STIR  6.2.0
Namespaces | Functions
list_TAC_ROI_values.cxx File Reference

Utility program for getting TAC for ROI values. More...

#include "stir/utilities.h"
#include "stir/evaluation/compute_ROI_values.h"
#include "stir/Shape/DiscretisedShape3D.h"
#include "stir/VoxelsOnCartesianGrid.h"
#include "stir/DynamicDiscretisedDensity.h"
#include "stir/DataProcessor.h"
#include "stir/KeyParser.h"
#include "stir/is_null_ptr.h"
#include "stir/warning.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>


 Namespace for the STIR library (and some/most of its applications)


int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Detailed Description

Utility program for getting TAC for ROI values.

Kris Thielemans
Charalampos Tsoumpas
list_TAC_ROI_values [--CV] output_filename data_filename [ ROI_filename.par ]
output_filenamea text file sorted in list form of: | Frame_num | Start Time | End Time | Mean | StdDev | CV |
data_filenameshould be in ECAT7 format.
&ndash;CVis used to output the Coefficient of Variation as well. Note: When ROI_filename.par is not given, the user will be asked for the parameters.

The .par file has the following format

ROIValues Parameters :=

; give the ROI an (optional) name. Defaults to the empty string.
ROI name := some name
; see Shape3D hierarchy for possible values
ROI Shape type:=ellipsoid
;; ellipsoid parameters here

; if more than 1 ROI is desired, you can do this
next shape :=
ROI name := some other name
ROI Shape type:=ellipsoidal cylinder
;; parameters here

number of samples to take for ROI template-z:=1
number of samples to take for ROI template-y:=1
number of samples to take for ROI template-x:=1

; specify (optional) filter to apply before computing ROI values
; see ImageProcessor hierarchy for possible values
Image Filter type:=None

Add the –V option to include the volume information for the sample region.

Merge it with the list_ROI_values.cxx utility.