►Nboost | Namespace for the boost library |
►Ndetail | |
Cempty_base | Boost class for chaining of operators (see operators.hpp) |
Cequality_comparable | Boost class to define operator!= in terms of operator== (see operators.hpp) |
Cpartially_ordered | Boost class to define all comparison operators given only 2 (see operators.hpp) |
Cshared_ptr | A smart pointer class: multiple shared_ptr's refer to one object |
►NSPECTUB | Namespace for the SPECT library from University of Barcelona |
Cangle_type | Structure to store angles values, indices and ratios |
Cattpth_type | Structure for attenuation calculus |
Cbin_type | Structure for bin information |
Ccollim_type | Collimator parameters structure |
Cdiscrf_type | Structure for distribution function information |
Cproj_type | Structure for projection information |
Cpsf1d_type | Structure for PSF information |
Cpsf2da_type | Structure for distribution function information |
Cvolume_type | Structure for bin information |
Cvoxel_type | Structure for voxel information |
Cwm_da_type | Weight_mat_da structure definition. Structure for generating weight matrix |
Cwm_type | Weight_mat structure definition. Structure for reading weight matrix |
Cwmh_type | Complementary information (matrix header) |
►Nstir | Namespace for the STIR library (and some/most of its applications) |
►NBSpline | Namespace for functions and classes for B-Spline interpolation in the STIR library |
CBSplines1DRegularGrid | Temporary class for 1D B-splines |
CBSplines_Tests | A simple class to test the BSplines function |
CBSplinesRegularGrid | A class for n-dimensional BSpline interpolation when the input samples are on a regular grid |
CBSplinesRegularGrid1D_Tests | A simple class to test the BSplinesRegularGrid class for 1D arrays |
CBSplinesRegularGrid_Tests | A simple class to BSplinesRegularGrid for 2D arrays |
►Ndetail | Namespace for the implementation details of the STIR library |
Cis_1d | Class used to signify it's a 1D array |
Cis_not_1d | Class used to signify it's not a 1D array |
CParallelprojHelper | Helper class for Parallelproj's projectors |
Ctest_if_1d | Templated class used to check if it's a 1D array or not This class only exists to allow a work-around for older compilers (such as VC 6.0) that do not implement partial ordering of function templates or partial template specialisation |
Ctest_if_1d< 1 > | 1D specialisation of a templated class used to check if it's a 1D array or not |
►Necat | Namespace for the ECAT IO part of the STIR library (and some/most of its applications) |
►Necat6 | Namespace for the ECAT6 IO part of the STIR library (and some/most of its applications) |
CECAT6ImageInputFileFormat | Class for reading images in ECAT6 file-format |
CECAT6OutputFileFormat | Implementation of OutputFileFormat paradigm for the ECAT6 format |
CScanInfoRec | ECAT 6 CTI scanner parameters |
►Necat7 | Namespace for the ECAT7 IO part of the STIR library (and some/most of its applications) |
CBinNormalisationFromECAT7 | A BinNormalisation class that gets the normalisation factors from an ECAT7 3D normalisation file |
CCListEventDataECAT962 | Class for storing and using a coincidence event from a listmode file |
CCListEventDataECAT966 | Class for decoding storing and using a raw coincidence event from a listmode file from the ECAT 966 scanner |
CCListEventECAT966 | Class for storing and using a coincidence event from a listmode file from the ECAT 966 scanner |
CCListModeDataECAT | A class that reads the listmode data for ECAT scanners |
CCListRecordECAT962 | A class for a general element of a listmode file |
CCListRecordECAT966 | A class for a general element of a listmode file |
CCListTimeDataECAT962 | A class for storing and using a timing 'event' from a listmode file |
CCListTimeDataECAT966 | A class for decoding a raw timing 'event' from a listmode file from the ECAT 966 scanner |
CCListTimeECAT966 | A class for storing and using a timing 'event' from a listmode file from the ECAT 966 scanner |
CECAT7DynamicDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat | Class for reading images in ECAT7 file-format |
CECAT7DynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat | Implementation of OutputFileFormat paradigm for the ECAT7 format |
CECAT7ImageInputFileFormat | Class for reading images in ECAT7 file-format |
CECAT7OutputFileFormat | Implementation of OutputFileFormat paradigm for the ECAT7 format |
CECAT7ParametricDensityOutputFileFormat | Implementation of OutputFileFormat paradigm for the ECAT7 format |
CECAT962ListmodeInputFileFormat | Class for reading list mode data from the ECAT 962 scanner |
CECAT966ListmodeInputFileFormat | Class for reading list mode data from the ECAT 966 scanner |
CSinglesRatesFromECAT7 | A class that extracts singles info from an ECAT7 sinogram file |
CSinglesRatesFromSglFile | A class for reading/writing singles from an ECAT7 .sgl file |
CBinNormalisationFromECAT8 | A BinNormalisation class that gets the normalisation factors from an ECAT8 3D normalisation file. Note that you have to point it to the "Interfile" header |
CCListEventDataECAT8_32bit | Class for decoding storing and using a raw coincidence event from a listmode file from the ECAT 966 scanner |
CCListEventECAT8_32bit | Class for storing and using a coincidence event from a listmode file from Siemens scanners using the ECAT 8_32bit format |
CCListModeDataECAT8_32bit | A class that reads the listmode data for Siemens scanners |
CCListRecordECAT8_32bit | A class for a general element of a listmode file for a Siemens scanner using the ECAT8 32bit format |
CCListTimeDataECAT8_32bit | A class for decoding a raw events that is neither time or coincidence in a listmode file from the ECAT 8_32bit scanner |
CCListTimeECAT8_32bit | A class for storing and using a timing 'event' from a listmode file from the ECAT 8_32bit scanner |
CECAT8_32bitListmodeInputFileFormat | Class for being able to read list mode data from the ECAT 8_32bit scanner via the listmode-data registry |
►NGE | Namespace for the part of the STIR library that handles GE data (and some/most of its applications) |
►NRDF_HDF5 | |
►Ndetail | |
CCListAnyRecordDataGEHDF5 | Class for finding out what the event/size-type is in a GE RDF9 listmode file |
CCListEventDataGEHDF5 | Class for storing and using a coincidence event from a GE RDF9 listmode file |
CListTimeDataGEHDF5 | A class for storing and using a timing 'event' from a GE RDF9 listmode file |
CBinNormalisationFromGEHDF5 | A BinNormalisation class that gets the normalisation factors from an GEHDF5 3D normalisation file |
CCListModeDataGEHDF5 | A class that reads the listmode data for GE scanners using the RDF9 format |
CCListRecordGEHDF5 | A class for a general element (or "record") of a GE RDF9 listmode file |
CGEHDF5ListmodeInputFileFormat | Class for being able to read list mode data from the GE Signa PET/MR scanner via the listmode-data registry |
CGEHDF5Wrapper | A class that extracts and reads the necessary data from GE HDF5 input files |
CInputStreamWithRecordsFromHDF5 | A helper class to read data from a hdf5 file |
CProjDataGEHDF5 | A class which reads projection data from a GE HDF5 sinogram file |
CSinglesRatesFromGEHDF5 | A class for reading singles over the number of time samples from an GE HDF5 .BLF listmode file format |
CAbsTimeInterval | Base class for specifying a time interval (in absolute time) |
CAbsTimeIntervalFromDynamicData | Class for specifying a time interval via a dynamic scan |
CAbsTimeIntervalFromECAT7ACF | Class for specifying a time interval via an ECAT7 .a file |
CAbsTimeIntervalWithParsing | Class for specifying a time interval via parsing of explicit times |
CAnalyticReconstruction | Base class for all analytic reconstruction algorithmsThis class provides extra functinoality (compared to Reconstruction) as it assumes that the TargetT is really a VoxelsOnCartesianGrid |
CArcCorrection | A class to arc-correct projection data |
CArcCorrectionTests | Test class for ArcCorrection |
CArray | This class defines multi-dimensional (numeric) arrays |
CArray< 1, elemT > | The 1-dimensional (partial) specialisation of Array |
CArrayFilter1DUsingConvolution | This class implements convolution of a 1D array with an arbitrary (i.e. potentially non-symmetric) kernel |
CArrayFilter1DUsingConvolutionSymmetricKernel | This class implements convolution of a 1D array with a symmetric kernel |
CArrayFilterTests | Tests Array functionality |
CArrayFilterUsingRealDFTWithPadding | This class implements convolution of an array of real numbers with an arbitrary (i.e. potentially non-symmetric) kernel using DFTs |
CArrayFunctionObject | A class for operations on n-dimensional Arrays |
CArrayFunctionObject_1ArgumentImplementation | A convenience class for children of ArrayFunctionObject. It implements the 2 argument operator() in terms of the in-place version |
CArrayFunctionObject_2ArgumentImplementation | A convenience class for children of ArrayFunctionObject. It implements the in-place operator() in terms of the 2 argument version |
CArrayTests | Tests Array functionality |
CBackProjectorByBin | Abstract base class for all back projectors |
CBackProjectorByBinNiftyPET | Class for NiftyPET's GPU back projector |
CBackProjectorByBinParallelproj | Class for Parallelproj's back projector |
CBackProjectorByBinUsingInterpolation | Does backprojection by interpolating between the bins |
CBackProjectorByBinUsingProjMatrixByBin | This implements the BackProjectorByBin interface, given any ProjMatrixByBin object |
CBackProjectorByBinUsingSquareProjMatrixByBin | This implements the BackProjectorByBin interface, given any ProjMatrixByBin object |
CBasicCoordinate | Class BasicCoordinate<int num_dimensions , typename coordT> defines num_dimensions -dimensional coordinates |
CBeginEndAllFunction | Helper class for NestedIterator when the 1st level iterator refers to a stir full iterator for the 2nd level iterator |
CBeginEndFunction | Helper class for NestedIterator when the 1st level iterator refers to an ordinary iterator for the 2nd level iterator |
CBin | A class for storing coordinates and value of a single projection bin |
CBinAndCorr | A small bundle of a Bin and its additive correction value |
CBinNormalisation | Abstract base class for implementing bin-wise normalisation of data |
CBinNormalisationFromAttenuationImage | A BinNormalisation class that gets attenuation correction factors from an attenuation image |
CBinNormalisationFromML2D | A BinNormalisation class that gets the normalisation factors from the files output by find_ML_normfactors |
CBinNormalisationFromProjData | A BinNormalisation class that gets the normalisation factors from a ProjData object |
CBinNormalisationPETFromComponents | A BinNormalisation class that uses component-based normalisation for PET |
CBinNormalisationSinogramRescaling | Gets normaliastion factors by dividing forward projection of the fitted cyl. to the precorrecred data |
CBinNormalisationWithCalibration | |
CBlocksTests | Test class for Blocks |
CBloodFrameData | A class for storing plasma samples of a single study |
CBoundaryConditions | Preliminary class to specify boundary conditions for filters |
CBox3D | Three-dimensional cuboid box |
CByteOrder | This class provides member functions to find out what byte-order your machine is and to swap numbers |
CByteOrderTests | Test class for ByteOrder and the preprocessor defines from ByteOrderDefine.h |
CCartesianCoordinate2D | Templated class for 2-dimensional coordinates |
CCartesianCoordinate3D | Templated class for 3-dimensional coordinates |
CChainedBinNormalisation | A BinNormalisation class that simply multiplies the factors given by 2 BinNormalisation objects |
CChainedDataProcessor | A class in the DataProcessor hierarchy that calls 2 DataProcessors in sequence |
CCListEvent | Class for storing and using a coincidence event from a list mode file |
CCListEventCylindricalScannerWithDiscreteDetectors | Class for storing and using a coincidence event from a list mode file for a cylindrical scanner |
CCListEventCylindricalScannerWithViewTangRingRingEncoding | Helper class for listmode events when using 2d sinograms and ring-pairs is most efficient |
CCListEventDataLMF | Class for storing and using a coincidence event from a listmode file |
CCListEventDataNeuroLF | Class for record with coincidence data using NeuroLF bitfield definition |
CCListEventDataSAFIR | Class for record with coincidence data using SAFIR bitfield definition |
CCListEventPENN | Class for handling PENNPet Explorer events |
CCListEventSAFIR | |
CCListEventScannerWithDiscreteDetectors | Class for storing and using a coincidence event from a list mode file for a cylindrical single layer scanner |
CCListModeData | The base class for reading PET (i.e. coincidence) list mode data.The only difference w.r.t. ListModeData is the used of CListRecord and a virtual function to check if delayeds are present |
CCListModeDataLMF | A class that reads the listmode data from an LMF file |
CCListModeDataPENN | Base class for listmode data for PENNPET Explorer scanner |
CCListModeDataROOT | Class that reads ROOT files, generated by GATE, as listmode data |
CCListModeDataSAFIR | Class for reading SAFIR listmode data with variable geometry |
CCListRecord | Class for records in a PET list mode file |
CCListRecordLMF | A class for a general element of a listmode file |
CCListRecordROOT | A class for a general element of a listmode file for a Siemens scanner using the ROOT files |
CCListRecordSAFIR | Class for general SAFIR record, containing a union of data, time and raw record and providing access to certain elements |
CCListTimeDataLMF | A class for storing and using a timing 'event' from a listmode file |
CCListTimeDataSAFIR | Class for record with time data using SAFIR bitfield definition |
CCListTimeROOT | A class for storing and using a timing 'event' from a listmode file from the ECAT 8_32bit scanner |
CColsherFilter | This class contains the Colsher filter used for 3D-PET reconstruction |
CCombinedShape3D | A class that allows combining several shapes using logical operations |
CConstBeginEndAllFunction | Convenience class where the 2nd level iterator is a const_full_iterator |
CConstBeginEndFunction | Convenience class where the 2nd level iterator is a const_iterator |
CConstPtrBeginEndAllFunction | Convenience class where the 2nd level iterator is a const_full_iterator |
CConstPtrBeginEndFunction | Convenience class where the 2nd level iterator is a const_iterator |
Cconvert_array_Tests | Tests convert_array functionality |
CCoordinate2D | Templated class for 2-dimensional coordinates |
CCoordinate3D | Templated class for 3-dimensional coordinates |
CCoordinate4D | Templated class for 4-dimensional coordinates |
CcoordinateTests | Class with tests for BasicCoordinate, Coordinate3D et al |
CCopyFill | Helper class for stir::copy_to and stir::fill_from |
CCopyFill< Array< num_dimensions, elemT > > | Helper class for stir::copy_to and stir::fill_from |
CCopyFill< DynamicProjData > | Copy all bins to a range specified by an iterator |
CCopyFill< MultipleProjData > | Copy all bins to a range specified by an iterator |
CCopyFill< ProjData > | Helper class for stir::copy_to and stir::fill_from |
CCorrectProjDataApplication | Class to do precorrections |
CCPUTimer | A class for measuring elapsed CPU time |
CCreateTailMaskFromACFs | The CreateTailMaskFromACFs class |
CCudaRelativeDifferencePrior | CUDA implementation of the Relative Difference prior |
CDataProcessor | Base class that defines an interface for classes that do data processing |
CDataSymmetriesForBins | A class for encoding/finding symmetries common to the geometry of the projection data and the discretised density |
CDataSymmetriesForBins_PET_CartesianGrid | Symmetries appropriate for a (cylindrical) PET scanner, and a discretised density on a Cartesian grid |
CDataSymmetriesForBins_PET_CartesianGridTests | Test class for DataSymmetriesForBins_PET_CartesianGrid |
CDataSymmetriesForDensels | A class for encoding/finding symmetries common to the geometry of the projection data and the discretised density |
CDataSymmetriesForDensels_PET_CartesianGrid | Symmetries appropriate for a (cylindrical) PET scanner, and a discretised density on a Cartesian grid |
CDataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers | A class for encoding/finding symmetries. Works only on ViewSegmentNumbers (instead of Bin) |
CDateTimeStrings | A simple structure to hold 2 strings (date and time ) |
CDateTimeTest | Class with tests for date time functions |
CDetectionPosition | A class for storing coordinates of a detection |
CDetectionPosition_Tests | Class with tests for DetectionPosition |
CDetectionPositionPair | A class for storing 2 coordinates-sets of a detection, together with a timing-position index (for TOF), as suitable for PET |
CDetectionPosMapTests | Test class for Blocks |
CDetectorCoordinateMap | |
CDiscretisedDensity | This abstract class is the basis for all image representations |
CDiscretisedDensityOnCartesianGrid | This abstract class is the basis for images on a Cartesian grid |
CDiscretisedShape3D | A class for shapes that have been discretised as a volume |
CDistributedCachingInformation | This class implements the logic needed to support caching in a distributed manner |
CDistributedWorker | This implements the Worker for the stir::distributable_computation() function |
CDynamicDiscretisedDensity | Class of multiple image frames, one for each time frame Each time frame is a DiscretisedDensity<3,float> |
CDynamicProjData | Dynamic projection data |
CEllipsoid | Three-dimensional ellipsoid |
CEllipsoidalCylinder | Three-dimensional ellipsoidal cylinder |
CerfTests | A simple class to test the erf and erfc functions |
CExamData | Base class for data objects such as ProjData etcProvides an ExamInfo member |
CExamInfo | Class for storing information about 1 exam (or scan) |
CFactoryRegistry | This class can be used to store 'factories' and their corresponding keys. It is essentially a map, but with some extra embelishments |
CFBP2DReconstruction | Reconstruction class for 2D Filtered Back Projection |
CFBP3DRPReconstruction | This class contains the implementation of the FBP3DRP algorithm |
CFilenameTests | Test class for filename functions defined in utility.h |
CFilePath | The FilePath class |
CFileSignature | A class to read/store the file signature |
CFilter1D | Preliminary class for 1D filtering using FFTs |
CFilter2D | 2-dimensional filters (filtering done by FFTs) |
CFilterRootPrior | A class in the GeneralisedPrior hierarchy. This implements 'generalised' priors a la the Median Root Prior (which was invented by Sakari Alenius) |
Cfind_fwhm_in_imageTests | A simple class to test the find_fwhm_in_image function |
CFindMCNormFactors | Class to compute 'time-efficiency' factors for motino corrected projection data |
CForwardProjectorByBin | Abstract base class for all forward projectors |
CForwardProjectorByBinNiftyPET | Class for NiftyPET's GPU forward projector |
CForwardProjectorByBinParallelproj | Class for Parallelproj's forward projector |
CForwardProjectorByBinUsingProjMatrixByBin | This implements the ForwardProjectorByBin interface, given any ProjMatrixByBin objectIt stores a shared_ptr to a ProjMatrixByBin object, which will be used to get the relevant elements of the projection matrix |
CForwardProjectorByBinUsingRayTracing | This class implements forward projection using Siddon's algorithm for ray tracing. That is, it computes length of intersection with the voxels |
CFourierRebinning | Class for Serial FORE Reconstruction |
CFourierTests | A simple class to test the erf and erfc functions |
CFrameSinglesRates | A single frame of singles information |
CFullArrayIterator | Class FullArrayIterator implements (forward) iterators that go through all elements of an Array |
CGatedDiscretisedDensity | Class of multiple image gates |
CGatedSpatialTransformation | Class for spatial transformations for gated images |
CGeneralisedObjectiveFunction | A base class for 'generalised' objective functions, i.e. objective functions for which at least a 'gradient' is defined |
CGeneralisedPoissonNoiseGenerator | Generates noise realisations according to Poisson statistics but allowing for scaling |
CGeneralisedPoissonNoiseGeneratorTests | Tests GeneralisedPoissonNoiseGenerator functionalityCurrently contains only simple tests to check mean and variance |
CGeneralisedPrior | A base class for 'generalised' priors, i.e. priors for which at least a 'gradient' is defined |
CGeneralisedPriorTests | Test class for QuadraticPrior, RelativeDifferencePrior, CudaRelativeDifferencePrior and LogcoshPrior |
CGeometryBlocksOnCylindrical | A helper class to build the crystal map based on scanner info |
CGeometryBlocksOnCylindricalTests | Test class for BlocksOnCylindrical geometry |
CHigherPrecision | Helper class to get a type with higher precision |
CHighResWallClockTimer | High-resolution timer |
CHUToMuImageProcessor | A class in the DataProcessor hierarchy that convert from Hounsfield Units to mu-values |
CImagingModality | Class for encoding the modality |
CImagingModalityTests | Test class for ImagingModality |
CIndexRange | This class defines ranges which can be 'irregular' |
CIndexRange2D | 'convenience' class for 2D index ranges |
CIndexRange3D | 'convenience' class for 3D index ranges. Provides an easier constructor for regular ranges |
CIndexRange4D | A convenience class for 4D index ranges |
CIndexRange< 1 > | The (simple) 1 dimensional specialisation of IndexRange |
CIndexRange_Tests | Class with tests for IndexRange, IndexRange3D |
CInputFileFormat | Base-class for file-formats for reading |
CInputFileFormatRegistry | A class for registering (and finding) all input file formats |
CInputStreamFromROOTFile | A helper class to read data from a ROOT file Generated by GATE simulation toolkit |
CInputStreamFromROOTFileForCylindricalPET | Declaration of class stir::InputStreamFromROOTFileForCylindricalPET |
CInputStreamFromROOTFileForECATPET | Declaration of class stir::InputStreamFromROOTFileForECATPET |
CInputStreamWithRecords | A helper class to read data from a (presumably binary) stream |
CInputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENN | Base class for reading listmode files from the PENNPet Explorer scanner |
CInputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNbin | Class for reading binary listmode files from the PENNPet Explorer scanner |
CInputStreamWithRecordsFromUPENNtxt | Class for reading listmode files in text format from the PENNPet Explorer scanner |
Cintegrate_discrete_functionTests | A simple class to test the integrate_discrete_function function |
Cinterfile_less | A function object that compares Interfile keywords |
CInterfileDynamicDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat | Class for reading images in Interfile file-format |
CInterfileDynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat | Implementation of OutputFileFormat paradigm for the Interfile format |
CInterfileHeader | Class for Interfile keywords (and parsing) common to all types of data |
CInterfileImageHeader | Class for Interfile keywords (and parsing) specific to images |
CInterfileImageInputFileFormat | Class for reading images in Interfile file-format |
CInterfileOutputFileFormat | Implementation of OutputFileFormat paradigm for the Interfile format |
CInterfileParametricDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat | Class for reading images in Interfile file-format |
CInterfileParametricDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat | Implementation of OutputFileFormat paradigm for the Interfile format |
CInterfilePDFSHeader | Class for Interfile keywords (and parsing) specific to projection data (i.e. ProjDataFromStream) |
CInterfilePDFSHeaderSPECT | Class for Interfile keywords (and parsing) specific to SPECT projection data |
CInvertAxis | Utility class to "invert" an axis |
CIOTests | A simple class to test the OutputFileFormat function |
CIOTests_DiscretisedDensity | A simple class to test the OutputFileFormat function |
CIOTests_DynamicDiscretisedDensity | A simple class to test the OutputFileFormat function |
CIOTests_ITKMulticomponent | A simple class to test the reading of multicomponent ITK images |
CIOTests_ParametricDiscretisedDensity | A simple class to test the OutputFileFormat function |
CIR_filterTests | A simple class to test the IIR_filter and FIR_filter function |
CIterativeReconstruction | Base class for iterative reconstruction objectsThis is the base class for all iterative reconstruction methods. It provides the basic iteration mechanisms. What each iteration does has to be implemented in a derived class |
CITKImageInputFileFormat | Class for reading images using ITK |
CITKOutputFileFormat | Implementation of OutputFileFormat paradigm using the ITK library for writing |
CJacobianForIntBP | The next class is used in BackProjectorByBinUsingInterpolation to take geometric things into account. It also includes some normalisation. (internal use only) |
CKeyArgument | A class that enumerates the possible types that can be used to store parsed values. Used (only) by KeyParser |
CKeyParser | A class to parse Interfile headers |
CKeyParserTests | Test class for KeyParser |
CKineticModel | Base class for all kinetic modelsAt present very basic. It just provides the parsing mechanism |
CKOSMAPOSLReconstruction | A reconstructor class appropriate for emission data |
CLine | A class used by the Interfile parser |
Clinear_regressionTests | A simple class to test the linear_regression function |
CListEvent | Class for storing and using gamma events from a list mode file |
CListGatingInput | A class recording external input to the scanner (normally used for gating) |
CListModeData | The base class for reading list mode data |
CListModeData_dummy | A class to trick the Objective function that we have list mode data, when we only have cache |
CListRecord | A class for a general element of a list mode file |
CListTime | A class for storing and using a timing record from a listmode file |
CLmToProjData | This class is used to bin listmode data to projection data, i.e. (3d) sinograms |
CLmToProjDataAbstract | This class is the abstract base class fir binning listmode data to projection data, i.e. (3d) sinograms |
CLmToProjDataBootstrap | Class for binning list mode data into projection data using the bootstrap procedure |
CLmToProjDataWithMC | Class for binning list mode files with motion correction |
CLmToProjDataWithRandomRejection | Class for binning list mode data into projection data using the bootstrap procedure |
CLogcoshPrior | A class in the GeneralisedPrior hierarchy. This implements a logcosh Gibbs prior |
CLogCoshPriorTests | Tests for LogCoshPrior |
CLOR | A base class for specifying an LOR with geometric coordinates |
CLORAs2Points | A class for LORs |
CLORCylindricalCoordinates_z_and_radius | An internal class for LORs. Do not use |
CLORInAxialAndNoArcCorrSinogramCoordinates | A class for LORs |
CLORInAxialAndSinogramCoordinates | A class for LORs |
CLORInCylinderCoordinates | A class for LORs |
Cmap_element | Class to store the Interfile keywords and their actions |
CMaskingParameters | A struct to hold the parameters for image masking |
CMatchTrackerAndScanner | A class for finding the coordinate transformation between tracker and scanner coordinate systems |
CMatrixTests | Tests MatrixFunction.h functionality |
CMaximalArrayFilter3D | Implements erosion on 3D arrays |
CMaximalImageFilter3D | A class in the ImageProcessor hierarchy that implements maximal filtering |
CMedianArrayFilter3D | Implements median filtering on 3D arrays |
CMedianImageFilter3D | A class in the ImageProcessor hierarchy that implements median filtering |
CMinimalArrayFilter3D | Implements erosion on 3D arrays |
CMinimalImageFilter3D | A class in the ImageProcessor hierarchy that implements minimal filtering |
CMinimalInterfileHeader | Minimal class for Interfile keywords (and parsing) common to all types of data |
CML_normTests | Test class for ML_norm.h functions |
CmodellingTests | A simple class to test modelling functions |
CModelMatrix | A helper class to store the model matrix for a linear kinetic model |
CMoveImage | A class for moving an image according to average motion in the frame |
CMoveProjData | A class for moving projection data according to average motion in the frame |
CMultiDynamicDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat | Class for reading images in Multi file-format |
CMultiDynamicDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat | Implementation of OutputFileFormat paradigm for the Multi format |
CMultiParametricDiscretisedDensityInputFileFormat | Class for reading images in Multi file-format |
CMultiParametricDiscretisedDensityOutputFileFormat | Implementation of OutputFileFormat paradigm for the Multi format |
CMultipleProjDataTests | Test class for MultipleProjData |
Cmultiply_plane_scale_factorsImageProcessor | Simply multiplies each plane in an image with a scale factor |
CMyApp | A class for moving an image according to average motion in the frame |
CNestedIterator | Class NestedIterator implements a (forward) iterator using a pair of 'nested' iterators |
CNestedIteratorTests | Tests NestedIterator functionality |
CNiftyPETHelper | Helper class for the wrapped NiftyPET projectors |
CNonRigidObjectTransformationUsingBSplines | Class to perform non-rigid object transformations in arbitrary dimensions |
CNonseparableConvolutionUsingRealDFTImageFilter | A class derived from DataProcessor for performing separable periodic convolutions with an array kernel |
CNormSquared | A helper class that computes the square of the norm of numeric data |
CNumericInfo | Class NumericInfo<NUMBER> defines properties for the type NUMBER |
CNumericInfo< double > | Basic properties of double |
CNumericInfo< float > | Basic properties of float |
CNumericInfo< signed char > | Basic properties of signed char |
CNumericInfo< signed int > | Basic properties of signed int |
CNumericInfo< signed long > | Basic properties of signed long |
CNumericInfo< signed short > | Basic properties of signed short |
CNumericInfo< unsigned char > | Basic properties of unsigned char |
CNumericInfo< unsigned int > | Basic properties of unsigned int |
CNumericInfo< unsigned long > | Basic properties of unsigned long |
CNumericInfo< unsigned short > | Basic properties of unsigned short |
CNumericType | Names for some numeric types and methods for finding their properties |
CNumericVectorWithOffset | Like VectorWithOffset, but with changes in various numeric operators |
CObjectiveFunctionTests | Test class for GeneralisedObjectiveFunction and GeneralisedPrior |
CObjectTransformation | Base-class for performing (potentially non-rigid) object transformations |
COSMAPOSLReconstruction | Implementation of the Ordered Subsets version of Green's MAP One Step Late algorithm |
COSSPSReconstruction | Implementation of the relaxed Ordered Subsets Separable Paraboloidal Surrogate ( OSSPS) |
COutputFileFormat | Base class for classes that create output files |
COutputFileFormatTests | A simple class to test the OutputFileFormat function |
Coverlap_interpolateTests | Test class for stir::overlap_interpolate |
CParametric2Single | A helper class to find the type of a 'single' image for a corresponding parametric image |
CParametricDiscretisedDensity | Class to store parametric images |
CParametricQuadraticPrior | A class in the GeneralisedPrior hierarchy. This implements a quadratic Gibbs prior |
CParseAndCreateFrom | Template for adding keywords to a parser and creating an object |
CParseAndCreateFrom< DiscretisedDensity< 3, elemT >, ExamDataT > | Parse keywords for creating a VoxelsOnCartesianGrid from ProjData etc |
CParseAndCreateFrom< ParametricDiscretisedDensity< VoxelsOnCartesianGrid< elemT > >, ExamDataT > | Parse keywords for creating a parametric VoxelsOnCartesianGrid from DynamicProjData etc |
CParseDiscretisedDensityParameters | Class for adding parameters relevant to DiscretisedDensity to a parser |
CParsingObject | A base class for objects that want to be able to parse parameter files |
CPatientPosition | |
CPatlakPlot | Patlak kinetic model |
CPENNListmodeInputFileFormat | Base class for PENN listmode file format support |
CPixelsOnCartesianGrid | This class is used to represent pixelised densities on a rectangular grid (2D) |
CPlasmaData | A class for storing plasma and blood samples of a single study |
CPlasmaSample | |
CPLSPrior | A class in the GeneralisedPrior hierarchy. This implements the anatomical penalty function, Parallel Level Sets (PLS), also sometimes called Directional TV, proposed by Matthias J. Ehrhardt et. al in "PET Reconstruction With an Anatomical MRI
Prior Using Parallel Level Sets", IEEE Trans. med. Imag., vol. 35, no. 9, Sept. 2016. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMI.2016.2549601 Note that PLS becomes smoothed TV when an uniform anatomical image is provided |
CPLSPriorTests | Tests for PLSPrior |
CPointOnCylinder | A class for a point on a cylinder |
CPoissonLLReconstructionTests | Base class for tests for iterative reconstruction that use PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData |
CPoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearKineticModelAndDynamicProjectionData | Base class for LogLikelihood of independent Poisson variables where the mean values are linear combinations of the kinetic parameters |
CPoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMean | Base class for LogLikelihood of independent Poisson variables where the mean values are linear combinations of the parameters |
CPoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndDynamicProjData | Base class for LogLikelihood of independent Poisson variables where the mean values are linear combinations of the frames |
CPoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndGatedProjDataWithMotion | Base class for LogLikelihood of independent Poisson variables where the mean values are linear combinations of the gated images |
CPoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeData | An objective function class appropriate for PET list mode data |
CPoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeDataWithProjMatrixByBin | Class for PET list mode data from static images for a scanner with discrete detectors |
CPoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeDataWithProjMatrixByBinTests | Test class for PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeDataWithProjMatrixByBin |
CPoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData | An objective function class appropriate for PET emission data |
CPoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjDataTests | Test class for PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData |
CPolaris_MT_File | Class for parsing .mt files output by the Polaris software |
CPostsmoothingBackProjectorByBin | A very preliminary class that first smooths the image, then back projects |
CPostsmoothingForwardProjectorByBin | A very preliminary class that first forward projects, and then smooths the viewgrams |
CPrepareProjData | A preliminary class to prepare files for iterative reconstruction |
CPresmoothingForwardProjectorByBin | A very preliminary class that first smooths the image, then forward projects |
CPriorWithParabolicSurrogate | This class implements priors with a parabolic surrogate curvature |
CProjData | The (abstract) base class for the projection data |
CProjDataFromStream | A class which reads/writes projection data from/to a (binary) stream |
►CProjDataInfo | An (abstract base) class that contains information on the projection data |
CFloat1Float2 | Struct which holds two floating numbers |
CProjDataInfoBlocksOnCylindricalNoArcCorr | Projection data info for data from a scanner with discrete dtectors organised by blocks |
CProjDataInfoCylindrical | Projection data info for data corresponding to a 'cylindrical' sampling |
CProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr | Projection data info for arc-corrected data |
CProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorrTests | Test class for ProjDataInfoCylindricalArcCorr |
CProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr | Projection data info for data which are not arc-corrected |
CProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorrTests | Test class for ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr |
CProjDataInfoCylindricalTests | Test class for ProjDataInfoCylindrical |
CProjDataInfoGeneric | Projection data info for data corresponding to 'Generic' sampling |
CProjDataInfoGenericNoArcCorr | Projection data info for data for a scanner with discrete detectors |
CProjDataInfoSubsetByView | Projection data info for data corresponding to a subset sampling by views |
CProjDataInfoTests | Test class for ProjDataInfo |
CProjDataInMemory | A class which reads/writes projection data from/to memory |
CProjDataInMemoryTests | Test class for ProjDataInMemory |
CProjDataInterfile | A class which reads/writes projection data from/to a (binary) stream, but creates the corresponding Interfile header |
CProjDataRebinning | Base class for all rebinning algorithms for 3D PET dataTODO describe what rebinning is and why you need it |
CProjDataTests | Test class for ProjData and ProjDataInMemory |
CProjectorByBinPair | Abstract base class for all projector pairs |
CProjectorByBinPairUsingNiftyPET | A projector pair based on NiftyPET projectors |
CProjectorByBinPairUsingParallelproj | A projector pair based on Parallelproj projectors |
CProjectorByBinPairUsingProjMatrixByBin | A projector pair based on a single matrix |
CProjectorByBinPairUsingSeparateProjectors | A projector pair based on a single matrix |
CProjMatrixByBin | This is the (abstract) base class for all projection matrices which are organised by 'bin' |
CProjMatrixByBinFromFile | Reads/writes a projection matrix from/to file |
CProjMatrixByBinPinholeSPECTUB | Generates projection matrix for pinhole SPECT studies |
CProjMatrixByBinSinglePhoton | 'projection matrix' to implement a model for a single photon acquisition in terms of the detector efficiencies |
CProjMatrixByBinSPECTUB | Generates projection matrix for SPECT studies |
CProjMatrixByBinUsingInterpolation | Computes projection matrix elements for VoxelsOnCartesianGrid images by using an interpolation model |
CProjMatrixByBinUsingInterpolationTests | Test class for ProjMatrixByBinUsingInterpolation |
CProjMatrixByBinUsingRayTracing | Computes projection matrix elements for VoxelsOnCartesianGrid images by using a Length of Intersection (LOI) model |
CProjMatrixByBinUsingSolidAngle | Computes projection matrix elements for VoxelsOnCartesianGrid images by using a Solid Angle model |
CProjMatrixByBinWithPositronRange | Computes projection matrix elements for VoxelsOnCartesianGrid images by using a Solid Angle model |
CProjMatrixByDensel | This is the (abstract) base class for all projection matrices which are organised by 'Densel' |
CProjMatrixByDenselOnCartesianGridUsingElement | Computes projection matrix elements for VoxelsOnCartesianGrid images by using a Length of Intersection (LOI) model |
CProjMatrixByDenselUsingRayTracing | Computes projection matrix elements for VoxelsOnCartesianGrid images by using a Length of Intersection (LOI) model |
CProjMatrixElemsForOneBin | This stores the non-zero projection matrix elements for every 'densel' that contributes to a given bin |
CProjMatrixElemsForOneBinValue | Stores voxel coordinates and the value of the matrix element |
CProjMatrixElemsForOneDensel | This stores the non-zero projection matrix elements for every 'voxel' |
CProjMatrixElemsForOneDenselValue | Stores voxel coordinates and the value of the matrix element |
CPtrBeginEndAllFunction | Helper class for NestedIterator when the 1st level iterator refers to a pointer to a stir full iterator for the 2nd level iterator |
CPtrBeginEndFunction | Helper class for NestedIterator when the 1st level iterator refers to pointers to an ordinary iterator for the 2nd level iterator |
CPullLinearInterpolator | A function object to pull interpolated values from the input array into the grid points of the output array |
CPullNearestNeighbourInterpolator | A function object to pull interpolated values from the input array into the grid points of the output array |
CPushNearestNeighbourInterpolator | A function object to push values at the grid of the input array into the output array |
CPushTransposeLinearInterpolator | A function object to push values at the grid of the input array into the output array |
CQuadraticPrior | A class in the GeneralisedPrior hierarchy. This implements a quadratic Gibbs prior |
CQuadraticPriorTests | Tests for QuadraticPrior |
CQuaternionTests | Test class for Quaternion |
CRadionuclide | A class for storing radionuclide information |
CRadionuclideTest | Class with tests for stir::RadionuclideDB and stir::Radionuclide |
CRampFilter | The ramp filter used for (2D) FBP |
CReconstruction | Base class for all ReconstructionsAs there is not a lot of commonality between different reconstruction algorithms, this base class is rather basic. It essentially takes care of constructing a target image, calls the virtual reconstruct() function, and writes the result to file |
CReconstructionTests | Base class for simple test on reconstruction |
CRegisteredObject | Helper class to provide registry mechanisms to a Base classSuppose you have a hierarchy of classes with (nearly) all public functionality provided by virtual functions of the Base (here called Root ) class. The aim is then to be able to select at run-time which of the nodes will be used |
CRegisteredObjectBase | Base class for all classes that can parse .par files (and more?)The only reason that this class exists is such that KeyParser can store different types of objects, and get some basic info from it |
►CRegisteredParsingObject | Parent class for all leaves in a RegisteredObject hierarchy that do parsing of parameter files |
CRegisterIt | A helper class to allow automatic registration |
CRegisterInputFileFormat | A helper class to allow automatic registration to the default InputFileFormatRegistry |
CRelatedBins | This class contains all information about a set of bins related by symmetry |
CRelatedDensels | This class contains all information about a set of densels related by symmetry |
CRelatedViewgrams | A class for storing viewgrams which are related by symmetry |
CRelativeDifferencePrior | A class in the GeneralisedPrior hierarchy. This implements a Relative Difference prior |
CRelativeDifferencePriorTests | Tests for RelativeDifferencePrior |
CReportMovement | A class for reporting the movement within the frame w.r.t. to the reference position |
CResolutionIndex | Structure that is used to hold the output of the function find_fwhm_in_image |
CRigidObject3DMotion | Base class for 3D rigid motion |
CRigidObject3DMotionFromPolaris | A class for handling motion information from the Polaris tracker |
CRigidObject3DTransformation | Class to perform rigid object transformations in 3 dimensions |
CRigidObject3DTransformationTests | Various tests on RigidObject3DTransformation |
CROITests | Test class for compute_ROI_values and Shape3D hierarchy |
CROIValues | A class to store and get results of an ROI calculation |
CROOTListmodeInputFileFormat | The ROOTListmodeInputFileFormat class |
CRunTests | A base class for making test classesWith a derived class, an application could look like |
CSAFIRCListmodeInputFileFormat | Class for reading SAFIR coincidence listmode data |
CScanner | A class for storing some info on the scanner |
CScannerTests | Test class for Scanner |
CScatterEstimation | Estimate the scatter probability using a model-based approach |
CScatterSimulation | Simulate the scatter probability using a model-based approach |
CScatterSimulationTests | Test class for ScatterSimulation |
CSegment | An (abstract base) class for storing 3d projection dataThis stores a subset of the data accessible via a ProjData object, where the SegmentIndices are fixed |
CSegmentBySinogram | A class for storing (3d) projection data with fixed SegmentIndices |
CSegmentByView | A class for storing (3d) projection data with fixed SegmentIndices |
CSegmentIndices | A very simple class to store segment numbers and any other indices that define a segment |
CSeparableArrayFunctionObject | This class implements an n -dimensional ArrayFunctionObject whose operation is separable |
CSeparableArrayFunctionObject2 | This class implements an n -dimensional ArrayFunctionObject whose operation is separable |
CSeparableCartesianMetzImageFilter | A class in the DataProcessor hierarchy that implements Metz filtering (which includes Gaussian filtering) |
CSeparableConvolutionImageFilter | A class derived from DataProcessor for performing separable non-periodic convolutions |
CSeparableGaussianArrayFilter | Separable Gaussian filtering in n - dimensions |
CSeparableGaussianArrayFilterTests | Tests SeparableGaussianArrayFilter functionalityCurrently only very basic tests on normalisation |
CSeparableGaussianImageFilter | A class in the DataProcessor hierarchy that implements Gaussian filtering |
CSeparableMetzArrayFilter | Separable Metz filtering in n - dimensions |
CSeparableMetzArrayFilterTests | Tests SeparableMetzArrayFilter functionalityCurrently only very basic tests on normalisation |
CShape3D | The base class for all 3 dimensional shapes |
CShape3DWithOrientation | Class for shapes with orientation |
CSingleScatterSimulation | PET single scatter simulation |
CSinglesRates | The base-class for using singles info |
CSinglesRatesForTimeFrames | A class for singles rates that are recorded in time frames |
CSinglesRatesForTimeSlices | A class for singles that are recorded at equal time intervals |
CSinogram | A class for 2d projection data |
CSinogramIndices | A very simple class to store all dincies to get a (2D) Sinogram |
CSpatialTransformation | Base class for any type of motion fieldsAt present very basic. It just provides the parsing mechanism |
CSPECTListEvent | Class for storing and using gamma events from a SPECT List mode file |
CSPECTListModeData | The base class for reading SPECT list mode data.This class (and SPECTListRecord) is specific to SPECT, i.e. to single gamma detection. However, the only difference with the PET part are the functions related to prompts and delayeds. SPECT is handled by calling all single photon events 'prompts' |
CSPECTListRecord | A class for a general element of a list mode file |
CSqrtHessianRowSum | Implementations of two square root Hessian row sum computation methods, as proposed by Tsai et al. (2020) |
Cstir_mathTests | Test class for the stir_math utility |
CSucceeded | Class containing an enumeration type that can be used by functions to signal successful operation or not |
CSumOfGeneralisedObjectiveFunctions | A base class for sums of 'generalised' objective functions, i.e. objective functions for which at least a 'gradient' is defined |
CSymmetryOperation | Encodes symmetry operation on image coordinates and projection data coordinates |
CTestBSplineTransformation | Test class for Transformations |
CTestDataProcessorProjectors | Test class for GPU projectors |
CTestFBP2D | Test class for FBP2D |
CTestFBP3DRP | Test class for FBP3DRP |
CTestGPUProjectors | Test class for GPU projectors |
CTestOSMAPOSL | Test class for OSMAPOSL |
CTestProjDataInfoSubsets | Test class for subsets in ProjDataInfo |
CThresholdMinToSmallPositiveValueDataProcessor | A class in the DataProcessor hierarchy for making sure all elements are strictly positive |
CTimedBlock< TimerT=Timer > | Helper class for measuring execution time of a block of code.It starts the timer in ctor, stops in dtor. Do not create unnamed instances of this class, as they are quite useless: you cannot predict destruction time |
CTimedObject | Base class for all objects which need timers. At the moment, there's only a CPU timer |
CTimeFrameDefinitions | Class used for storing time frame durations |
CTimeFrameMotion | A class for encoding average motion in the frames |
CTimeGateDefinitions | Class used for storing time gate durations |
CTimer | A general base class for timers. Interface is like a stop watch |
CTOF_Tests | Test class for Time Of Flight |
CTransform3DObjectImageProcessor | A class in the ImageProcessor hierarchy that performs movement by reinterpolation |
CTrivialBinNormalisation | Trivial class which does not do any normalisation whatsoever |
CTrivialDataSymmetriesForBins | A class derived from DataSymmetriesForBins that says that there are no symmetries at all |
CTrivialDataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers | A class for encoding/finding NO symmetries. Works only on ViewSegmentNumbers (instead of Bin) |
CTrivialSymmetryOperation | A class implementing the trivial case where the symmetry operation does nothing at all |
CTruncateToCylindricalFOVImageProcessor | A class in the DataProcessor hierarchy that sets voxels to 0 outside a given radius |
CTypeForNumericType | A helper class that specifies the C++ type for a particular NumericType |
CUtah_phantom | A class that represents a Utah phantom |
CVectorWithOffset | A templated class for vectors, but with indices starting not from 0 |
CVectorWithOffsetTests | Test class for VectorWithOffset |
CVerbosity | This class enables the user to control the on-screen output |
CViewgram | A class for 2d projection data |
CViewgramIndices | A very simple class to store all dincies to get a (2D) Viewgram |
CViewSegmentNumbers | Alias for ViewgramIndices |
CVoxelsOnCartesianGrid | This class is used to represent voxelised densities on a cuboid grid (3D) |
CVoxelsOnCartesianGridTests | Test class for VoxelsOnCartesianGrid and image hierarchy |
Cwarp_imageTests | Class with tests for warp_image functions |
Czoom_imageTests | Test class for zoom_image (and centre_of_gravity) |
CZoomOptions | This class enables the user to choose between different zooming optionsThe 3 possible values determine a global scale factor used for the end result: (i) preserve sum (locally) (ii) preserve values (like interpolation) (iii) preserve projections: using a STIR forward projector on the zoomed image will give (approximately) the same projections |
CImage | Reading and writing gipl files |