STIR  6.2.0
Namespaces | Functions
linear_regression.inl File Reference

Implementation of inline functions for stir::linear_regression() More...

#include <cstddef>


 Namespace for the STIR library (and some/most of its applications)
 Namespace for the implementation details of the STIR library.


template<class Value >
void stir::detail::linear_regression_compute_fit_from_S (Value &constant, Value &scale, Value &chi_square, Value &variance_of_constant, Value &variance_of_scale, Value &covariance_of_constant_with_scale, const double S, const double Sx, const double Sy, const double Syy, const double Stt, const double Sty, const std::size_t data_size, const bool use_estimated_variance)
template<class DataIter , class CoordinatesIter , class WeightsIter >
void stir::detail::linear_regression_compute_S (double &S, double &Sx, double &Sy, double &Syy, double &Stt, double &Sty, const DataIter data_begin, const DataIter data_end, const CoordinatesIter coords_begin, const WeightsIter weights_begin)
template<class Value , class DataIter , class CoordinatesIter , class WeightsIter >
void stir::linear_regression (Value &constant, Value &scale, Value &chi_square, Value &variance_of_constant, Value &variance_of_scale, Value &covariance_of_constant_with_scale, DataIter measured_data_begin, DataIter measured_data_end, CoordinatesIter coords_begin, WeightsIter weights_begin, const bool use_estimated_variance=true)
 Implements standard linear regression. More...
template<class Value , class DataType , class CoordinatesType >
void stir::linear_regression (Value &constant, Value &scale, Value &chi_square, Value &variance_of_constant, Value &variance_of_scale, Value &covariance_of_constant_with_scale, const VectorWithOffset< DataType > &measured_data, const VectorWithOffset< CoordinatesType > &coordinates, const VectorWithOffset< float > &weights, const bool use_estimated_variance=true)
 Implements standard linear regression on VectorWithOffset data. More...
template<class ValueIter , class DataIter , class CoordinatesIter , class WeightsIter >
void stir::linear_regression (ValueIter regression_values_begin, DataIter data_begin, DataIter data_end, CoordinatesIter coords_begin, WeightsIter weights_begin, const bool use_estimated_variance=true)

Detailed Description

Implementation of inline functions for stir::linear_regression()

Kris Thielemans
Charalampos Tsoumpas
PARAPET project