STIR  6.2.0
utilities Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for utilities:


file  add_ecat7_header_to_sgl.cxx
 Prepend contents of ECAT7 header to a new sgl file (from list mode acquisition)
file  add_side_shields.cxx
 A preliminary utility to add side shields to an attenuation image.
file  add_time_frame_info.cxx
 Add the Time Frame Information to Dynamic Images.
file  apply_plane_rescale_factors.cxx
 This program rescales planes of an image according to a file with scale factors.
file  Bland_Altman_plot.cxx
 Writes the Bland-Altman values for two images in a text file.
file  change_mhead_file_type.cxx
 A small utility that changes the file type in an ECAT7 main header.
file  CoG.cxx
 This program computes the centre of gravity in each plane and writes its coordinates to file, together with a weight for each plane.
file  compute_gradient.cxx
file  compute_plane_rescale_factors.cxx
 This programme finds plane rescaling factors.
file  create_normfactors.cxx
 Create sample normalisation factors for the ML approach to normalisation.
file  create_normfactors3D.cxx
 Create sample normalisation factors for the ML approach to normalisation.
file  fillwith1.cxx
 A utility that just fills the projection data with 1.
file  fillwithotherprojdata.cxx
 A utility that just fills the projection data with input from somewhere else. Only useful when the first file is an a different file format (i.e. ECAT 7)
file  find_sinogram_rescaling_factors.cxx
 Find sinogram rescaling factors.
file  fit_cylinder.cxx
file  image_flip_x.cxx
 A preliminary utility to flip the x-axis of an image.
file  interpolate_blocks.cxx
 A utility to set data corresponding to a certain detector block by interpolating from neighbouring data.
file  interpolate_projdata.cxx
 Interpolate projdata using BSplines.
file  inverse_proj_data.cxx
 Find the inverse of ProjData.
file  inverse_SSRB.cxx
 Create 4D projdata from 3D using stir::inverse_SSRB.
file  line_profiles_through_projdata.cxx
 Extracting profiles from projection data.
file  list_TAC_ROI_values.cxx
 Utility program for getting TAC for ROI values.
file  make_grid_image.cxx
 This program creates a simple grid image.
file  normalizedbckproj.cxx
 This programm was based on bck_project originnal code with the difference that here we normalize the final value of a single pixel with a sum of all values in the corresponding LOR.
file  prepare_projdata.cxx
 A utility preparing some projection data for further processing with iterative reconstructions. See stir::PrepareProjData.
file  remove_sinograms.cxx
 A utility to remove (or add) some sinograms at the end of each segment.
file  set_blocks_to_value.cxx
 A utility to set data corresponding to a certain detector block to a desired value.
file  shift_projdata_along_axis.cxx
 A utility to shift projection data along the axial direction.
file  show_ecat7_header.cxx
 Show contents of ECAT7 header.
file  threshold_norm_data.cxx
 Threshold normalisation data.
file  zero_projdata_from_norm.cxx
 Zero projection data when corresponding normalisation factors are too high.