | Declaration of class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::GEHDF5Wrapper |
GEHDF5Wrapper.inl | Declaration of class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::GEHDF5Wrapper |
GIPL_ImageFormat.h | Applies the dilation filter (i.e. voxel=max(neighbours)) |
InputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::InputFileFormat |
InputFileFormatRegistry.h | Declaration of class stir::InputFileFormatRegistry, stir::RegisterInputFileFormat |
InputStreamFromROOTFile.h | Declaration of class stir::InputStreamFromROOTFile |
InputStreamFromROOTFile.inl | Implementation of class stir::InputStreamFromROOTFile |
InputStreamFromROOTFileForCylindricalPET.h | Declaration of class stir::InputStreamFromROOTFileForCylindricalPET |
InputStreamFromROOTFileForCylindricalPET.inl | Implementation of class stir::InputStreamFromROOTFileForCylindricalPET |
InputStreamFromROOTFileForECATPET.h | Declaration of class stir::InputStreamFromROOTFileForECATPET |
InputStreamWithRecords.h | Declaration of class stir::InputStreamWithRecords |
InputStreamWithRecords.inl | Implementation of class stir::InputStreamWithRecords |
InputStreamWithRecordsFromHDF5.h | Declaration of class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::InputStreamWithRecordsFromHDF5 |
InputStreamWithRecordsFromHDF5.inl | Implementation of class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::InputStreamWithRecordsFromHDF5 |
InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENN.h | Declaration of class stir::InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENN |
InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNbin.h | Declaration of class stir::InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNbin |
InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNbin.inl | Implementation of class stir::InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNbin |
InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNtxt.h | Declaration of class stir::InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNtxt |
InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNtxt.inl | Implementation of class stir::InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNtxt |
interfile.h | Declarations of functions which read/write Interfile data |
InterfileDynamicDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::InterfileDynamicDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat |
InterfileDynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::InterfileDynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat |
InterfileHeader.h | This file declares the classes stir::InterfileHeader, stir::InterfileImageHeader, stir::InterfilePDFSHeader |
InterfileHeaderSiemens.h | This file declares the classes stir::InterfileHeaderSiemens, stir::InterfileRawDataHeaderSiemens, stir::InterfilePDFSHeaderSiemens, stir::InterfileListmodeHeaderSiemens, stir:InterfileNormHeaderSiemens |
InterfileImageInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::InterfileImageInputFileFormat |
InterfileOutputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::InterfileOutputFileFormat |
InterfileParametricDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::InterfileParametricDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat |
InterfileParametricDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::InterfileParametricDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat |
InterfilePDFSHeaderSPECT.h | This file declares the class stir::InterfilePDFSHeaderSPECT |
ITKImageInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::ITKInputFileFormat |
ITKOutputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::ITKOutputFileFormat |
MultiDynamicDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::MultiDynamicDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat |
MultiDynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::MultiDynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat |
MultiParametricDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::MultiParametricDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat |
MultiParametricDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::MultiParametricDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat |
OutputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::OutputFileFormat |
PENNListmodeInputFileFormat.h | |
read_data.h | Declarations of stir::read_data() functions for reading Arrays from file |
read_data.inl | Implementation of stir::read_data() functions for reading stir::Array's from file |
read_data_1d.h | Declaration of stir::read_data_1d() functions for reading 1D stir::Array objects from file |
read_data_1d.inl | Implementation of stir::read_data_1d() functions |
read_from_file.h | Declaration of stir::read_from_file functions (providing easy access to class stir::InputFileFormatRegistry) |
ROOTListmodeInputFileFormat.h | |
SAFIRCListmodeInputFileFormat.h | Declaration of class stir::SAFIRCListmodeInputFileFormat |
stir_ecat6.h | Declaration of routines which convert ECAT6 things into our building blocks and vice versa |
stir_ecat7.h | Declaration of routines which convert CTI things into our building blocks and vice versa |
stir_ecat_common.h | Declaration of routines which convert ECAT things into our building blocks and vice versa |
write_data.h | Declarations of stir::write_data() functions for writing Arrays to file |
write_data.inl | Implementation of stir::write_data() functions for writing stir::Array's to file |
write_data_1d.h | Declaration of stir::write_data_1d() functions for writing 1D stir::Array objects to file |
write_data_1d.inl | Implementation of stir::write_data_1d() functions |
write_to_file.h | Declaration of stir::write_to_file function (providing easy access to the default stir::OutputFileFormat) |
KOSMAPOSLReconstruction.h | Declaration of class stir::KOSMAPOSLReconstruction |
► listmode | |
► NiftyPET_listmode | |
LmToProjDataNiftyPET.h | Wrapper to NiftyPET's listmode to projection data converter |
CListEventCylindricalScannerWithDiscreteDetectors.h | Declarations of class stir::CListEventCylindricalScannerWithDiscreteDetectors |
CListEventCylindricalScannerWithViewTangRingRingEncoding.h | Definition of class stir::CListEventCylindricalScannerWithViewTangRingRingEncoding |
CListEventCylindricalScannerWithViewTangRingRingEncoding.inl | Implementation for stir::CListEventCylindricalScannerWithViewTangRingRingEncoding |
CListEventScannerWithDiscreteDetectors.h | Declarations of class stir::CListEventScannerWithDiscreteDetectors |
CListEventScannerWithDiscreteDetectors.inl | Implementations of class stir::CListEventScannerWithDiscreteDetectors |
CListModeData.h | Declaration of class stir::CListModeData |
CListModeDataECAT.h | Declaration of class stir::CListModeDataECAT |
CListModeDataECAT8_32bit.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::CListModeDataECAT8_32bit |
CListModeDataGEHDF5.h | Declaration of class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::CListModeDataGEHDF5 |
CListModeDataPENN.h | Declaration of class stir::CListModeDataPENN |
CListModeDataROOT.h | Declaration of class stir::CListModeDataROOT |
CListModeDataSAFIR.h | Declaration of class stir::CListModeDataSAFIR |
CListRecord.h | Declarations of classes stir::CListRecord, and stir::CListEvent which are used for list mode data |
CListRecordECAT8_32bit.h | Classes for listmode events for the ECAT 8 format |
CListRecordECAT962.h | Classes for listmode events for the ECAT 962 (aka Exact HR+) |
CListRecordECAT966.h | Classes for listmode events for the ECAT 966 (aka Exact 3d) |
CListRecordGEHDF5.h | Classes for listmode records of GE RDF9 data |
CListRecordPENN.h | Classes for listmode events for the PENNPET Explorer scanner |
CListRecordROOT.h | Classes for listmode events for GATE simulated ROOT data |
CListRecordROOT.inl | Implementation of class stir::InputStreamFromROOTFile |
CListRecordSAFIR.h | Declaration of class stir::CListEventSAFIR and stir::CListRecordSAFIR with supporting classes |
CListRecordSAFIR.inl | Inline implementation of class stir::CListEventSAFIR and stir::CListRecordSAFIR with supporting classes |
ListEvent.h | Declarations of classe stir::ListEvent which is used for list mode data |
ListGatingInput.h | Declarations of class stir::ListGatingInput, which is used for list mode data |
ListModeData.h | Declaration of class stir::ListModeData |
ListModeData_dummy.h | Declaration of class stir::ListModeData_dummy |
ListRecord.h | Declarations of classes stir::ListRecord which is used for list mode data |
ListRecordWithGatingInput.h | Declarations of classes stir::ListRecordWithGatingInput which is used for list mode data |
ListTime.h | Declarations of class stir::ListTime which is used for list mode data |
LmToProjData.h | Declaration of the stir::LmToProjData class which is used to bin listmode data to (3d) sinograms |
LmToProjDataAbstract.h | Abstract base class for listmode to projection data conversion |
LmToProjDataBootstrap.h | Class for binning list mode files with the bootstrap method |
LmToProjDataWithRandomRejection.h | Class for binning list mode files with the bootstrap method |
SPECTListEvent.h | Declarations of classe stir::SPECTListEvent which is used for list mode data |
SPECTListModeData.h | Declaration of class stir::GSPECTListModeData |
SPECTListRecord.h | Declarations of classes stir::SPECTListRecord which is used for list mode data |
SPECTListRecordWithGatingInput.h | Declarations of classes stir::SPECTListRecordWithGatingInput which is used for list mode data |
► modelling | |
KineticModel.h | Definition of class stir::KineticModel |
KineticParameters.h | Declaration of class stir::KineticParameters |
ModelMatrix.h | Declaration of class stir::ModelMatrix<num_param> |
ParametricDiscretisedDensity.h | Declaration of class stir::ParametricDiscretisedDensity |
ParseAndCreateParametricDiscretisedDensityFrom.h | Definition of the stir::ParseAndCreateFrom class for stir::ParametricDiscretisedDensity |
ParseAndCreateParametricDiscretisedDensityFrom.inl | Implementation of the stir::ParseAndCreateFrom class for stir:ParametricDiscretisedDensity |
PatlakPlot.h | Implementation of functions of class stir::PatlakPlot |
PlasmaData.h | Declaration of class stir::PlasmaData |
PlasmaData.inl | Implementations of inline functions of class stir::PlasmaData |
PlasmaSample.h | Declaration of class stir::PlasmaData |
PlasmaSample.inl | Implementations of inline functions of class stir::PlasmaData |
► numerics | |
BSplines.h | Implementation of the basic components and declarations for B-Splines Interpolation |
BSplines1DRegularGrid.h | Implementation of the B-Splines Interpolation |
BSplines1DRegularGrid.inl | Implementation of the B-Splines Interpolation |
BSplines_coef.inl | Implementation of the (cubic) B-Splines Interpolation |
BSplines_weights.inl | Implementation of the B-Splines Interpolation |
BSplinesDetail.inl | Implementation of the B-Splines Interpolation |
BSplinesRegularGrid.h | Implementation of the n-dimensional B-Splines Interpolation |
BSplinesRegularGrid.inl | Implementation of the B-Splines Interpolation |
determinant.h | Declaration of stir::determinant() function for matrices |
divide.h | Implementation of stir::divide |
divide.inl | Implementation of stir::divide |
erf.h | |
FastErf.h | Implementation of an erf interpolation |
FastErf.inl | Implementation of an erf interpolation |
fourier.h | Functions for computing FFTs |
ieeefp.h | Definition of work-around macros STIR_isnan and STIR_finite for a few non-portable IEEE floating point functions |
integrate_discrete_function.h | Declaration of stir::integrate_discrete_function function |
IR_filters.h | Implementation of the IIR and FIR filters |
IR_filters.inl | Implements the IR_filters |
MatrixFunction.h | Declaration of functions for matrices |
MatrixFunction.inl | Implementation of functions for matrices |
max_eigenvector.h | Declaration of functions for computing eigenvectors |
norm.h | Declaration of the stir::norm(), stir::norm_squared() functions and stir::NormSquared unary function |
norm.inl | Implementation of the stir::norm(), stir::norm_squared() functions and stir::NormSquared unary function |
overlap_interpolate.h | Declaration of stir::overlap_interpolate |
overlap_interpolate.inl | Implementation of inline versions of stir::overlap_interpolate |
sampling_functions.h | Sampling functions (currently only stir::sample_function_on_regular_grid) |
stir_NumericalRecipes.h | Functions to convert from data in Numerical Recipes format to STIR arrays |
OSMAPOSLReconstruction.h | Declaration of class stir::OSMAPOSLReconstruction |
► OSSPS | |
OSSPSReconstruction.h | Declaration of class stir::OSSPSReconstruction |
► recon_buildblock | |
► CUDA | |
CudaRelativeDifferencePrior.h | Implementation of the stir::CudaRelativeDifferencePrior class |
► NiftyPET_projector | |
BackProjectorByBinNiftyPET.h | Back projection class using NiftyPET's GPU implementation |
ForwardProjectorByBinNiftyPET.h | Forward projection class using NiftyPET's GPU implementation |
NiftyPETHelper.h | Helper class for NiftyPET's GPU implementation |
ProjectorByBinPairUsingNiftyPET.h | Declares class stir::ProjectorByBinPairUsingNiftyPET |
► Parallelproj_projector | |
BackProjectorByBinParallelproj.h | Back projection class using Parallelproj's implementation |
ForwardProjectorByBinParallelproj.h | Forward projection class using Parallelproj's GPU implementation |
ParallelprojHelper.h | Defines stir::detail::ParallelprojHelper |
ProjectorByBinPairUsingParallelproj.h | Declares class stir::ProjectorByBinPairUsingParallelproj |
► test | |
ObjectiveFunctionTests.h | Test skeleton for stir::GeneralisedObjectiveFunction and stir::GeneralisedPrior |
PoissonLLReconstructionTests.h | Test class for iterative reconstructions using stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData |
ReconstructionTests.h | Test class for reconstructions |
AnalyticReconstruction.h | Declares the stir::AnalyticReconstruction class |
BackProjectorByBin.h | Declares class stir::BackProjectorByBin |
BackProjectorByBinUsingInterpolation.h | Declares class stir::BackProjectorByBinUsingInterpolation |
BackProjectorByBinUsingProjMatrixByBin.h | Declaration of class stir::BackprojectorByBinUsingProjMatrixByBin |
BackProjectorByBinUsingSquareProjMatrixByBin.h | |
BinNormalisation.h | Declaration of class stir::BinNormalisation |
BinNormalisationFromAttenuationImage.h | Declaration of class stir::BinNormalisationFromAttenuationImage |
BinNormalisationFromECAT7.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::ecat7::BinNormalisationFromECAT7 |
BinNormalisationFromECAT8.h | Declaration of class stir::ecat::BinNormalisationFromECAT8 |
BinNormalisationFromGEHDF5.h | Declaration of class stir::GE_RDF_HDF5::BinNormalisationFromGEHDF5 |
BinNormalisationFromProjData.h | Declaration of class stir::BinNormalisationFromProjData |
BinNormalisationPETFromComponents.h | Declaration of class stir::BinNormalisationPETFromComponents |
BinNormalisationSPECT.h | Declaration of class BinNormalisationSPECT |
BinNormalisationWithCalibration.h | Declaration of class stir::BinNormalisationWithCalibration |
ChainedBinNormalisation.h | Declaration of class stir::ChainedBinNormalisation |
DataSymmetriesForBins.h | Declaration of class stir::DataSymmetriesForBins |
DataSymmetriesForBins.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::DataSymmetriesForBins |
DataSymmetriesForBins_PET_CartesianGrid.h | Declaration of class stir::DataSymmetriesForBins_PET_CartesianGrid |
DataSymmetriesForBins_PET_CartesianGrid.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::DataSymmetriesForBins_PET_CartesianGrid |
DataSymmetriesForDensels.h | Declaration of class stir::DataSymmetriesForDensels |
DataSymmetriesForDensels.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::DataSymmetriesForDensels |
distributable.h | Declaration of the main functions that perform parallel processing |
distributable_main.h | Declaration of the stir::distributable_main function |
distributableMPICacheEnabled.h | Declaration of the main function that performs parallel processing |
distributed_functions.h | Declaration of functions in the distributed namespace |
distributed_test_functions.h | Declaration of test functions for the distributed namespace |
DistributedCachingInformation.h | |
DistributedWorker.h | Declares the stir::DistributedWorker class |
FilterRootPrior.h | Declaration of class stir::FilterRootPriot |
find_basic_vs_nums_in_subsets.h | Implementation for stir::detail::find_basic_vs_nums_in_subset |
ForwardProjectorByBin.h | Base class for forward projectors which work on 'large' collections of bins: given the whole image, fill in a stir::RelatedViewgrams<float> object |
ForwardProjectorByBinUsingProjMatrixByBin.h | Definition of stir::ForwardProjectorByBinUsingProjMatrixByBin |
ForwardProjectorByBinUsingRayTracing.h | Declaration of class stir::ForwardProjectorByBinUsingRayTracing |
FourierRebinning.h | Class for FORE Reconstruction |
GeneralisedObjectiveFunction.h | Declaration of class stir::GeneralisedObjectiveFunction |
GeneralisedPrior.h | Declaration of class stir::GeneralisedPrior |
GeneralisedPrior.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::GeneralisedPrior |
IterativeReconstruction.h | Declares the stir::IterativeReconstruction class |
LogcoshPrior.h | Declaration of class stir::LogcoshPrior |
ML_estimate_component_based_normalisation.h | Declaration of ML_estimate_component_based_normalisation |
PinholeSPECTUB_Tools.h | |
PinholeSPECTUB_Weight3d.h | |
PLSPrior.h | Declaration of class stir::PLSPrior |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearKineticModelAndDynamicProjectionData.h | Declaration of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearKineticModelAndDynamicProjectionData |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMean.h | Declaration of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMean |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndGatedProjDataWithMotion.h | Declaration of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndGatedProjDataWithMotion |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeData.h | Declaration of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeData |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeDataWithProjMatrixByBin.h | Declaration of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeDataWithProjMatrixByBin |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData.h | Declaration of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData |
PostsmoothingBackProjectorByBin.h | Declaration of class stir::PostsmoothingBackProjectorByBin |
PresmoothingForwardProjectorByBin.h | Declaration of class stir::PresmoothingForwardProjectorByBin |
PriorWithParabolicSurrogate.h | Declaration of class stir::PriorWithParabolicSurrogate |
ProjDataRebinning.h | Declares the stir::ProjDataRebinning class |
ProjectorByBinPair.h | Declares class stir::ProjectorByBinPair |
ProjectorByBinPairUsingProjMatrixByBin.h | Declares class stir::ProjectorByBinPairUsingProjMatrixByBin |
ProjectorByBinPairUsingSeparateProjectors.h | Declares class stir::ProjectorByBinPairUsingSeparateProjectors |
ProjMatrixByBin.h | Declaration of stir::ProjMatrixByBin and its helpers classes |
ProjMatrixByBin.inl | Implementations of inline functions for class stir::ProjMatrixByBin |
ProjMatrixByBinFromFile.h | Stir::ProjMatrixByBinFromFile's definition |
ProjMatrixByBinPinholeSPECTUB.h | Stir::ProjMatrixByBinPinholeSPECTUB's definition |
ProjMatrixByBinSPECTUB.h | Stir::ProjMatrixByBinSPECTUB's definition |
ProjMatrixByBinUsingInterpolation.h | Stir::ProjMatrixByBinUsingInterpolation's definition |
ProjMatrixByBinUsingRayTracing.h | Stir::ProjMatrixByBinUsingRayTracing's definition |
ProjMatrixElemsForOneBin.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjMatrixElemsForOneBin |
ProjMatrixElemsForOneBin.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::ProjMatrixelemesForOneBin |
ProjMatrixElemsForOneBinValue.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjMatrixElemsForOneBinValue |
ProjMatrixElemsForOneBinValue.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::ProjMatrixElemsForOneBinValue |
ProjMatrixElemsForOneDensel.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjMatrixElemsForOneDensel |
ProjMatrixElemsForOneDensel.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::ProjMatrixElemsForOneDensel |
ProjMatrixElemsForOneDenselValue.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjMatrixElemsForOneDenselValue |
ProjMatrixElemsForOneDenselValue.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::ProjMatrixElemsForOneDenselValue |
QuadraticPrior.h | Declaration of class stir::QuadraticPrior |
RayTraceVoxelsOnCartesianGrid.h | Declaration of stir::RayTraceVoxelsOnCartesianGrid |
Reconstruction.h | Declares the stir::Reconstruction class |
RelatedBins.h | Declaration of class stir::RelatedBins |
RelatedBins.inl | Implementations of inline functions of class stir::RelatedBins |
RelatedDensels.h | Declaration of class stir::RelatedDensels |
RelatedDensels.inl | Implementations of inline functions of class stir::RelatedDensels |
RelativeDifferencePrior.h | Declaration of class stir::RelativeDifferencePrior |
SPECTUB_Tools.h | |
SPECTUB_Weight3d.h | |
SqrtHessianRowSum.h | Declaration of class stir::SqrtHessianRowSum |
SumOfGeneralisedObjectiveFunctions.h | Declaration of class stir::SumOfGeneralisedObjectiveFunctions |
SumOfGeneralisedObjectiveFunctions.inl | Implementation of class stir::SumOfGeneralisedObjectiveFunctions |
SymmetryOperation.h | Declaration of 2 classes: stir::SymmetryOperation and stir::TrivialSymmetryOperation |
SymmetryOperations_PET_CartesianGrid.h | Declaration of all symmetry classes for PET (cylindrical) scanners and cartesian images |
SymmetryOperations_PET_CartesianGrid.inl | Implementation of all symmetry classes for PET scanners and cartesian images |
TrivialBinNormalisation.h | Declaration of class stir::TrivialBinNormalisation |
TrivialDataSymmetriesForBins.h | Declaration of class stir::TrivialDataSymmetriesForBins |
► scatter | |
CreateTailMaskFromACFs.h | Compute a mask for the "tails" in the sinogram |
ScatterEstimation.h | Definition of class stir::ScatterEstimation |
ScatterSimulation.h | Definition of class stir::ScatterSimulation |
ScatterSimulation.inl | Inline functions of stir::ScatterSimulation (cross sections) |
SingleScatterSimulation.h | Definition of class stir::SingleScatterSimulation |
► Shape | |
Box3D.h | Declaration of class stir::Box3D |
CombinedShape3D.h | Declaration of class stir::CombinedShape3D |
CombinedShape3D.inl | Inline implementations of class stir::CombinedShape3D |
DiscretisedShape3D.h | Declaration of class stir::DiscretisedShape3D |
DiscretisedShape3D.inl | Inline-implementations of class stir::DiscretisedShape3D |
Ellipsoid.h | Declaration of class stir::Ellipsoid |
EllipsoidalCylinder.h | Declaration of class stir::EllipsoidalCylinder |
EllipsoidalCylinder.inl | Inline-implementations of class stir::EllipsoidalCylinder |
GenerateImage.h | Declaration of class stir::GenerateImage |
Shape3D.h | Declaration of class stir::Shape3D |
Shape3D.inl | Inline-implementations of class stir::Shape3D |
Shape3DWithOrientation.h | Declaration of class stir::Shape3DWithOrientation |
► spatial_transformation | |
GatedSpatialTransformation.h | Declaration of class stir::GatedSpatialTransformation |
InvertAxis.h | This invert the selected image axis |
SpatialTransformation.h | Definition of class stir::SpatialTransformation |
warp_image.h | This warps an image |
ArcCorrection.h | Declaration of class stir::ArcCorrection |
Array.h | Defines the Array class for multi-dimensional (numeric) arrays |
Array.inl | Inline implementations for the stir::Array class |
Array_complex_numbers.h | Defines additional numerical operations for arrays of complex numbers |
array_index_functions.h | Variety of useful functions for indexing stir::Array objects |
array_index_functions.inl | Implementation of functions in stir/array_index_functions.h |
ArrayFilter1DUsingConvolution.h | Declaration of class stir::ArrayFilter1DUsingConvolution |
ArrayFilter1DUsingConvolutionSymmetricKernel.h | Declaration of class stir::ArrayFilter1DUsingConvolutionSymmetricKernel |
ArrayFilter2DUsingConvolution.h | Declaration of class ArrayFilter2DUsingConvolution |
ArrayFilter3DUsingConvolution.h | Declaration of class ArrayFilter3DUsingConvolution |
ArrayFilterUsingRealDFTWithPadding.h | Declaration of class stir::ArrayFilterUsingRealDFTWithPadding |
ArrayFunction.h | This include file provides some additional functionality for stir::Array objects |
ArrayFunction.inl | Implementations for ArrayFunction.h |
ArrayFunctionObject.h | Declaration of class stir::ArrayFunctionObject |
ArrayFunctionObject_1ArgumentImplementation.h | Declaration of class stir::ArrayFunctionObject_1ArgumentImplementation |
ArrayFunctionObject_2ArgumentImplementation.h | Declaration of class stir::ArrayFunctionObject_2ArgumentImplementation |
assign.h | Defines the stir::assign function to assign values to different data types |
assign_to_subregion.h | Declares the stir::assign_to_subregion function |
assign_to_subregion.inl | Implementation of the stir::assign_to_subregion function |
BasicCoordinate.h | This file declares class stir::BasicCoordinate and some functions acting on stir::BasicCoordinate objects |
BasicCoordinate.inl | (inline) implementations for stir::BasicCoordinate |
Bin.h | Declaration of class stir::Bin |
Bin.inl | Implementations of inline functions of class stir::Bin |
BoundaryConditions.h | Declaration of class stir::BoundaryConditions |
ByteOrder.h | This file declares the stir::ByteOrder class |
ByteOrder.inl | This file declares the stir::ByteOrder class |
ByteOrderDefine.h | Definition of STIRIsNativeByteOrderBigEndian and STIRIsNativeByteOrderLittleEndian preprocessor symbols |
CartesianCoordinate2D.h | Defines the stir::CartesianCoordinate2D<coordT> class |
CartesianCoordinate2D.inl | Inline implementations for the stir::CartesianCoordinate2D<coordT> class |
CartesianCoordinate3D.h | Defines the stir::CartesianCoordinate3D<coordT> class |
CartesianCoordinate3D.inl | Inline implementations for the stir::CartesianCoordinate3D<coordT> class |
centre_of_gravity.h | This file contains functions to compute the centre of gravity of arrays and images |
ChainedDataProcessor.h | Declaration of class stir::ChainedDataProcessor |
common.h | Basic configuration include file |
convert_array.h | This file declares the stir::convert_array functions. This is a function to convert stir::Array objects to a different numeric type |
convert_array.inl | Implementation of stir::convert_array |
convert_range.h | This file declares the stir::convert_range and stir::find_scale_factor functions |
convert_range.inl | Implementation of stir::convert_range |
Coordinate2D.h | Defines the stir::Coordinate2D<coordT> class |
Coordinate2D.inl | Inline implementations for the stir::Coordinate2D class |
Coordinate3D.h | Defines the stir::Coordinate3D<coordT> class |
Coordinate3D.inl | Inline implementations for the stir::Coordinate3D class |
Coordinate4D.h | Defines the stir::Coordinate4D<coordT> class |
Coordinate4D.inl | Inline implementations for the stir::Coordinate4D class |
copy_fill.h | Declaration of stir::copy_to and stir::fill_from templates |
CPUTimer.h | Declares the stir::CPUTimer class |
CPUTimer.inl | Inline implementations for stir::CPUTimer |
cross_product.h | Defines the cross-product of 2 CartesianCoordinate3D numbers |
cuda_utilities.h | Some utilities for STIR and CUDA |
DataProcessor.h | Declaration of class stir::DataProcessor |
DataProcessor.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::DataProcessor |
DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers.h | Declaration of class stir::DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers |
date_time_functions.h | Functions for date-time conversions |
decay_correction_factor.h | Simple functions to compute the decay correction factor |
Densel.h | Declaration of typedef stir::Densel |
deprecated.h | This file declares a deprecation macro |
DetectionPosition.h | Declaration of class stir::DetectionPosition |
DetectionPosition.inl | Implementation of inline methods of class stir::DetectionPosition |
DetectionPositionPair.h | Declaration of class stir::DetectionPositionPair |
DetectionPositionPair.inl | Implementation of inline methods of class stir::DetectionPositionPair |
DetectorCoordinateMap.h | Declaration of class stir::DetectorCoordinateMap |
DiscretisedDensity.h | Defines the stir::DiscretisedDensity class |
DiscretisedDensity.inl | Inline implementation for stir::DiscretisedDensity |
DiscretisedDensityOnCartesianGrid.h | Defines the stir::DiscretisedDensityOnCartesianGrid class |
DiscretisedDensityOnCartesianGrid.inl | Inline implementations for stir::DiscretisedDensityOnCartesianGrid |
display.h | Functions to display 2D and 3D stir::Array and stir::RelatedViewgrams objects |
display.inl | Functions to display 2D and 3D stir::Array objects |
doxygen_doc_for_boost.h | Documentation for some boost functions |
doxygengroups.h | |
doxygenmain.h | |
DynamicDiscretisedDensity.h | Declaration of class stir::DynamicDiscretisedDensity |
DynamicDiscretisedDensity.inl | Inline implementations of class stir::DynamicDiscretisedDensity |
DynamicProjData.h | Declaration of class stir::DynamicProjData |
error.h | Declaration of stir::error() |
ExamData.h | Declaration of stir::ExamData |
ExamInfo.h | This file declares the class stir::ExamInfo |
ExamInfo.inl | This file declares the class stir::ExamInfo |
extend_projdata.h | |
extract_line.h | Declaration of stir::extract_line |
extract_line.inl | Implementation of stir::extract_line |
FactoryRegistry.h | Declaration of class stir::FactoryRegistry |
FactoryRegistry.inl | Inline implementations for stir::FactoryRegistry |
FilePath.h | Declaration of class stir::FilePath This is a class implementing basic filesytem functionality. Parts of this class were copied from Functions for filename manipulations |
FilePath.inl | Implementations of inline functions for class stir::FilePath |
find_fwhm_in_image.h | A collection of functions to measure resolution |
find_fwhm_in_image.inl | A collection of functions to measure resolution |
find_STIR_config.h | Declaration of functions to get configuration directory etc |
FullArrayIterator.h | This file declares the stir::FullArrayIterator class |
FullArrayIterator.inl | Inline implementations for stir::FullArrayIterator |
GatedDiscretisedDensity.h | Implementation of class stir::GatedDiscretisedDensity |
GatedProjData.h | Declaration of class stir::GatedProjData |
GeneralisedPoissonNoiseGenerator.h | Declares stir::GeneralisedPoissonNoiseGenerator |
GeometryBlocksOnCylindrical.h | Declaration of class stir::GeometryBlocksOnCylindrical |
getopt.h | |
HigherPrecision.h | Class stir::HigherPrecision |
HighResWallClockTimer.h | High-resolution wall-clock timer stir::HighResWallClockTimer |
HUToMuImageProcessor.h | Declaration of class stir::HUToMuImageProcessor |
ImagingModality.h | Declaration of class stir::ImagingModality |
index_at_maximum.h | Declaration of stir:index_at_maximum() and stir::indices_at_maximum() |
IndexRange.h | This file defines the stir::IndexRange class |
IndexRange.inl | Inline definitions for the IndexRange class |
IndexRange2D.h | This file declares the class stir::IndexRange2D |
IndexRange2D.inl | Inline implementations for stir::IndexRange2D |
IndexRange3D.h | This file declares the class stir::IndexRange3D |
IndexRange3D.inl | Inline implementations for stir::IndexRange3D |
IndexRange4D.h | This file declares the class stir::IndexRange4D |
IndexRange4D.inl | Inline implementations for stir::IndexRange4D |
info.h | Declaration of stir::info() |
interfile_keyword_functions.h | Functions useful for manipulating Interfile keywords |
interpolate.h | Declares functions for interpolation |
interpolate_projdata.h | |
inverse_SSRB.h | |
is_null_ptr.h | Definition of stir::is_null_ptr functions |
KeyParser.h | Declaration of class stir::KeyParser |
line.h | Declaration of class stir::Line |
linear_regression.h | Declaration of stir::linear_regression() |
linear_regression.inl | Implementation of inline functions for stir::linear_regression() |
LORCoordinates.h | Defines various classes for specifying a line in 3 dimensions |
LORCoordinates.inl | Implementations for LORCoordinates.h |
make_array.h | Declaration of functions for constructing arrays stir::make_1d_array etc |
make_array.inl | Implementation of functions for constructing arrays stir::make_1d_array etc |
MaximalArrayFilter3D.h | Applies the dilation filter (i.e. voxel=max(neighbours)) |
MaximalImageFilter3D.h | Implementations for class stir::MaximalImageFilter3D |
MedianArrayFilter3D.h | Declaration of class stir::MedianArrayFilter3D |
MedianImageFilter3D.h | Declaration of class stir::MedianImageFilter3D.h |
min_positive_element.h | Declares the stir::min_positive_element() function |
MinimalArrayFilter3D.h | Applies the erosion filter (i.e. voxel=min(neighbours)) |
MinimalImageFilter3D.h | Implementations for class MinimalImageFilter3D |
ML_norm.h | Preliminary things for ML normalisation factor estimation |
modulo.h | Defines stir::modulo() and related functions |
more_algorithms.h | Declaration of some functions missing from std::algorithm |
more_algorithms.inl | Implementation of some functions missing from std::algorithm |
MultipleDataSetHeader.h | Declaration of class stir::MultipleDataSetHeader |
MultipleDataSetHeader.inl | Inline implementations of class stir::MultipleDataSetHeader |
MultipleProjData.h | Declaration of class stir::MultipleProjData |
multiply_crystal_factors.h | Declaration of stir::multiply_crystal_factors |
NestedIterator.h | This file declares the stir::NestedIterator class and supporting function objects |
NestedIterator.inl | Inline implementations for stir::NestedIterator |
NestedIteratorHelpers.h | This file defines supporting function objects for stir::NestedIterator |
NonseparableConvolutionUsingRealDFTImageFilter.h | Declaration of class NonseparableConvolutionUsingRealDFTImageFilter |
num_threads.h | Implementation of functions related to setting/getting the number of threads |
NumericInfo.h | This file declares the class stir::NumericInfo |
NumericType.h | This file declares the stir::NumericType class |
NumericType.inl | Implementation of inline methods of class stir::NumericType |
NumericVectorWithOffset.h | Defines the stir::NumericVectorWithOffset class |
NumericVectorWithOffset.inl | Inline implementations for stir::NumericVectorWithOffset |
ParseAndCreateFrom.h | Definition of the stir::ParseAndCreateFrom class |
ParseAndCreateFrom.inl | Implementation of the stir::ParseAndCreateFrom class for stir:DiscretisedDensity |
ParseDiscretisedDensityParameters.h | Definition of the stir::ParseDiscretisedDensityParameters class |
ParsingObject.h | Declaration of class stir::ParsingObject |
PatientPosition.h | Declaration of class stir::PatientPosition |
PixelsOnCartesianGrid.h | Defines the stir::PixelsOnCartesianGrid class |
PixelsOnCartesianGrid.inl | Inline implementations for the stir::PixelsOnCartesianGrid class |
PostFiltering.h | Declaration the helper class PostFiltering |
ProjData.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjData |
ProjData.inl | Implementations for inline functions of class stir::ProjData |
ProjDataFromStream.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjDataFromStream |
ProjDataFromStream.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::ProjDataFromStream |
ProjDataGEHDF5.h | Declaration of class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::ProjDataFromGEHDF5 |
ProjDataInfo.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfo |
ProjDataInfo.inl | Implementations of inline functions for class stir::ProjDataInfo |
ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindrical.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindrical |
ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr |
ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr.inl | Implementation of inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr |
ProjDataInfoCylindrical.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical |
ProjDataInfoCylindrical.inl | Implementation of inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindrical |
ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr |
ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr.inl | Implementation of inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr |
ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr |
ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr.inl | Implementation of inline functions of class ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr |
ProjDataInfoGeneric.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoGeneric |
ProjDataInfoGeneric.inl | Implementation of inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoGeneric |
ProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr |
ProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr.inl | Implementation of inline functions of class stir::ProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr |
ProjDataInfoSubsetByView.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInfoSubsetByView |
ProjDataInMemory.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInMemory |
ProjDataInterfile.h | Declaration of class stir::ProjDataInterfile |
Radionuclide.h | Declaration of class stir::Radionuclide |
RadionuclideDB.h | Declaration of class stir::RadionuclideDB |
recon_array_functions.h | Variety of useful functions |
RegisteredObject.h | Declaration of class stiir::RegisteredObject |
RegisteredObject.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::RegisteredObject |
RegisteredObjectBase.h | Declaration of class stir::RegisteredObjectBase |
RegisteredParsingObject.h | Declaration of class stir::RegisteredParsingObject |
RegisteredParsingObject.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::RegisteredParsingObject |
RelatedViewgrams.h | Declaration of class stir::RelatedViewgrams |
RelatedViewgrams.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::RelatedViewgrams |
round.h | Declaration of the stir::round functions |
round.inl | Implementation of the stir::round functions |
RunTests.h | Defines the stir::RunTests class |
scale_sinograms.h | Declaration of stir::scale_sinograms and stir::get_scale_factors_per_sinogram |
Scanner.h | Declaration of class stir::Scanner |
Scanner.inl | Implementation of inline functions of class Scanner |
Segment.h | Declaration of class stir::Segment |
Segment.inl | Implementation of inline functions of class stir::Segment |
SegmentBySinogram.h | Declaration of class stir::SegmentBySinogram |
SegmentBySinogram.inl | Implementations of inline functions of class stir::SegmentBySinogram |
SegmentByView.h | Declaration of class stir::SegmentByView |
SegmentByView.inl | Implementations of inline functions of class stir::SegmentByView |
SegmentIndices.h | Definition of class stir::SegmentIndices |
SegmentIndices.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::SegmentIndices |
SeparableArrayFunctionObject.h | Declaration of class stir::SeparableArrayFunctionObject |
SeparableCartesianMetzImageFilter.h | Declaration of class stir::SeparableCartesianMetzImageFilter |
SeparableConvolutionImageFilter.h | Declaration of class stir::SeparableConvolutionImageFilter |
SeparableGaussianArrayFilter.h | Declaration of class stir::SeparableGaussianArrayFilter |
SeparableGaussianImageFilter.h | Declaration of class stir::SeparableGaussianImageFilter |
SeparableMetzArrayFilter.h | Declaration of class stir::SeparableMetzArrayFilter |
shared_ptr.h | Import of std::shared_ptr, std::dynamic_pointer_cast and std::static_pointer_cast (or corresponding boost versions if STIR_USE_BOOST_SHARED_PTR is set, i.e. normally when std::shared_ptr doesn't exist) into the stir namespace |
Sinogram.h | Declaration of class stir::Sinogram |
Sinogram.inl | Implementations of inline functions of class stir::Sinogram |
SinogramIndices.h | Definition of class stir::SinogramIndices |
SinogramIndices.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::SinogramIndices |
SSRB.h | Declaration of stir::SSRB functions |
stir_math.h | |
StirException.h | |
stream.h | Input/output of basic vector-like types to/from streams |
stream.inl | Input/output of basic vector-like types to/from streams |
Succeeded.h | Declaration of class stir::Succeeded |
TextWriter.h | |
thresholding.h | Declaration of functions that threshold sequences (specified by iterators) |
ThresholdMinToSmallPositiveValueDataProcessor.h | Declaration of class stir::ThresholdMinToSmallPositiveValueDataProcessor |
TimedBlock.h | Class stir::TimedBlock |
TimedObject.h | Declares the stir::TimedObject class |
TimedObject.inl | Inline implementations for stir::TimedObject |
TimeFrameDefinitions.h | Declaration of class stir::TimeFrameDefinitions |
TimeGateDefinitions.h | Declaration of class stir::TimeGateDefinitions |
Timer.h | This declares the stir::Timer class |
Timer.inl | Inline implementations for stir::Timer |
TOF_conversions.h | Implementations of inline functions for TOF time to mm |
TrivialDataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers.h | Declaration of class stir::TrivialDataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers |
TrivialDataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers.inl | Implementation of inline-methods of class stir::TrivialDataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers |
TruncateToCylindricalFOVImageProcessor.h | Declaration of class stir::TruncateToCylindricalFOVImageProcessor |
unique_ptr.h | Import of std::unique_ptr into the stir namespace, together with work-arounds for other compilers |
utilities.h | This file declares various utility functions |
utilities.inl | Inline implementations for utility.h |
VectorWithOffset.h | Defines the stir::VectorWithOffset class |
VectorWithOffset.inl | Inline implementations of stir::VectorWithOffset |
Verbosity.h | Declaration of class stir::Verbosity |
Viewgram.h | Declaration of class stir::Viewgram |
Viewgram.inl | Inline implementations of class stir::Viewgram |
ViewgramIndices.h | Definition of class stir::ViewgramIndices |
ViewgramIndices.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::ViewgramIndices |
ViewSegmentNumbers.h | Definition of class stir::ViewSegmentNumbers, alias to stir::ViewgramIndices |
ViewSegmentNumbers.inl | Inline implementations for class stir::ViewSegmentNumbers |
VoxelsOnCartesianGrid.h | Defines the stir::VoxelsOnCartesianGrid class |
VoxelsOnCartesianGrid.inl | Inline implementations for the stir::VoxelsOnCartesianGrid class |
warning.h | Declaration of stir::warning() |
zoom.h | This file declares various zooming functions |
ZoomOptions.h | Declaration of class stir::ZoomOptions |
► stir_experimental | |
► listmode | |
CListModeDataLMF.h | Declaration of class stir::CListModeDataLMF |
CListRecordLMF.h | Preliminary code to handle listmode events |
LmToProjDataWithMC.h | Declaration of class stir::LmToProjDataWithMC |
► modelling | |
BloodFrame.h | Declaration of class stir::PlasmaData |
BloodFrameData.h | Declaration of class stir::BloodFrameData |
OneParamModel.h | |
► motion | |
bin_interpolate.h | Functions to interpolate sinograms |
MatchTrackerAndScanner.h | Definition of class stir::MatchTrackerAndScanner |
NonRigidObjectTransformationUsingBSplines.h | Declaration of class stir::NonRigidObjectTransformationUsingBSplines |
ObjectTransformation.h | Declaration of class stir::ObjectTransformation |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndGatedProjDataWithMotion.h | Declaration of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndGatedProjDataWithMotion |
Polaris_MT_File.h | Declaration of class stir::Polaris_MT_File |
RigidObject3DMotion.h | Declaration of class stir::RigidObject3DMotion |
RigidObject3DMotionFromPolaris.h | Declaration of class stir::RigidObject3DMotionFromPolaris |
RigidObject3DTransformation.h | Declaration of class stir::RigidObject3DTransformation |
TimeFrameMotion.h | Stir::TimeFrameMotion |
Transform3DObjectImageProcessor.h | Declaration of class stir::Transform3DObjectImageProcessor |
transform_3d_object.h | Declaration of functions to re-interpolate an image or projection data to a new coordinate system |
transform_3d_object.inl | Functions to re-interpolate an image |
► numerics | |
linear_extrapolation.h | Stir::linear_extrapolation |
more_interpolators.h | Functions to interpolate data |
more_interpolators.inl | Functions to interpolate data |
► phantoms | |
CylindersWithLineSource.h | |
Utah.h | Inline implementations for stir::Utah_phantom |
► recon_buildblock | |
BinNormalisationFromML2D.h | Declaration of class stir::BinNormalisationFromML2D |
BinNormalisationSinogramRescaling.h | Declaration of class stir::BinNormalisationSinogramRescaling |
BinNormalisationUsingProfile.h | Declaration of class BinNormalisationUsingProfile |
DataSymmetriesForDensels_PET_CartesianGrid.h | Declaration of class stir::DataSymmetriesForDensels_PET_CartesianGrid |
DataSymmetriesForDensels_PET_CartesianGrid.inl | Inline implementations for class DataSymmetriesForDensels_PET_CartesianGrid |
ParametricQuadraticPrior.h | Declaration of class stir::ParametricQuadraticPrior |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndDynamicProjData.h | Declaration of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndDynamicProjData |
PostsmoothingForwardProjectorByBin.h | Declaration of class PostsmoothingForwardProjectorByBin |
ProjMatrixByBinSinglePhoton.h | ProjMatrixByBinSinglePhoton's definition |
ProjMatrixByBinUsingSolidAngle.h | ProjMatrixByBinUsingSolidAngle's definition |
ProjMatrixByBinWithPositronRange.h | ProjMatrixByBinWithPositronRange's definition |
ProjMatrixByDensel.h | Declaration of ProjMatrixByDensel and its helpers classes |
ProjMatrixByDensel.inl | Implementations of inline functions for class ProjMatrixByDensel |
ProjMatrixByDenselOnCartesianGridUsingElement.h | ProjMatrixByDenselOnCartesianGridUsingElement's definition |
ProjMatrixByDenselUsingRayTracing.h | ProjMatrixByDenselUsingRayTracing's definition |
AbsTimeInterval.h | Declaration of class stir::AbsTimeInterval |
AbsTimeIntervalFromDynamicData.h | Declaration of class stir::AbsTimeIntervalFromDynamicData |
AbsTimeIntervalFromECAT7ACF.h | Declaration of class stir::AbsTimeIntervalFromECAT7ACF |
AbsTimeIntervalWithParsing.h | Declaration of class stir::AbsTimeIntervalWithParsing |
DAVArrayFilter3D.h | |
DAVImageFilter3D.h | Implementation of stir::DAVImageFilter3D |
doxygengroups.h | |
fft.h | Declaration of FFT routines |
Filter.h | Filter classes (filter defined in Fourier space) |
fwd_and_bck_manipulation_for_SAF.h | |
local_helping_functions.h | |
ModifiedInverseAveragingImageFilterAll.h | This is a messy, first, attempt to design spatially varying filter Given the kernel which in this case is a lospass filter with a DC gain 1 the filter is design such that the output kernel varies depending on the k0 and k1 ( for more details on these factors look at Fessler) |
ModifiedInverseAverigingArrayFilter.h | This is a messy first attempt to design spatially varying filter Given the kernel which in this case is a lospass filter with a DC gain 1 the filter is design such that the output kernel varies depending on the k0 and k1 ( for more details on these factors look at Fessler) |
ModifiedInverseAverigingImageFilter.h | This is a messy, first, attempt to design spatially varying filter Given the kernel which in this case is a lospass filter with a DC gain 1 the filter is design such that the output kernel varies depending on the k0 and k1 ( for more details on these factors look at Fessler) |
multiply_plane_scale_factorsImageProcessor.h | Declaration of class multiply_plane_scale_factorsImageProcessor |
NonseparableSpatiallyVaryingFilters.h | This is a messy, first, attempt to design spatially varying filter Given the kernel which in this case is a lospass filter with a DC gain 1 the filter is design such that the output kernel varies depending on the k0 and k1 ( for more details on these factors look at Fessler) |
NonseparableSpatiallyVaryingFilters3D.h | This is a messy, first, attempt to design spatially varying filter Given the kernel which in this case is a lospass filter with a DC gain 1 the filter is design such that the output kernel varies depending on the k0 and k1 ( for more details on these factors look at Fessler) |
Quaternion.h | Declaration of class stir::Quaternion |
Quaternion.inl | Implementation of class stir::Quaternion |
SeparableGaussianArrayFilter.h | |
SeparableGaussianImageFilter.h | Declaration of class SeparableGaussianImageFilter |
SeparableLowPassArrayFilter.h | |
SeparableLowPassArrayFilter2.h | |
SeparableLowPassImageFilter.h | Declaration of class SeparableLowPassImageFilter |
► IO | |
ecat6_utils.cxx | Implementation of ECAT 6 CTI functions to access data |
ECAT6OutputFileFormat.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ECAT6OutputFileFormat |
ECAT7DynamicDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ecat::ecat7::ECAT7DynamicDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat |
ECAT7DynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ecat::ecat7::ECAT7DynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat |
ECAT7OutputFileFormat.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ecat::ecat7::ECAT7OutputFileFormat |
ECAT7ParametricDensityOutputFileFormat.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ecat::ecat7::ECAT7ParametricDensityOutputFileFormat |
GEHDF5ListmodeInputFileFormat.cxx | Implementations of class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::IO::GEHDF5ListmodeInputFileFormat |
GEHDF5Wrapper.cxx | Declaration of class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::GEHDF5Wrapper |
GIPL_ImageFormat.cxx | Class for reading GIPL data |
InputFileFormatRegistry.cxx | Instantiations for class stir::InputFileFormatRegistry |
InputStreamFromROOTFile.cxx | Implementation of class stir::InputStreamFromROOTFile |
InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENN.cxx | Implementation of class stir::InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENN |
InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNbin.cxx | Implementation of class stir::InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNbin |
InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNtxt.cxx | Implementation of class stir::InputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNtxt |
interfile.cxx | Implementation of functions which read/write Interfile data |
InterfileDynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat.cxx | Implementation of class stir::InterfileDynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat |
InterfileHeader.cxx | Implementations for the stir::InterfileHeader class |
InterfileHeaderSiemens.cxx | Implementations for the stir::InterfileHeaderSiemens classes |
InterfileOutputFileFormat.cxx | Implementation of class stir::InterfileOutputFileFormat |
InterfileParametricDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat.cxx | Implementation of class stir::InterfileParametricDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat |
InterfilePDFSHeaderSPECT.cxx | This file implements the classes stir::InterfilePDFSHeaderSPECT |
IO_registries.cxx | File that registers all stir::RegisterObject children in IO |
ITKImageInputFileFormat.cxx | Declaration of class stir::ITKImageInputFileFormat |
ITKOutputFileFormat.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ITKOutputFileFormat |
MultiDynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat.cxx | Implementation of class stir::MultiDynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat |
MultiParametricDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat.cxx | Implementation of class stir::MultiParametricDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat |
OutputFileFormat.cxx | Instantiations of the stir::OutputFileFormat class |
OutputFileFormat_default.cxx | Initialisation of the stir::OutputFileFormat::_default_sptr member |
stir_ecat6.cxx | Implementation of routines which convert CTI things into our building blocks and vice versa |
stir_ecat7.cxx | Implementation of routines which convert ECAT7 things into our building blocks and vice versa |
stir_ecat_common.cxx | Implementation of routines which convert ECAT6, ECAT7 and ECAT8 things into our building blocks and vice versa |
► iterative | |
KOSMAPOSL.cxx | Main() for KOSMAPOSLReconstruction |
KOSMAPOSLReconstruction.cxx | Implementation of the stir::KOSMAPOSLReconstruction class |
OSMAPOSL.cxx | Main() for OSMAPOSLReconstruction |
OSMAPOSLReconstruction.cxx | Implementation of the stir::OSMAPOSLReconstruction class |
► OSSPS | |
OSSPS.cxx | Main() for stir::OSSPSReconstruction |
OSSPSReconstruction.cxx | Implementation of the stir::OSSPSReconstruction class |
POSMAPOSL.cxx | Main() for stir::OSMAPOSLReconstruction on parametric images |
► POSSPS | |
POSSPS.cxx | Main() for stir::OSSPS for parametric images |
► listmode_buildblock | |
► NiftyPET_listmode | |
LmToProjDataNiftyPET.cxx | Implementation of class stir::LmToProjDataNiftyPET |
CListEvent.cxx | Implementations of class stir::CListEvent |
CListModeDataECAT.cxx | Implementation of class stir::CListModeDataECAT |
CListModeDataECAT8_32bit.cxx | Implementation of class stir::CListModeDataECAT8_32bit |
CListModeDataGEHDF5.cxx | Implementation of class stir::GE::RDF_HDF5::CListModeDataGEHDF5 |
CListModeDataPENN.cxx | Implementation of class stir::CListModeDataPENN |
CListModeDataROOT.cxx | Implementation of class stir::CListModeDataROOT |
CListModeDataSAFIR.cxx | Implementation of class stir::CListModeDataSAFIR |
CListRecordECAT8_32bit.cxx | Implementation of classes stir::ecat::CListEventECAT8_32bit and stir::ecat::CListRecordECAT8_32bit for listmode events for the ECAT8 32bit listmode file format |
CListRecordECAT962.cxx | Implementation of classes CListEventECAT962 and CListRecordECAT962 for listmode events for the ECAT 962 (aka Exact HR+) |
CListRecordECAT966.cxx | Implementation of classes CListEventECAT966 and CListRecordECAT966 for listmode events for the ECAT 966 (aka Exact 3d) |
CListRecordPENN.cxx | Implementation of classes CListEventPENN |
CListRecordROOT.cxx | Implementation of classes stir::ecat::CListEventROOT and stir::ecat::CListRecordROOT for listmode events for the ROOT as listmode file format |
ListEvent.cxx | Implementations of class stir::ListEvent |
ListModeData.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ListModeData |
LmToProjData.cxx | Implementation of class stir::LmToProjData |
LmToProjDataAbstract.cxx | Implementation of class stir::LmToProjDataAbstract |
LmToProjDataBootstrap.cxx | Class stir::LmToProjDataBootstrap for rebinning listmode files with the bootstrap method |
LmToProjDataWithRandomRejection.cxx | Class stir::LmToProjDataWithRandomRejection for rebinning listmode files rejection some events randomly |
► listmode_utilities | |
add_ecat7_header_to_sgl.cxx | Prepend contents of ECAT7 header to a new sgl file (from list mode acquisition) |
conv_NiftyPET_stir.cxx | Convert between NiftyPET and STIR imagees and projdata |
list_lm_countrates.cxx | Utility to generate a count rate curve for some listmode data The count rate curve is just a list of the total number of prompts and delayeds in subsequent time intervals. The current output is a file with 4 columns: |
list_lm_events.cxx | Program to show info about listmode data |
list_lm_info.cxx | A utility that lists info on the listmode data on stdout |
lm_fansums.cxx | Program to compute detector fansums directly from listmode data |
lm_to_projdata.cxx | Program to bin listmode data to 3d sinograms |
lm_to_projdata_bootstrap.cxx | Program to bin listmode data to projection data using bootstrapping (uses stir::LmToProjDataBootstrap) |
lm_to_projdata_NiftyPET.cxx | Program to bin listmode data to 3d sinograms using STIR's NiftyPET wrapper |
lm_to_projdata_with_random_rejection.cxx | Program to bin listmode data to projection data using random rejection of counts (uses stir::LmToProjDataWithRandomRejection) |
print_sgl_values.cxx | Utility program that prints out values from an sgl file |
rebin_sgl_file.cxx | Utility program scans the singles file looking for anomalous values |
scan_sgl_file.cxx | Utility program scans the singles file looking for anomalous values |
► modelling_buildblock | |
modelling_registries.cxx | File that registers all stir::RegisterObject children in modelling |
ParametricDiscretisedDensity.cxx | Declaration of class stir::ParametricDiscretisedDensity |
► modelling_utilities | |
apply_patlak_to_images.cxx | Apply the Patlak linear fit using Dynamic Images |
extract_single_images_from_parametric_image.cxx | Split parametric image into individual images |
get_dynamic_images_from_parametric_images.cxx | Multiplies Parametric Images with the Model Matrix creating Dynamic Images |
make_parametric_image_from_components.cxx | Create parametric image from individual components |
mult_image_parameters.cxx | It multiplies the two parametric images and produces one-parameter image |
mult_model_with_dyn_images.cxx | Multiplies Dynamic Images with the Model Matrix creating image in the Parametric Space |
write_patlak_matrix.cxx | Write the Model Matrix for the Patlak plot (e.g., for debugging) |
► numerics_buildblock | |
determinant.cxx | Implementation of stir::determinant() function for matrices |
fourier.cxx | Functions for computing discrete fourier transforms |
► recon_buildblock | |
► NiftyPET_projector | |
BackProjectorByBinNiftyPET.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::BackProjectorByBinNiftyPET |
ForwardProjectorByBinNiftyPET.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ForwardProjectorByBinNiftyPET |
NiftyPETHelper.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::NiftyPETHelper |
ProjectorByBinPairUsingNiftyPET.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ProjectorByBinPairUsingNiftyPET |
► Parallelproj_projector | |
BackProjectorByBinParallelproj.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::BackProjectorByBinParallelproj |
ForwardProjectorByBinParallelproj.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ForwardProjectorByBinParallelproj |
ParallelprojHelper.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ParallelprojHelper |
ProjectorByBinPairUsingParallelproj.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ProjectorByBinPairUsingParallelproj |
AnalyticReconstruction.cxx | Implementation of the stir::AnalyticReconstruction class |
BackProjectorByBin.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::BackProjectorByBin |
BackProjectorByBinUsingInterpolation.cxx | Non-inline implementations for BackProjectorByBinUsingInterpolation |
BackProjectorByBinUsingInterpolation_3DCho.cxx | This file defines two private static functions from stir::BackProjectorByBinUsingInterpolation |
BackProjectorByBinUsingInterpolation_linear.cxx | This file defines two private static functions from stir::BackProjectorByBinUsingInterpolation, for the case of piecewise linear interpolation |
BackProjectorByBinUsingInterpolation_piecewise_linear.cxx | This file defines two private static functions from stir::BackProjectorByBinUsingInterpolation, for the case of piecewise linear interpolation |
BackProjectorByBinUsingProjMatrixByBin.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::BackProjectorByBinUsingProjMatrixByBin |
BackProjectorByBinUsingSquareProjMatrixByBin.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::BackProjectorByBinUsingSquareProjMatrixByBin |
BinNormalisation.cxx | Implementation for class stir::BinNormalisation |
BinNormalisationFromAttenuationImage.cxx | Implementation for class stir::BinNormalisationFromAttenuationImage |
BinNormalisationFromECAT7.cxx | Implementation for class stir::ecat::ecat7::BinNormalisationFromECAT7 |
BinNormalisationFromECAT8.cxx | Implementation for class stir::ecat::BinNormalisationFromECAT8 |
BinNormalisationFromGEHDF5.cxx | Implementation for class stir::GE:RDF_HDF5::BinNormalisationFromGEHDF5 |
BinNormalisationFromProjData.cxx | Implementation for class stir::BinNormalisationFromProjData |
BinNormalisationPETFromComponents.cxx | Implementation for class stir::BinNormalisationPETFromComponents |
BinNormalisationSPECT.cxx | Implementation for class stir::BinNormalisationSPECT |
BinNormalisationWithCalibration.cxx | Implementation for class stir::BinNormalisationWithCalibration |
ChainedBinNormalisation.cxx | Implementation for class stir::ChainedBinNormalisation |
DataSymmetriesForBins.cxx | Implementations for class stir::DataSymmetriesForBins |
DataSymmetriesForBins_PET_CartesianGrid.cxx | Non-inline implementations for class stir::DataSymmetriesForBins_PET_CartesianGrid |
DataSymmetriesForDensels.cxx | Implementations for class stir::DataSymmetriesForDensels |
distributable.cxx | Implementation of stir::distributable_computation() and related functions |
distributableMPICacheEnabled.cxx | Implementation of stir::distributable_computation_cache_enabled() |
distributed_functions.cxx | Implementation of functions in distributed namespace |
distributed_test_functions.cxx | Implementation of test functions in distributed namespace |
DistributedCachingInformation.cxx | Implementation of class stir::DistributedCachingInformation |
DistributedWorker.cxx | Implementation of stir::DistributedWorker() |
FilterRootPrior.cxx | Implementation of the stir::FilterRootPrior class |
find_basic_vs_nums_in_subset.cxx | Implementation for stir::detail::find_basic_vs_nums_in_subset |
ForwardProjectorByBin.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ForwardProjectorByBin |
ForwardProjectorByBinUsingProjMatrixByBin.cxx | Implementations for stir::ForwardProjectorByBinUsingProjMatrixByBin |
ForwardProjectorByBinUsingRayTracing.cxx | Implementations of non-static methods of stir::ForwardProjectorByBinUsingRayTracing |
ForwardProjectorByBinUsingRayTracing_Siddon.cxx | Implementation of Siddon's algorithm |
FourierRebinning.cxx | FORE kernel |
GeneralisedObjectiveFunction.cxx | Declaration of class stir::GeneralisedObjectiveFunction |
GeneralisedPrior.cxx | Implementation of the stir::GeneralisedPrior |
IterativeReconstruction.cxx | Implementation of the stir::IterativeReconstruction class |
LogcoshPrior.cxx | Implementation of the stir::LogcoshPrior class |
ML_estimate_component_based_normalisation.cxx | Implementation of ML_estimate_component_based_normalisation |
PLSPrior.cxx | Implementation of the stir::PLSPrior class |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearKineticModelAndDynamicProjectionData.cxx | Instantiations for class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearKineticModelAndDynamicProjectionData |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMean.cxx | Implementation of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMean |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndGatedProjDataWithMotion.cxx | Instantiations for class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndGatedProjDataWithMotion |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeData.cxx | Declaration of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeData |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeDataWithProjMatrixByBin.cxx | Implementation of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeDataWithProjMatrixByBin |
PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData.cxx | Declaration of class stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData |
PostsmoothingBackProjectorByBin.cxx | Implementation of class stir::PostsmoothingBackProjectorByBin |
PresmoothingForwardProjectorByBin.cxx | Implementation of class stir::PresmoothingForwardProjectorByBin |
ProjDataRebinning.cxx | Implementation of the ProjDataRebinning class |
ProjectorByBinPair.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ProjectorByBinPair |
ProjectorByBinPairUsingProjMatrixByBin.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ProjectorByBinPairUsingProjMatrixByBin |
ProjectorByBinPairUsingSeparateProjectors.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ProjectorByBinPairUsingSeparateProjectors |
ProjMatrixByBin.cxx | Implementation of the stir::ProjMatrixByBin class |
ProjMatrixByBinFromFile.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ProjMatrixByBinFromFile |
ProjMatrixByBinPinholeSPECTUB.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ProjMatrixByBinPinholeSPECTUB |
ProjMatrixByBinSPECTUB.cxx | Implementation of class stir::ProjMatrixByBinSPECTUB |
ProjMatrixByBinUsingInterpolation.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ProjMatrixByBinUsingInterpolation |
ProjMatrixByBinUsingRayTracing.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ProjMatrixByBinUsingRayTracing |
ProjMatrixElemsForOneBin.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ProjMatrixElemsForOneBin |
ProjMatrixElemsForOneDensel.cxx | Non-inline implementations for stir::ProjMatrixElemsForOneDensel |
QuadraticPrior.cxx | Implementation of the stir::QuadraticPrior class |
RayTraceVoxelsOnCartesianGrid.cxx | Implementation of RayTraceVoxelsOnCartesianGrid |
recon_buildblock_registries.cxx | File that registers all stir::RegisterObject children in recon_buildblock |
Reconstruction.cxx | Implementation of the stir::Reconstruction class |
RelativeDifferencePrior.cxx | Implementation of the stir::RelativeDifferencePrior class |
SqrtHessianRowSum.cxx | Declaration of class stir::SqrtHessianRowSum |
SymmetryOperation.cxx | Implementations of non-inline functions for class SymmetryOperation |
SymmetryOperations_PET_CartesianGrid.cxx | Non-inline implementations for all symmetry operations for PET scanners and Cartesian grid images |
TrivialBinNormalisation.cxx | Implementations for class stir::TrivialBinNormalisation |
TrivialDataSymmetriesForBins.cxx | Non-inline implementations for class stir::TrivialDataSymmetriesForBins |
► recon_test | |
bcktest.cxx | Test program for back projection |
fwdtest.cxx | Testing program for forward projection |
recontest.cxx | Demo for Realtime reconstruction initialization |
test_blocks_on_cylindrical_projectors.cxx | Test program for back projection and forward projection using stir::ProjDataInfoBlockOnCylindrical |
test_data_processor_projectors.cxx | Test program for forward and backwards projectors with pre- and post- data processors (smoothing in this case) |
test_DataSymmetriesForBins_PET_CartesianGrid.cxx | Test program for stir::DataSymmetriesForBins_PET_CartesianGrid |
test_FBP2D.cxx | Test program for FBP2D |
test_FBP3DRP.cxx | Test program for FBP3DRP |
test_geometry_blocks_on_cylindrical.cxx | Test program to ensure the axial coordinates of blocks on cylindrical are monotonic with axial indices |
test_OSMAPOSL.cxx | Test program for OSMAPOSL |
test_PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeWithProjMatrixByBin.cxx | Test program for stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeDataWithProjMatrixByBin |
test_PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData.cxx | Test program for stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData |
test_priors.cxx | Test program for stir::QuadraticPrior, stir::RelativeDifferencePrior, and stir::LogcoshPrior |
► scatter_buildblock | |
cached_single_scatter_integrals.cxx | Implementations of functions defined in stir::ScatterEstimationByBin |
sample_scatter_points.cxx | Implementation of stir::ScatterEstimationByBin::sample_scatter_points |
scatter_detection_modelling.cxx | Implementations of detection modelling in stir::ScatterEstimationByBin |
scatter_estimate_for_one_scatter_point.cxx | Implementation of stir::SingleScatterSimulation::simulate_for_one_scatter_point |
scatter_registries.cxx | File that registers all stir::RegisterObject children in scatter estimation |
ScatterEstimation.cxx | Implementation of most functions in stir::ScatterEstimation |
ScatterSimulation.cxx | Definition of class stir::ScatterSimulation |
single_scatter_estimate.cxx | Implementation of stir::SingleScatterSimulation::actual_scatter_estimate |
single_scatter_integrals.cxx | Implementations of integrating functions in stir::ScatterEstimationByBin |
upsample_and_fit_scatter_estimate.cxx | Implementation of stir::ScatterEstimationByBin::upsample_and_fit_scatter_estimate |
► scatter_utilities | |
create_tail_mask_from_ACFs.cxx | Compute a mask for the "tails" in the sinogram |
estimate_scatter.cxx | Estimates a coarse scatter sinogram |
simulate_scatter.cxx | Simulates a coarse scatter sinogram |
upsample_and_fit_single_scatter.cxx | Upsample a coarse scatter estimate and fit it to emission data using a weight/mask projection data |
► Shape_buildblock | |
Box3D.cxx | Non-inline implementations for class stir::Box3D |
DiscretisedShape3D.cxx | Non-inline implementations for class stir::DiscretisedShape3D |
Ellipsoid.cxx | Non-inline implementations for class stir::Ellipsoid |
EllipsoidalCylinder.cxx | Non-inline implementations for class stir::EllipsoidalCylinder |
GenerateImage.cxx | Declaration of class stir::GenerateImage |
Shape3D.cxx | Non-inline implementations for class stir::Shape3D |
Shape3DWithOrientation.cxx | Non-inline implementations for class stir::Shape3DWithOrientation |
Shape_buildblock_registries.cxx | File that registers all stir::RegisteredObject children in Shape_buildblock |
► SimSET | |
conv_SimSET_projdata_to_STIR.cxx | This program converts SimSET 3D sinograms to STIR format |
conv_to_SimSET_att_image.cxx | Convert a transmission image into SimSET attenuation file input |
write_phg_image_info.c | Write object-spec for PHG parameter file for SimSET |
► spatial_transformation_buildblock | |
GatedSpatialTransformation.cxx | Implementations of inline functions of class stir::GatedSpatialTransformation |
InvertAxis.cxx | Implementation of function stir::invert_axis |
spatial_transformation_registries.cxx | File that registers all stir::RegisterObject children in spatial_transformation |
SpatialTransformation.cxx | Implementations of inline functions of class stir::SpatialTransformation |
warp_image.cxx | Implementation of function stir::warp_image |
► test | |
► IO | |
test_IO_DiscretisedDensity.cxx | A simple program to test the stir::OutputFileFormat function |
test_IO_DynamicDiscretisedDensity.cxx | A simple program to test the stir::OutputFileFormat function |
test_IO_ITKMulticomponent.cxx | A simple program to test the reading of multicomponent images with ITK |
test_IO_ParametricDiscretisedDensity.cxx | A simple program to test the stir::OutputFileFormat function |
► modelling | |
test_modelling.cxx | Tests parts of the modelling implementation |
test_ParametricDiscretisedDensity.cxx | Testing stir::ParametricDiscretisedDensity class |
► NiftyPET_projector | |
test_ProjectorNiftyPET_adjoint.cxx | Test that the NiftyPET forward and back projectors are adjoint to one another |
► numerics | |
BSplines_timing.cxx | Allows executing timing tests for the stir::BSpline::BSplinesRegularGrid class |
test_BSplines.cxx | Tests the BSplines |
test_BSplinesRegularGrid.cxx | Tests the stir::BSplinesRegularGrid class for the stir::Array 2D case |
test_BSplinesRegularGrid1D.cxx | Tests the stir::BSplinesRegularGrid class for the stir::Array 1D case |
test_erf.cxx | Tests the error function stir::erf and its complementary |
test_Fourier.cxx | Tests for function in the DFT group |
test_integrate_discrete_function.cxx | Test stir::integrate_discrete_function |
test_IR_filters.cxx | Tests the implementation of the IR_filters |
test_matrices.cxx | Tests for functions in MatrixFunction.h etc |
test_overlap_interpolate.cxx | Test program for stir::overlap_interpolate |
test_ArcCorrection.cxx | Test program for stir::ArcCorrection |
test_Array.cxx | Tests for the stir::Array class |
test_ArrayFilter.cxx | Tests for the stir::ArrayFilter classes |
test_ByteOrder.cxx | Test program for stir::ByteOrder and ByteOrderDefine.h |
test_convert_array.cxx | Tests for the stir::convert_array functions |
test_coordinates.cxx | A simple program to test the Coordinate classes |
test_DateTime.cxx | A simple program to test the date-time conversions |
test_DetectionPosition.cxx | A simple program to test the stir::DetectionPosition class |
test_DetectorCoordinateMap.cxx | Test program for detection position map using stir::ProjDataInfoBlockOnCylindrical |
test_display.cxx | Very simple test program for stir::display() |
test_DynamicDiscretisedDensity.cxx | Tests the stir::DynamicDiscretisedDensity class |
test_filename_functions.cxx | Test program for filename functions defined in utility.h |
test_find_fwhm_in_image.cxx | A simple program to test stir::find_fwhm_in_image |
test_GeneralisedPoissonNoiseGenerator.cxx | Tests for the stir::GeneralisedPoissonNoiseGenerator class |
test_ImagingModality.cxx | Test program for stir::ImagingModality |
test_IndexRange.cxx | A simple program to test the stir::IndexRange class |
test_interpolate.cxx | Interactive test program for overlap_interpolate |
test_interpolate_projdata.cxx | Tests for stir::ProjData interpolation as used by the scatter estimation |
test_KeyParser.cxx | Test program for stir::KeyParser |
test_linear_regression.cxx | A simple programme to test the stir::linear_regression function |
test_ML_norm.cxx | Test program for ML_norm.h functionality |
test_multiple_proj_data.cxx | Test program for stir::MultipleProjData |
test_NestedIterator.cxx | Tests for the stir::NestedIterator class |
test_OutputFileFormat.cxx | A simple program to test the stir::OutputFileFormat function |
test_proj_data.cxx | Test program for stir::ProjData and stir::ProjDataInMemory |
test_proj_data_in_memory.cxx | Test program for stir::ProjDataInMemory |
test_proj_data_info.cxx | Test program for stir::ProjDataInfo hierarchy |
test_proj_data_info_subsets.cxx | Test program for subsetting stir::ProjDataInfo via stir::ProjDataInfoSubsetByView |
test_proj_data_maths.cxx | Test maths of stir::ProjData |
test_radionuclide.cxx | A simple program to test stir::RadionuclideDB and stir::Radionuclide |
test_ROIs.cxx | Test program for ROI functionality (and a bit of stir::Shape3D hierarchy) |
test_Scanner.cxx | Test program for stir::Scanner hierarchy |
test_ScatterSimulation.cxx | Test program for stir::ScatterSimulation |
test_SeparableGaussianArrayFilter.cxx | Tests for the stir::SeparableGaussianArrayFilter class |
test_SeparableMetzArrayFilter.cxx | Tests for the stir::SeparableMetzArrayFilter class |
test_stir_math.cxx | Test program for the stir_math utility |
test_VectorWithOffset.cxx | Test program for stir::VectorWithOffset |
test_VoxelsOnCartesianGrid.cxx | Test program for stir::VoxelsOnCartesianGrid and image hierarchy |
test_warp_image.cxx | A simple program to test the warp image functions |
test_zoom_image.cxx | Test program for stir::zoom_image (and stir::centre_of_gravity) |
► utilities | |
► ecat | |
conv_to_ecat6.cxx | Conversion from interfile (or any format that we can read) to ECAT 6 cti (image and sinogram data) |
conv_to_ecat7.cxx | Conversion from interfile (or any format that we can read) to ECAT 7 cti (image and sinogram data) |
convecat6_if.cxx | Conversion from ECAT 6 cti to interfile (image and sinogram data) |
copy_ecat7_header.cxx | Copy contents of an ECAT7 header from 1 file to another |
ecat_swap_corners.cxx | A (slightly dangerous) utility to perform so-called corner-swapping for ECAT6 projection data |
ifheaders_for_ecat7.cxx | Utility to make Interfile headers for ECAT7 data |
is_ecat7_file.cxx | A simple utility that allows to check if a file is in the ECAT7 format |
print_ecat_singles_values.cxx | Utility program that prints out values from an sgl file |
► GE | |
print_GE_singles_values.cxx | Utility program that prints out singles values from an RDF file |
► UPENN | |
conv_UPENN_projdata_to_STIR.cxx | Convert PennPET Explorer-type of sinogram to STIR-type The PennPET projdata skip over the gaps, the –gaps options adds them back to STIR's projdata. Without the –gaps flag the output will match the input (as closely as possibly). –inv: should be used for the attenuation correction –up_treshold should be used with normalisation (typically 13) |
abs_image.cxx | It produces the absolute value image of an image |
apply_normfactors.cxx | Apply normalisation factors using an ML approach |
apply_normfactors3D.cxx | Apply normalisation factors estimated using the ML code to projection data |
attenuation_coefficients_to_projections.cxx | Takes the logarithm of attenuation coefficients to 'convert' them to line integrals |
back_project.cxx | Back project an image |
calculate_attenuation_coefficients.cxx | Calculates attenuation coefficients (as an alternative to correct_projdata ) |
compare_image.cxx | Compare images to see if they are identical, allowing for small differences |
compare_projdata.cxx | Compare 2 files with sinogram data |
compute_sqrt_Hessian_row_sum.cxx | Computes the Square Root of the Hessian Row Sum of the objective function |
construct_randoms_from_GEsingles.cxx | Construct randoms as a product of singles estimates |
construct_randoms_from_singles.cxx | Construct randoms as a product of singles estimates |
conv_GATE_raw_ECAT_projdata_to_interfile.cxx | This program converts GATE ECAT output (.ima) into STIR interfile format |
conv_gipl_to_interfile.cxx | This program converts Images from GIPL (Guy's Imaging Processing Lab) format to Interfile Format |
conv_interfile_to_gipl.cxx | This program converts Images from Interfile Format to GIPL (Guy's Imaging Processing Lab) format |
convert_to_binary_image.cxx | This program outputs a binary image (voxel values 0 or 1) where all values strictly below a threshold are set to 0, and others to 1 |
correct_projdata.cxx | A utility applying/undoing some corrections on projection data |
create_multi_header.cxx | Create a "Multi" header for a set of data |
create_projdata_template.cxx | A utility that creates a template projection data |
ctac_to_mu_values.cxx | Produces an image of mu-values from a CT/CTAC |
display_projdata.cxx | This program displays projection data by segment |
do_linear_regression.cxx | A simple programme to perform weighted least squares |
estimate_triple_energy_window_scatter_sinogram.cxx | Calculate Triple energy window scatter |
extract_segments.cxx | This program extracts projection data by segment into 3d image files |
extract_single_images_from_dynamic_image.cxx | Split dynamic image into individual images |
find_fwhm_in_image.cxx | List of FWHM and location of maximum in the image |
find_maxima_in_image.cxx | List coordinates of maxima in the image to stdout |
find_ML_normfactors.cxx | Find normalisation factors using an ML approach |
find_ML_normfactors3D.cxx | Find normalisation factors using an ML approach |
find_ML_singles_from_delayed.cxx | Find singles (and hence randoms) from delayed events using an ML approach |
find_normfactors_from_cylinder_data.cxx | Find normalisation factors given projection data of a cylinder (direct method) |
find_recovery_coefficients_in_image_quality_phantom_nema_nu4.cxx | Utility program for calculating recovery coeficient values in the image quality phantom described in NEMA NU 4 |
find_sum_projection_of_viewgram_and_sinogram.cxx | This program reads a projection data file and squeezes a given sinogrm or viewgram of it (from a 2D matrix to a 1D vector) |
forward_project.cxx | Forward project an image |
generate_image.cxx | A utility to generate images consisting of uniform objects added/subtracted together |
get_time_frame_info.cxx | Prints start time and duration of a frame to stdout |
invert_axis.cxx | This program inverts x y or z axis |
list_detector_and_bin_info.cxx | A utility that lists bin and detector info for a given (cylindrical) scanner on stdout |
list_image_info.cxx | This program lists basic image info. It works for dynamic images |
list_image_values.cxx | Utility to extract image values along profiles (or another box-shape) |
list_projdata_info.cxx | A utility that lists size info on the projection data on stdout |
list_ROI_values.cxx | Utility program for getting ROI values |
manip_image.cxx | This program performs operations on image data |
manip_projdata.cxx | Process sinogram data |
poisson_noise.cxx | Generates a noise realisation according to Poisson statistics for some projection data |
postfilter.cxx | This program performs filtering on image data |
rebin_projdata.cxx | A utility to rebin projection data |
separate_true_from_random_scatter_for_necr.cxx | This program gets a projection data file of a mouse/rat scatter phantom measured according to NEMA NU 4. It seperates number of true events from number of random+scatter events |
shift_image.cxx | This program shifts the origin of an image |
shift_image_origin.cxx | This program shifts the origin of an image |
SPECT_dicom_to_interfile.cxx | Convert SPECT DICOM projection data to Interfile |
SSRB.cxx | Main program for stir::SSRB |
stir_config.cxx | Prints configuration directory and STIR version |
stir_list_registries.cxx | Prints all registered names for many registries |
stir_math.cxx | Add or multiply data, with some other basic math manipulations |
stir_timings.cxx | Perform timings |
stir_write_pgm.cxx | This program writes a PGM bitmap for an image (preliminary) |
warp_and_accumulate_gated_images.cxx | This program corrects the motion from an image |
warp_image.cxx | This program warps an image |
write_proj_matrix_by_bin.cxx | Program that writes a projection matrix by bin to file |
zeropad_planes.cxx | This program zero pads the start & end planes of an image |
zoom_image.cxx | This program serves as a stand-alone zoom/trim utility for image files Run without arguments to get a usage message |