STIR  6.2.0
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Classes and functions for B-spline interpolation.
Collaboration diagram for Classes and functions for B-spline interpolation.:


file  BSplines.h
 Implementation of the basic components and declarations for B-Splines Interpolation.
file  BSplines1DRegularGrid.h
 Implementation of the B-Splines Interpolation.
file  BSplines1DRegularGrid.inl
 Implementation of the B-Splines Interpolation.
file  BSplines_coef.inl
 Implementation of the (cubic) B-Splines Interpolation.
file  BSplines_weights.inl
 Implementation of the B-Splines Interpolation.
file  BSplinesRegularGrid.h
 Implementation of the n-dimensional B-Splines Interpolation.


class  stir::BSpline::BSplines1DRegularGrid< out_elemT, in_elemT, constantsT >
 Temporary class for 1D B-splines. More...
class  stir::BSpline::BSplinesRegularGrid< num_dimensions, out_elemT, in_elemT, constantsT >
 A class for n-dimensional BSpline interpolation when the input samples are on a regular grid. More...


typedef double stir::BSpline::pos_type
 The type used for relative positions between the grid points.


enum  stir::BSpline::BSplineType {
  near_n, linear, quadratic, cubic,
  quartic, quintic, oMoms
 enum providing constants to define the type of B-Spline used for interpolation


template<typename pos_type >
pos_type stir::BSpline::BSplines_1st_der_weight (const pos_type relative_position, const BSplineType spline_type)
 return value of the first derivative of the spline
template<typename pos_type >
pos_type stir::BSpline::BSplines_weights (const pos_type relative_position, const BSplineType spline_type)
 return spline value

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