STIR  6.2.0
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
distributable building blocks
Collaboration diagram for distributable building blocks:


file  distributable.h
 Declaration of the main functions that perform parallel processing.
file  distributable_main.h
 Declaration of the stir::distributable_main function.
file  distributableMPICacheEnabled.h
 Declaration of the main function that performs parallel processing.
file  distributed_functions.h
 Declaration of functions in the distributed namespace.
file  distributed_test_functions.h
 Declaration of test functions for the distributed namespace.
file  distributable.cxx
 Implementation of stir::distributable_computation() and related functions.
file  distributableMPICacheEnabled.cxx
 Implementation of stir::distributable_computation_cache_enabled()
file  distributed_functions.cxx
 Implementation of functions in distributed namespace.
file  distributed_test_functions.cxx
 Implementation of test functions in distributed namespace.
file  DistributedWorker.cxx
 Implementation of stir::DistributedWorker()


 Namespace for the STIR library (and some/most of its applications)


class  stir::DistributedCachingInformation
 This class implements the logic needed to support caching in a distributed manner. More...
class  stir::DistributedWorker< TargetT >
 This implements the Worker for the stir::distributable_computation() function. More...


typedef void stir::RPC_process_related_viewgrams_type(const shared_ptr< ForwardProjectorByBin > &forward_projector_sptr, const shared_ptr< BackProjectorByBin > &back_projector_sptr, RelatedViewgrams< float > *measured_viewgrams_ptr, int &count, int &count2, double *log_likelihood_ptr, const RelatedViewgrams< float > *additive_binwise_correction_ptr, const RelatedViewgrams< float > *mult_viewgrams_ptr)
 typedef for callback functions for distributable_computation() More...


void stir::setup_distributable_computation (const shared_ptr< ProjectorByBinPair > &proj_pair_sptr, const shared_ptr< const ExamInfo > &exam_info_sptr, const shared_ptr< const ProjDataInfo > proj_data_info_sptr, const shared_ptr< const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float >> &target_sptr, const bool zero_seg0_end_planes, const bool distributed_cache_enabled)
 set-up parameters before calling distributable_computation() More...
void stir::end_distributable_computation ()
 clean-up after a sequence of computations More...
void stir::distributable_computation (const shared_ptr< ForwardProjectorByBin > &forward_projector_sptr, const shared_ptr< BackProjectorByBin > &back_projector_sptr, const shared_ptr< DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers > &symmetries_sptr, DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > *output_image_ptr, const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > *input_image_ptr, const shared_ptr< ProjData > &proj_data_ptr, const bool read_from_proj_data, int subset_num, int num_subsets, int min_segment_num, int max_segment_num, bool zero_seg0_end_planes, double *double_out_ptr, const shared_ptr< ProjData > &additive_binwise_correction, const shared_ptr< BinNormalisation > normalise_sptr, const double start_time_of_frame, const double end_time_of_frame, RPC_process_related_viewgrams_type *RPC_process_related_viewgrams, DistributedCachingInformation *caching_info_ptr, int min_timing_pos_num, int max_timing_pos_num)
 This function essentially implements a loop over segments and all views in the current subset.Output is in output_image_ptr and in float_out_ptr (but only if they are not NULL). What the output is, is really determined by the call-back function RPC_process_related_viewgrams. More...
template<typename CallBackT >
void stir::LM_distributable_computation (const shared_ptr< ProjMatrixByBin > PM_sptr, const shared_ptr< ProjDataInfo > &proj_data_info_sptr, DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > *output_image_ptr, const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > *input_image_ptr, const std::vector< BinAndCorr > &record_cache, const int subset_num, const int num_subsets, const bool has_add, const bool accumulate, double *double_out_ptr, CallBackT &&call_back)
 This function essentially implements a loop over a cached listmode file. More...

Task-ids currently understood by stir::DistributedWorker

const int stir::task_stop_processing = 0
const int stir::task_setup_distributable_computation = 200
const int stir::task_do_distributable_gradient_computation = 42
const int stir::task_do_distributable_loglikelihood_computation = 43
const int stir::task_do_distributable_sensitivity_computation = 44
int stir::distributable_main (int argc, char **argv)
void stir::distributable_computation_cache_enabled (const shared_ptr< ForwardProjectorByBin > &forward_projector_ptr, const shared_ptr< BackProjectorByBin > &back_projector_ptr, const shared_ptr< DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers > &symmetries_ptr, DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > *output_image_ptr, const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > *input_image_ptr, const shared_ptr< ProjData > &proj_data_sptr, const bool read_from_proj_data, int subset_num, int num_subsets, int min_segment_num, int max_segment_num, bool zero_seg0_end_planes, double *double_out_ptr, const shared_ptr< ProjData > &additive_binwise_correction, const shared_ptr< BinNormalisation > normalise_sptr, const double start_time_of_frame, const double end_time_of_frame, RPC_process_related_viewgrams_type *RPC_process_related_viewgrams, DistributedCachingInformation *caching_info_ptr, int min_timing_pos_num, int max_timing_pos_num)
 This function essentially implements a loop over segments and all views in the current subset in the parallel case. More...
void stir::test_image_estimate (shared_ptr< stir::DiscretisedDensity< 3, float >> input_image_ptr)

Detailed Description

Classes and functions that are used to make a common interface for the serial and parallel implementation of the reconstruction algorithms.

Typedef Documentation

◆ RPC_process_related_viewgrams_type

typedef void stir::RPC_process_related_viewgrams_type(const shared_ptr< ForwardProjectorByBin > &forward_projector_sptr, const shared_ptr< BackProjectorByBin > &back_projector_sptr, RelatedViewgrams< float > *measured_viewgrams_ptr, int &count, int &count2, double *log_likelihood_ptr, const RelatedViewgrams< float > *additive_binwise_correction_ptr, const RelatedViewgrams< float > *mult_viewgrams_ptr)

typedef for callback functions for distributable_computation()

Pointers will be NULL when they are not to be used by the callback function.

count and count2 are normally incremental counters that accumulate over the loop in distributable_computation().

The data in *measured_viewgrams_ptr are allowed to be overwritten, but the new data will not be used.

Function Documentation

◆ setup_distributable_computation()

void stir::setup_distributable_computation ( const shared_ptr< ProjectorByBinPair > &  proj_pair_sptr,
const shared_ptr< const ExamInfo > &  exam_info_sptr,
const shared_ptr< const ProjDataInfo proj_data_info_sptr,
const shared_ptr< const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float >> &  target_sptr,
const bool  zero_seg0_end_planes,
const bool  distributed_cache_enabled 

◆ end_distributable_computation()

void stir::end_distributable_computation ( )

clean-up after a sequence of computations

Empty unless STIR_MPI is defined, in which case it sends the "stop" task to the slaves (see stir::DistributedWorker)

References distributed::send_int_value(), and stir::task_stop_processing.

Referenced by stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData< TargetT >::~PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData().

◆ distributable_computation()

void stir::distributable_computation ( const shared_ptr< ForwardProjectorByBin > &  forward_projector_sptr,
const shared_ptr< BackProjectorByBin > &  back_projector_sptr,
const shared_ptr< DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers > &  symmetries_sptr,
DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > *  output_image_ptr,
const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > *  input_image_ptr,
const shared_ptr< ProjData > &  proj_data_ptr,
const bool  read_from_proj_data,
int  subset_num,
int  num_subsets,
int  min_segment_num,
int  max_segment_num,
bool  zero_seg0_end_planes,
double *  double_out_ptr,
const shared_ptr< ProjData > &  additive_binwise_correction,
const shared_ptr< BinNormalisation normalise_sptr,
const double  start_time_of_frame,
const double  end_time_of_frame,
RPC_process_related_viewgrams_type RPC_process_related_viewgrams,
DistributedCachingInformation caching_info_ptr,
int  min_timing_pos_num,
int  max_timing_pos_num 

This function essentially implements a loop over segments and all views in the current subset.Output is in output_image_ptr and in float_out_ptr (but only if they are not NULL). What the output is, is really determined by the call-back function RPC_process_related_viewgrams.

If STIR_MPI is defined, this function distributes the computation over the slaves.

Subsets are currently defined on views. A particular subset_num contains all views which are symmetry related to

proj_data_ptr->min_view_num()+subset_num + n*num_subsets

for n=0,1,,.. and for which the above view_num is 'basic' (for some segment_num in the range).

Symmetries are determined by using the 3rd argument to set_projectors_and_symmetries().


You first need to call setup_distributable_computation(), then you can do multiple calls to distributable_computation() with different images (but the same projection data, as this is potentially cached). If you want to change the image characteristics (e.g. size, or origin so), you have to call setup_distributable_computation() again. Finally, end the sequence of computations by a call to end_distributable_computation().

output_image_ptrwill store the output image if non-zero.
input_image_ptrinput when non-zero.
proj_data_ptrinput projection data
read_from_proj_dataif true, the measured_viewgrams_ptr argument of the call_back function will be constructed using ProjData::get_related_viewgrams, otherwise ProjData::get_empty_related_viewgrams is used.
subset_numthe number of the current subset (see above). Should be between 0 and num_subsets-1.
num_subsetsthe number of subsets to consider. 1 will process all data.
min_segment_numMinimum segment_num to process.
max_segment_numMaximum segment_num to process.
zero_seg0_end_planesif true, the end planes for segment_num=0 in measured_viewgrams_ptr (and additive_binwise_correction_ptr when applicable) will be set to 0.
double_out_ptra potential double output parameter for the call back function (which needs to be accumulated).
additive_binwise_correctionAdditional input projection data (when the shared_ptr is not 0).
normalise_sptrnormalisation pointer that, if non-zero, will be used to construct the "multiplicative" viewgrams (by using normalise_sptr->undo() on viewgrams filled with 1) that are then passed to RPC_process_related_viewgrams. This is useful for e.g. log-likelihood computations.
start_time_of_frameis passed to normalise_sptr
end_time_of_frameis passed to normalise_sptr
RPC_process_related_viewgramsfunction that does the actual work.
caching_info_ptrignored unless STIR_MPI=1, in which case it enables caching of viewgrams at the slave side
There is NO check that the resulting subsets are balanced.
The function assumes that min_segment_num, max_segment_num are such that symmetries map this range onto itself (i.e. no segment_num is obtained outside the range). This usually means that min_segment_num = -max_segment_num. This assumption is checked with assert().
The subset-scheme should be moved somewhere else (a Subset class?).
If STIR_MPI is defined, there can only be one set_up active, as the slaves use only one set of variabiles to store projectors etc.
See also
DistributedWorker for how the slaves perform the computation if STIR_MPI is defined.

Referenced by stir::DistributedWorker< TargetT >::start().

◆ LM_distributable_computation()

template<typename CallBackT >
void stir::LM_distributable_computation ( const shared_ptr< ProjMatrixByBin PM_sptr,
const shared_ptr< ProjDataInfo > &  proj_data_info_sptr,
DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > *  output_image_ptr,
const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > *  input_image_ptr,
const std::vector< BinAndCorr > &  record_cache,
const int  subset_num,
const int  num_subsets,
const bool  has_add,
const bool  accumulate,
double *  double_out_ptr,
CallBackT &&  call_back 

This function essentially implements a loop over a cached listmode file.

has_addif true, the additive term in record_cache is taken into account
accumulateif true, add to output_image_ptr, otherwise fill it with zeroes before doing anything.
double_out_ptraccumulated value (for every event) computed by the call-back, unless the pointer is zero

Referenced by stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndListModeDataWithProjMatrixByBin< TargetT >::actual_compute_objective_function_without_penalty().

◆ distributable_main()

int stir::distributable_main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

main function that starts processing on the master or slave as appropriate

This function should be implemented by the application, replacing the usual main().

DistributedWorker.cxx provides a main() function that will set-up everything for parallel processing (as appropriate on the master and slaves), and then calls distributable_main() on the master (passing any arguments along).

If STIR_MPI is not defined, main() will simply call distributable_main().

Skeleton of a program that uses this module:

int stir::distributable_main(int argc, char** argv)
// master node code goes here

◆ distributable_computation_cache_enabled()

void stir::distributable_computation_cache_enabled ( const shared_ptr< ForwardProjectorByBin > &  forward_projector_ptr,
const shared_ptr< BackProjectorByBin > &  back_projector_ptr,
const shared_ptr< DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers > &  symmetries_ptr,
DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > *  output_image_ptr,
const DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > *  input_image_ptr,
const shared_ptr< ProjData > &  proj_data_sptr,
const bool  read_from_proj_data,
int  subset_num,
int  num_subsets,
int  min_segment_num,
int  max_segment_num,
bool  zero_seg0_end_planes,
double *  double_out_ptr,
const shared_ptr< ProjData > &  additive_binwise_correction,
const shared_ptr< BinNormalisation normalise_sptr,
const double  start_time_of_frame,
const double  end_time_of_frame,
RPC_process_related_viewgrams_type RPC_process_related_viewgrams,
DistributedCachingInformation caching_info_ptr,
int  min_timing_pos_num,
int  max_timing_pos_num 

This function essentially implements a loop over segments and all views in the current subset in the parallel case.

This provides the same functionality as distributable_computation(), but enables caching of RelatedViewgrams such that they don't need to be sent multiple times.

Do not call this function directly. Use distributable_computation() instead.
Merge this functionality into distributable_computation()

References distributed::first_iteration, distributed::send_bool_value(), and distributed::test.

Variable Documentation

◆ task_stop_processing

const int stir::task_stop_processing = 0