STIR  6.2.0
Modules | Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions
Numerical algorithms
Collaboration diagram for Numerical algorithms:


 Discrete Fourier transforms
 Classes and functions for B-spline interpolation.


file  determinant.h
 Declaration of stir::determinant() function for matrices.
file  divide.h
 implementation of stir::divide
file  divide.inl
 implementation of stir::divide
file  erf.h
file  FastErf.h
 Implementation of an erf interpolation.
file  FastErf.inl
 Implementation of an erf interpolation.
file  ieeefp.h
 Definition of work-around macros STIR_isnan and STIR_finite for a few non-portable IEEE floating point functions.
file  integrate_discrete_function.h
 Declaration of stir::integrate_discrete_function function.
file  IR_filters.h
 Implementation of the IIR and FIR filters.
file  IR_filters.inl
 implements the IR_filters
file  MatrixFunction.h
 Declaration of functions for matrices.
file  MatrixFunction.inl
 Implementation of functions for matrices.
file  max_eigenvector.h
 Declaration of functions for computing eigenvectors.
file  norm.h
 Declaration of the stir::norm(), stir::norm_squared() functions and stir::NormSquared unary function.
file  norm.inl
 Implementation of the stir::norm(), stir::norm_squared() functions and stir::NormSquared unary function.
file  overlap_interpolate.h
 Declaration of stir::overlap_interpolate.
file  overlap_interpolate.inl
 Implementation of inline versions of stir::overlap_interpolate.
file  sampling_functions.h
 Sampling functions (currently only stir::sample_function_on_regular_grid)
file  stir_NumericalRecipes.h
 functions to convert from data in Numerical Recipes format to STIR arrays.
file  linear_extrapolation.h
file  more_interpolators.h
 Functions to interpolate data.
file  more_interpolators.inl
 Functions to interpolate data.
file  determinant.cxx
 Implementation of stir::determinant() function for matrices.


 Namespace for the STIR library (and some/most of its applications)


class  stir::PullLinearInterpolator< elemT >
 A function object to pull interpolated values from the input array into the grid points of the output array. More...
class  stir::PushTransposeLinearInterpolator< elemT >
 A function object to push values at the grid of the input array into the output array. More...
class  stir::PullNearestNeighbourInterpolator< elemT >
 A function object to pull interpolated values from the input array into the grid points of the output array. More...
class  stir::PushNearestNeighbourInterpolator< elemT >
 A function object to push values at the grid of the input array into the output array. More...


template<class elemT >
elemT stir::determinant (const Array< 2, elemT > &m)
 Compute the determinant of a matrix. More...
template<class NumeratorIterT , class DenominatorIterT , class small_numT >
void stir::divide (const NumeratorIterT &numerator_begin, const NumeratorIterT &numerator_end, const DenominatorIterT &denominator_begin, const small_numT small_num)
 division of two ranges, 0/0 = 0 More...
template<typename elemT >
elemT stir::integrate_discrete_function (const std::vector< elemT > &coordinates, const std::vector< elemT > &values, const int interpolation_order=1)
 numerical integration of a 1D functionThis is a simple integral implementation using rectangular (=0) or trapezoidal (=1) approximation. It currently integrates over the complete range specified. More...
template<class elemT >
Succeeded stir::absolute_max_eigenvector_using_power_method (elemT &max_eigenvalue, Array< 1, elemT > &max_eigenvector, const Array< 2, elemT > &m, const Array< 1, elemT > &start, const double tolerance=.01, const unsigned long max_num_iterations=10000UL)
 Compute the eigenvalue with the largest absolute value and corresponding eigenvector of a matrix by using the power method. More...
template<class elemT >
Succeeded stir::absolute_max_eigenvector_using_shifted_power_method (elemT &max_eigenvalue, Array< 1, elemT > &max_eigenvector, const Array< 2, elemT > &m, const Array< 1, elemT > &start, const elemT shift, const double tolerance=.03, const unsigned long max_num_iterations=10000UL)
 Compute the eigenvalue with the largest absolute value and corresponding eigenvector of a matrix by using the shifted power method. More...
template<class elemT >
Succeeded stir::max_eigenvector_using_power_method (elemT &max_eigenvalue, Array< 1, elemT > &max_eigenvector, const Array< 2, elemT > &m, const Array< 1, elemT > &start, const double tolerance=.03, const unsigned long max_num_iterations=10000UL)
 Compute the eigenvalue with the largest value and corresponding eigenvector of a matrix by using the power method. More...
template<typename T >
void stir::overlap_interpolate (VectorWithOffset< T > &out_data, const VectorWithOffset< T > &in_data, const float zoom, const float offset, const bool assign_rest_with_zeroes=true)
 'overlap' interpolation (i.e. count preserving) for vectors. More...
template<typename out_iter_t , typename out_coord_iter_t , typename in_iter_t , typename in_coord_iter_t >
void stir::overlap_interpolate (const out_iter_t out_begin, const out_iter_t out_end, const out_coord_iter_t out_coord_begin, const out_coord_iter_t out_coord_end, const in_iter_t in_begin, in_iter_t in_end, const in_coord_iter_t in_coord_begin, const in_coord_iter_t in_coord_end, const bool only_add_to_output=false, const bool assign_rest_with_zeroes=true)
 'overlap' interpolation for iterators, with arbitrary 'bin' sizes. More...
template<class FunctionType , class elemT , class positionT >
void stir::sample_function_on_regular_grid (Array< 3, elemT > &out, FunctionType func, const BasicCoordinate< 3, positionT > &offset, const BasicCoordinate< 3, positionT > &step)
 Generic function to get the values of a 3D function on a regular grid. More...
template<typename elemT , typename FunctionType , typename Lambda >
void stir::sample_function_using_index_converter (Array< 3, elemT > &out, FunctionType func, Lambda &&index_converter)
 Generic function to get the values of a 3D function on a grid. More...
template<class elemT , class positionT >
elemT stir::pull_nearest_neighbour_interpolate (const Array< 3, elemT > &in, const BasicCoordinate< 3, positionT > &point_in_input_coords)
 Pull value from the input array using nearest neigbour interpolation. More...
template<int num_dimensions, class elemT , class positionT , class valueT >
void stir::push_nearest_neighbour_interpolate (Array< num_dimensions, elemT > &out, const BasicCoordinate< num_dimensions, positionT > &point_in_output_coords, valueT value)
 Push value into the output array using nearest neigbour interpolation. More...
template<class elemT , class positionT >
elemT stir::pull_linear_interpolate (const Array< 3, elemT > &in, const BasicCoordinate< 3, positionT > &point_in_input_coords)
 Returns an interpolated value according to point_in_input_coords.
template<class elemT , class positionT , class valueT >
void stir::push_transpose_linear_interpolate (Array< 3, elemT > &out, const BasicCoordinate< 3, positionT > &point_in_output_coords, valueT value)
 Push value into the output array using the transpose of linear interpolation.
Array< 3, float > stir::extend_segment (const SegmentBySinogram< float > &segment, const int view_extension=5, const int axial_extension=5, const int tangential_extension=5)
 Extension of direct projection data. More...

functions specific for 1D Arrays

template<class elemT >
elemT stir::inner_product (const Array< 1, elemT > &v1, const Array< 1, elemT > &v2)
 Inner product of 2 1D arrays. More...
template<class elemT >
double stir::angle (const Array< 1, elemT > &v1, const Array< 1, elemT > &v2)
 angle between 2 1D arrays

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ extend_segment()

Array< 3, float > stir::extend_segment ( const SegmentBySinogram< float > &  segment,
const int  view_extension = 5,
const int  axial_extension = 5,
const int  tangential_extension = 5 

Extension of direct projection data.

Functions that extend the given sinogram or segment in the view direction taking periodicity into account, if exists. If the sinogram is not symmetric in tangential position, the values are extrapolated by nearest neighbour known values.

This is probably only useful before calling interpolation routines, or for FORE.

Generic function to extend a segment in any or all directions. Axially and tangentially, the segment is filled with the nearest existing value. In view direction, the function wraps around for stir::ProjData that cover 180° or 360° degrees, and throws an error for other angular coverages.

[in,out]segmentsegment to be extended.
[in]view_extensionhow many views to add either side of the segment
[in]axial_extensionhow many axial bins to add either side of the segment
[in]tangential_extensionhow many tangential bins to add either side of the segment

References _PI, stir::VectorWithOffset< Array< num_dimensions - 1, elemT > >::get_max_index(), stir::VectorWithOffset< Array< num_dimensions - 1, elemT > >::get_min_index(), stir::Segment< elemT >::get_proj_data_info_sptr(), and stir::Array< num_dimensions, elemT >::grow().

◆ determinant()

template<class elemT >
elemT stir::determinant ( const Array< 2, elemT > &  m)

Compute the determinant of a matrix.

Matrix indices can start from any number.

Only works for low dimensions for now.

Referenced by stir::Shape3DWithOrientation::get_volume_of_unit_cell().

◆ divide()

template<class NumeratorIterT , class DenominatorIterT , class small_numT >
void stir::divide ( const NumeratorIterT &  numerator_begin,
const NumeratorIterT &  numerator_end,
const DenominatorIterT &  denominator_begin,
const small_numT  small_num 

division of two ranges, 0/0 = 0

This function sets 0/0 to 0 (not the usual NaN). It is for instance useful in Poisson log-likelihood computation.

Because of potential numerical rounding problems, we test if a number is 0 by comparing its absolute value with a small value, which is determined by multiplying the maximum in the numerator range with small_num.

This function does not test for non-zero numbers by 0. Results in that case will likely depend on your processor and/or compiler settings.

Referenced by stir::BinNormalisationPETFromComponents::apply(), stir::KOSMAPOSLReconstruction< TargetT >::compute_kernelised_image(), and stir::OSMAPOSLReconstruction< TargetT >::update_estimate().

◆ integrate_discrete_function()

template<typename elemT >
elemT stir::integrate_discrete_function ( const std::vector< elemT > &  coordinates,
const std::vector< elemT > &  values,
const int  interpolation_order = 1 

numerical integration of a 1D functionThis is a simple integral implementation using rectangular (=0) or trapezoidal (=1) approximation. It currently integrates over the complete range specified.

coordinatesCoordinates at which the function samples are given
valuesFunction values
interpolation_orderhas to be 0 or 1
Type elemT should not be an integral type.

Referenced by stir::PlasmaData::get_sample_data_in_frames(), and stir::integrate_discrete_functionTests::run_tests().

◆ inner_product()

template<class elemT >
elemT stir::inner_product ( const Array< 1, elemT > &  v1,
const Array< 1, elemT > &  v2 

Inner product of 2 1D arrays.

This returns the sum of multiplication of elements of conjugate(v1) and v2.

Implementation is appropriate for complex numbers.

Arguments must have the same index range.

◆ absolute_max_eigenvector_using_power_method()

template<class elemT >
Succeeded stir::absolute_max_eigenvector_using_power_method ( elemT &  max_eigenvalue,
Array< 1, elemT > &  max_eigenvector,
const Array< 2, elemT > &  m,
const Array< 1, elemT > &  start,
const double  tolerance = .01,
const unsigned long  max_num_iterations = 10000UL 

Compute the eigenvalue with the largest absolute value and corresponding eigenvector of a matrix by using the power method.

[out]max_eigenvaluewill be set to the eigenvalue found
[out]max_eigenvectorwill be set to the eigenvector found, and is normalised to 1 (using the l2-norm). The sign choice is determined by normalising the largest element in the eigenvector to 1.
[in]mis the input matrix
[in]startis a starting vector for the iterations
[in]tolerancedetermines when iterations can stop
[in]max_num_iterationsis used to prevent an infinite loop
Succeeded::yes if max_num_iterations was not reached. However, you probably want to check if the norm of the difference between m.max_eigenvector and max_eigenvalue*max_eigenvector is small (compared to max_eigenvalue).

Computation uses the power method, see for instance

The method consists in computing



with $ v^{0}=\mathrm{start} $ for $ n$ big enough such that $ \mathrm{norm}(v^{n+1}-v^{n})$ becomes smaller than tolerance. The eigenvalue is then computed using the Rayleigh quotient

\[v.m.v \over v.v \]

This will converge to the eigenvector which has the largest absolute eigenvalue. The method fails when the matrix has more than 1 largest absolute eigenvalue (e.g. with opposite sign).

References stir::abs_max_element(), stir::VectorWithOffset< T >::begin(), stir::VectorWithOffset< T >::end(), stir::inner_product(), stir::Array< num_dimensions, elemT >::is_regular(), stir::matrix_multiply(), stir::norm(), stir::norm_squared(), stir::VectorWithOffset< T >::size(), and stir::square().

Referenced by stir::absolute_max_eigenvector_using_shifted_power_method(), and stir::max_eigenvector_using_power_method().

◆ absolute_max_eigenvector_using_shifted_power_method()

template<class elemT >
Succeeded stir::absolute_max_eigenvector_using_shifted_power_method ( elemT &  max_eigenvalue,
Array< 1, elemT > &  max_eigenvector,
const Array< 2, elemT > &  m,
const Array< 1, elemT > &  start,
const elemT  shift,
const double  tolerance = .03,
const unsigned long  max_num_iterations = 10000UL 

Compute the eigenvalue with the largest absolute value and corresponding eigenvector of a matrix by using the shifted power method.

See also

The current method calls the normal power method for m-shift*I and shifts the eigenvalue back to the eigenvalue for m.

This method can be used to enhance the convergence rate if you know more about the eigenvalues. It can also be used to find another eigenvalue by shifting with the maximum eigenvalue.

References stir::absolute_max_eigenvector_using_power_method(), stir::diagonal_matrix(), stir::error(), stir::VectorWithOffset< T >::get_min_index(), and stir::VectorWithOffset< T >::size().

Referenced by stir::max_eigenvector_using_power_method().

◆ max_eigenvector_using_power_method()

template<class elemT >
Succeeded stir::max_eigenvector_using_power_method ( elemT &  max_eigenvalue,
Array< 1, elemT > &  max_eigenvector,
const Array< 2, elemT > &  m,
const Array< 1, elemT > &  start,
const double  tolerance = .03,
const unsigned long  max_num_iterations = 10000UL 

Compute the eigenvalue with the largest value and corresponding eigenvector of a matrix by using the power method.

This assumes that all eigenvalues are real.
See also
[in]mis the input matrix, which has to be real-symmetric

This will attempt to find the eigenvector which has the largest eigenvalue. The method fails when the matrix has a negative eigenvalue of the same magnitude as the largest eigenvalue.

the algorithm would work with hermitian matrices, but the code needs one small adjustment.

References stir::absolute_max_eigenvector_using_power_method(), and stir::absolute_max_eigenvector_using_shifted_power_method().

Referenced by stir::RigidObject3DTransformation::find_closest_transformation().

◆ overlap_interpolate() [1/2]

template<typename T >
void stir::overlap_interpolate ( VectorWithOffset< T > &  out_data,
const VectorWithOffset< T > &  in_data,
const float  zoom,
const float  offset,
const bool  assign_rest_with_zeroes 

'overlap' interpolation (i.e. count preserving) for vectors.

This is an implementation of 'overlap' interpolation on arbitrary data types (using templates).

This type of interpolation considers the data as the samples of a step-wise function. The interpolated array again represents a step-wise function, such that the counts (i.e. integrals) are preserved.

zoomThe spacing between the new points is determined by the 'zoom' parameter: e.g. zoom less than 1 stretches the bin size with a factor 1/zoom.
offset(measured in 'units' of the in_data) allows to shift the range of values you want to compute. In particular, having positive offset shifts the data to the left (if in_data and out_data have the same range of indices). Note that a similar (but less general) effect to using 'offset' can be achieved by adjusting the min and max indices of the out_data.
assign_rest_with_zeroesIf false does not set values in out_data which do not overlap with in_data. If true those data are set to 0. (The effect being the same as first doing out_data.fill(0) before calling overlap_interpolate).

For an index x_out (in out_data coordinates), the corresponding in_data coordinates is x_in = x_out/zoom + offset (The convention is used that the 'bins' are centered around the coordinate value.)

when T involves integral types, there is no rounding but truncation.
in_data = {a,b,c,d} indices from 0 to 3
zoom = .5
offset = .5
out_data = {a+b, c+d} indices from 0 to 1

in_data = {a,b,c,d} indices from 0 to 3
zoom = .5
offset = -.5
out_data = {a,b+c,d} indices from 0 to 2

in_data = {a,b,c} indices from -1 to 1
zoom = .5
offset = 0
out_data = {a/2, a/2+b+c/2, c/2} indices from -1 to 1
Implementation details:

Because this implementation works for arbitrary (numeric) types T, it is slightly more complicated than would be necessary for (say) floats. In particular,

  • we do our best to avoid creating temporary objects of type T
  • we zero values by using multiplication with 0
    (actually we use T::operator*=(0)). This is to allow the case where T::operator=(int) does not exist (in particular, in our higher dimensional arrays).
  • first version by Kris Thielemans with suggestions by Alexey Zverovich. (loosely based on a 1D version by Claire Labbe)
See also
overlap_interpolate(const out_iter_t out_begin, const out_iter_t out_end, const out_coord_iter_t out_coord_begin, const out_coord_iter_t out_coord_end, const in_iter_t in_begin, in_iter_t in_end, const in_coord_iter_t in_coord_begin, const in_coord_iter_t in_coord_end, const bool only_add_to_output=false, const bool assign_rest_with_zeroes)

Referenced by stir::ArcCorrection::set_up(), and stir::zoom_image().

◆ overlap_interpolate() [2/2]

template<typename out_iter_t , typename out_coord_iter_t , typename in_iter_t , typename in_coord_iter_t >
void stir::overlap_interpolate ( const out_iter_t  out_begin,
const out_iter_t  out_end,
const out_coord_iter_t  out_coord_begin,
const out_coord_iter_t  out_coord_end,
const in_iter_t  in_begin,
in_iter_t  in_end,
const in_coord_iter_t  in_coord_begin,
const in_coord_iter_t  in_coord_end,
const bool  only_add_to_output = false,
const bool  assign_rest_with_zeroes = true 

'overlap' interpolation for iterators, with arbitrary 'bin' sizes.

This type of interpolation considers the data as the samples of a step-wise function. The interpolated array again represents a step-wise function, such that the counts (i.e. integrals) are preserved.

In and out data are specified using iterators. For each, there is also a pair of iterators specifying the coordinates of the edges of the 'bins' (or 'boxes') in some arbitrary coordinate system (common between in and out parameters of course). Note that there should be one more coordinate than data (i.e. you have to specify the last edge as well). This is (only) checked with assert() statements.

only_add_to_outputIf false will overwrite any data present in the output (aside from possibly the tails: see assign_rest_with_zeroes). If true, results will be added to the data.
assign_rest_with_zeroesIf false does not set values in the out range which do not overlap with in range. If true those data are set to 0.
when the out iterators point to an integral type, there is no rounding but truncation.
Given 2 arrays and zoom and offset parameters
Array<1,float> in = ...;
Array<1,float> out = ...;
float zoom = ...; float offset = ...;
the following pieces of code should give the same result (this is tested in test_interpolate):
overlap_interpolate(out, in, zoom, offset, true);
Array<1,float> in_coords(in.get_min_index(), in.get_max_index()+1);
for (int i=in_coords.get_min_index(); i<=in_coords.get_max_index(); ++i)
Array<1,float> out_coords(out.get_min_index(), out.get_max_index()+1);
for (int i=out_coords.get_min_index(); i<=out_coords.get_max_index(); ++i)
overlap_interpolate(out.begin(), out.end(),
out_coords.begin(), out_coords.end(),
in.begin(), in.end(),
in_coords.begin(), in_coords.end()
Implementation details:

Because this implementation works for arbitrary (numeric) types, it is slightly more complicated than would be necessary for (say) floats. In particular,

  • we do our best to avoid creating temporary objects
  • we zero values by using multiplication with 0. This is to allow the case where assignment with an int (or float) does not exist (in particular, in our higher dimensional arrays).

The implementation is inline to avoid problems with template instantiations.

  • first version by Kris Thielemans

◆ sample_function_on_regular_grid()

template<class FunctionType , class elemT , class positionT >
void stir::sample_function_on_regular_grid ( Array< 3, elemT > &  out,
FunctionType  func,
const BasicCoordinate< 3, positionT > &  offset,
const BasicCoordinate< 3, positionT > &  step 

Generic function to get the values of a 3D function on a regular grid.

[in,out]outarray that will be filled with the function values. Its dimensions are used to find the coordinates where to sample the function (see below).
[in]funcfunction to sample
[in]offsetoffset to use for coordinates (see below)
[in]stepstep size to use for coordinates (see below)

Symbolically, this function does the following computation for every index in the array

out(index) = func(index * step - offset)
requirement for type FunctionType
Due to the calling sequence above, the following has to be defined
elemT FunctionType::operator(const BasicCoordinate<3, positionT>&)
At the moment, only the 3D version is implemented, but this could be templated.

References stir::IndexRange< num_dimensions >::get_regular_range(), and stir::warning().

◆ sample_function_using_index_converter()

template<typename elemT , typename FunctionType , typename Lambda >
void stir::sample_function_using_index_converter ( Array< 3, elemT > &  out,
FunctionType  func,
Lambda &&  index_converter 

Generic function to get the values of a 3D function on a grid.

[in,out]outarray that will be filled with the function values. Its dimensions are used to find the coordinates where to sample the function (see below).
[in]funcfunction to sample
[in]index_convertera lambda function converting indices in the out array to coordinates where the function shall be sampled
requirement for type FunctionType
Due to the calling sequence above, the following has to be defined
elemT FunctionType::operator(const BasicCoordinate<3, positionT>&)
At the moment, only the 3D version is implemented, but this could be templated.

References stir::IndexRange< num_dimensions >::get_regular_range(), and stir::warning().

◆ pull_nearest_neighbour_interpolate()

template<class elemT , class positionT >
elemT stir::pull_nearest_neighbour_interpolate ( const Array< 3, elemT > &  in,
const BasicCoordinate< 3, positionT > &  point_in_input_coords 

Pull value from the input array using nearest neigbour interpolation.

Adds value to the grid point nearest to point_in_output_coords

References stir::VectorWithOffset< T >::get_max_index(), stir::VectorWithOffset< T >::get_min_index(), and stir::round().

◆ push_nearest_neighbour_interpolate()

template<int num_dimensions, class elemT , class positionT , class valueT >
void stir::push_nearest_neighbour_interpolate ( Array< num_dimensions, elemT > &  out,
const BasicCoordinate< num_dimensions, positionT > &  point_in_output_coords,
valueT  value 

Push value into the output array using nearest neigbour interpolation.

Adds value to the grid point nearest to point_in_output_coords

References stir::VectorWithOffset< Array< num_dimensions - 1, elemT > >::get_max_index(), stir::VectorWithOffset< Array< num_dimensions - 1, elemT > >::get_min_index(), and stir::round().