STIR  6.2.0
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stir::SingleScatterSimulation Class Reference

PET single scatter simulation. More...

#include "stir/scatter/SingleScatterSimulation.h"

Inheritance diagram for stir::SingleScatterSimulation:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 SingleScatterSimulation ()
 Default constructor.
 SingleScatterSimulation (const std::string &parameter_filename)
 Constructor with initialisation from parameter file.
Succeeded process_data () override
std::string method_info () const override
 gives method information
void ask_parameters () override
 prompts the user to enter parameter values manually
Succeeded set_up () override
 Perform checks and intialisations.
- Public Member Functions inherited from stir::RegisteredParsingObject< SingleScatterSimulation, ScatterSimulation, ScatterSimulation >
std::string get_registered_name () const override
 Returns Derived::registered_name.
std::string parameter_info () override
 Returns a string with all parameters and their values, in a form suitable for parsing again.
- Public Member Functions inherited from stir::ScatterSimulation
 ScatterSimulation ()
 Default constructor.
void downsample_density_image_for_scatter_points (float _zoom_xy, float _zoom_z, int _size_xy=-1, int _size_z=-1)
 This function is a less powerfull tool than directly zooming the image. However it will check that the downsampling is done in manner compatible with the ScatterSimulation.
Succeeded downsample_scanner (int new_num_rings=-1, int new_num_dets=-1)
 Downsample the scanner keeping the total axial length the same. More...
Succeeded downsample_images_to_scanner_size ()
 Downsamples activity and attenuation images to voxel sizes appropriate for the (downsampled) scanner. More...
float detection_efficiency (const float energy) const
 gamma-energy-part of the detection efficiency More...
virtual void write_log (const double simulation_time, const float total_scatter)
 Output the log of the process.
void set_use_cache (const bool)
 Enable/disable caching of line integrals.
bool get_use_cache () const
 Return if line integrals are cached or not.
bool has_template_proj_data_info () const
bool has_exam_info () const
 Returns true if template_exam_info_sptr has been set.
shared_ptr< ProjDataget_output_proj_data_sptr () const
int get_num_scatter_points () const
shared_ptr< const ProjDataInfoget_template_proj_data_info_sptr () const
 Get the template ProjDataInfo.
shared_ptr< const ExamInfoget_exam_info_sptr () const
 Get the ExamInfo.
const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > & get_activity_image () const
const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > & get_attenuation_image () const
const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > & get_attenuation_image_for_scatter_points () const
shared_ptr< const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > > get_density_image_for_scatter_points_sptr () const
void set_template_proj_data_info (const std::string &)
void set_template_proj_data_info (const ProjDataInfo &)
void set_activity_image_sptr (const shared_ptr< const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float >>)
void set_activity_image (const std::string &filename)
void set_exam_info (const ExamInfo &)
void set_exam_info_sptr (const shared_ptr< const ExamInfo >)
void set_output_proj_data_sptr (shared_ptr< ProjData >)
void set_density_image_sptr (const shared_ptr< const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float >>)
void set_density_image (const std::string &)
void set_output_proj_data (const std::string &)
 This function depends on the ProjDataInfo of the scanner. You first have to set that.
void set_output_proj_data_sptr (const shared_ptr< const ExamInfo >, const shared_ptr< const ProjDataInfo >, const std::string &)
void set_density_image_for_scatter_points_sptr (shared_ptr< const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float >>)
void set_image_downsample_factors (float factor_xy=1.f, float factor_z=1.f, int _size_zoom_xy=-1, int _size_zoom_z=-1)
void set_density_image_for_scatter_points (const std::string &)
void set_attenuation_threshold (const float)
 set the attenuation threshold
void set_randomly_place_scatter_points (const bool)
 The scattering point in the voxel will be chosen randomly, instead of choosing the centre. More...
void set_cache_enabled (const bool)
void set_downsample_scanner_bool (const bool arg)
 Get and set methods for the downsample_scanner_bool.
bool get_downsample_scanner_bool () const
int get_num_downsample_scanner_rings () const
 Get and set methods for downsample_scanner_rings.
void set_num_downsample_scanner_rings (const int arg)
int get_num_downsample_scanner_dets () const
 Get and set methods for downsample_scanner_dets.
void set_num_downsample_scanner_dets (const int arg)
- Public Member Functions inherited from stir::ParsingObject
 ParsingObject (const ParsingObject &)
ParsingObjectoperator= (const ParsingObject &)
void ask_parameters ()
bool parse (std::istream &f)
bool parse (const char *const filename)

Static Public Attributes

static const char *const registered_name = "PET Single Scatter Simulation"
 Name which will be used when parsing a ScatterSimulation object.

Protected Member Functions

void initialise (const std::string &parameter_filename)
void set_defaults () override
 Set defaults before parsing.
void initialise_keymap () override
 Initialise all keywords.
bool post_processing () override
 used to check acceptable parameter ranges, etc...
double simulate_for_one_scatter_point (const std::size_t scatter_point_num, const unsigned det_num_A, const unsigned det_num_B)
 simulate single scatter for one scatter point
double scatter_estimate (const Bin &bin) override
 virtual function that computes the scatter for one (downsampled) bin
virtual void actual_scatter_estimate (double &scatter_ratio_singles, const unsigned det_num_A, const unsigned det_num_B)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from stir::ScatterSimulation
virtual double process_data_for_view_segment_num (const ViewSegmentNumbers &vs_num)
 computes scatter for one viewgram More...
float compute_emis_to_det_points_solid_angle_factor (const CartesianCoordinate3D< float > &emis_point, const CartesianCoordinate3D< float > &detector_coord)
void sample_scatter_points ()
 find scatter points More...
virtual void remove_cache_for_integrals_over_attenuation ()
 remove cached attenuation integrals More...
virtual void remove_cache_for_integrals_over_activity ()
 reset cached activity integrals More...
void initialise_cache_for_scattpoint_det_integrals_over_attenuation ()
 set-up cache for attenuation integrals More...
void initialise_cache_for_scattpoint_det_integrals_over_activity ()
 set-up cache for activity integrals More...
virtual void find_detectors (unsigned &det_num_A, unsigned &det_num_B, const Bin &bin) const
unsigned find_in_detection_points_vector (const CartesianCoordinate3D< float > &coord) const
double detection_efficiency_no_scatter (const unsigned det_num_A, const unsigned det_num_B) const
 average detection efficiency of unscattered counts
float exp_integral_over_attenuation_image_between_scattpoint_det (const CartesianCoordinate3D< float > &scatter_point, const CartesianCoordinate3D< float > &detector_coord)
float integral_over_activity_image_between_scattpoint_det (const CartesianCoordinate3D< float > &scatter_point, const CartesianCoordinate3D< float > &detector_coord)
float cached_integral_over_activity_image_between_scattpoint_det (const unsigned scatter_point_num, const unsigned det_num)
float cached_exp_integral_over_attenuation_image_between_scattpoint_det (const unsigned scatter_point_num, const unsigned det_num)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from stir::ParsingObject
virtual void set_key_values ()
 This will be called before parsing or parameter_info is called. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from stir::RegisteredParsingObject< SingleScatterSimulation, ScatterSimulation, ScatterSimulation >
static ScatterSimulationread_from_stream (std::istream *)
 Construct a new object (of type Derived) by parsing the istream. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from stir::ScatterSimulation
static float dif_Compton_cross_section (const float cos_theta, float energy)
static float total_Compton_cross_section (float energy)
static float photon_energy_after_Compton_scatter (const float cos_theta, const float energy)
static float photon_energy_after_Compton_scatter_511keV (const float cos_theta)
static float total_Compton_cross_section_relative_to_511keV (const float energy)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from stir::RegisteredObject< ScatterSimulation >
static ScatterSimulationread_registered_object (std::istream *in, const std::string &registered_name)
 Construct a new object (of a type derived from Root, its actual type determined by the registered_name parameter) by parsing the istream. More...
static ScatterSimulationask_type_and_parameters ()
 ask the user for the type, and then calls read_registered_object(0, type) More...
static void list_registered_names (std::ostream &stream)
 List all possible registered names to the stream. More...
- Protected Types inherited from stir::ScatterSimulation
enum  image_type { act_image_type, att_image_type }
- Protected Types inherited from stir::RegisteredObject< ScatterSimulation >
typedef ScatterSimulation *(* RootFactory) (std::istream *)
 The type of a root factory is a function, taking an istream* as argument, and returning a Root*.
typedef FactoryRegistry< std::string, RootFactory, interfile_lessRegistryType
 The type of the registry.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from stir::ScatterSimulation
static float max_cos_angle (const float low, const float approx, const float resolution_at_511keV)
 maximum angle to consider above which detection after Compton scatter is considered too small
static float energy_lower_limit (const float low, const float approx, const float resolution_at_511keV)
 mimumum energy to consider above which detection after Compton scatter is considered too small
static float integral_between_2_points (const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > &density, const CartesianCoordinate3D< float > &point1, const CartesianCoordinate3D< float > &point2)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from stir::RegisteredObject< ScatterSimulation >
static RegistryTyperegistry ()
 Static function returning the registry. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from stir::ScatterSimulation
std::vector< ScatterPoint > scatt_points_vector
float scatter_volume
std::string template_proj_data_filename
shared_ptr< ProjDataInfoproj_data_info_sptr
shared_ptr< ExamInfotemplate_exam_info_sptr
std::string density_image_filename
std::string density_image_for_scatter_points_filename
std::string density_image_for_scatter_points_output_filename
shared_ptr< const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > > density_image_sptr
shared_ptr< const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > > activity_image_sptr
 Pointer to hold the current activity estimation.
std::string output_proj_data_filename
 Output proj_data fileanme prefix.
shared_ptr< ProjDataoutput_proj_data_sptr
 Shared ptr to hold the simulated data.
float attenuation_threshold
 threshold below which a voxel in the attenuation image will not be considered as a candidate scatter point
bool randomly_place_scatter_points
 boolean to see if we need to move the scatter point randomly within in its voxel
bool use_cache
 boolean to see if we need to cache the integrals More...
std::string activity_image_filename
 Filename for the initial activity estimate.
float zoom_xy
 Zoom factor on plane XY. Defaults on 1.f.
float zoom_z
 Zoom factor on Z axis. Defaults on 1.f.
int zoom_size_xy
 Zoomed image size on plane XY. Defaults on -1.
int zoom_size_z
 Zoomed image size on Z axis. Defaults on -1.
int downsample_scanner_rings
 Number of rings of downsampled scanner.
int downsample_scanner_dets
 Number of detectors per ring of downsampled scanner.
bool downsample_scanner_bool
bool _already_set_up
CartesianCoordinate3D< float > shift_detector_coordinates_to_origin
std::vector< CartesianCoordinate3D< float > > detection_points_vector
- Protected Attributes inherited from stir::ParsingObject
KeyParser parser

Detailed Description

PET single scatter simulation.

The class is specific to PET so should be renamed accordingly.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: