STIR  6.2.0

Declaration of class stir::GenerateImage. More...

#include "stir/Shape/Shape3D.h"
#include "stir/PatientPosition.h"
#include "stir/ImagingModality.h"
#include "stir/KeyParser.h"
#include "stir/is_null_ptr.h"
#include "stir/CartesianCoordinate3D.h"
#include "stir/IndexRange3D.h"
#include "stir/Succeeded.h"
#include "stir/IO/OutputFileFormat.h"
#include "stir/VoxelsOnCartesianGrid.h"
#include <iostream>

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 Namespace for the STIR library (and some/most of its applications)

Detailed Description

Declaration of class stir::GenerateImage.

Kris Thielemans
Sanida Mustafovic
Robert Twyman
Example .par file
generate_image Parameters :=
;;;;; a number of keywords as in Interfile
; (possible values are given by using a | notation)
; optional: values: PET|nucmed *defaults to PET for backwards compatibility)
imaging modality:=PET
; optional (but recommended). Needs to be a STIR supported name
originating system := ECAT 931
; optional patient position keywords (defaulting to "unknown")
; orientation: allowed values: head_in|feet_in|other|unknown
patient orientation := head_in
; rotation: allowed values: prone|supine|other|unknown
patient rotation := supine
; optional keywords to set image timing
image duration (sec) := 20 ; defaults to -1 (i.e. unknown)
image relative start time (sec) := 0 ; defaults to zero
;;;;; specific keywords
output filename:= somefile
; optional keyword to specify the output file format
; example below uses Interfile with 16-bit unsigned integers
output file format type:= Interfile
interfile Output File Format Parameters:=
number format := unsigned integer
; fix the scale factor to 1
; comment out next line to let STIR use the full dynamic
; range of the output type
scale_to_write_data:= 1
End Interfile Output File Format Parameters:=
X output image size (in pixels):= 13
Y output image size (in pixels):= 13
Z output image size (in pixels):= 15
X voxel size (in mm):= 4
Y voxel size (in mm):= 4
Z voxel size (in mm):= 5
; parameters that determine subsampling of border voxels
; to obtain smooth edges
; setting these to 1 will just check if the centre of the voxel is in or out
; default to 5
Z number of samples to take per voxel := 5
Y number of samples to take per voxel := 5
X number of samples to take per voxel := 5
; now starts an enumeration of objects
; Shape3D hierarchy for possible shapes and their parameters
shape type:= ellipsoidal cylinder
Ellipsoidal Cylinder Parameters:=
radius-x (in mm):= 1
radius-y (in mm):= 2
length-z (in mm):= 3
origin (in mm):= {z,y,x}
value := 10
; here comes another shape
next shape:=
shape type:= ellipsoid
; etc
; as many shapes as you want
If the shape is smaller than the voxel-size, or the shape is at the edge of the image, the current mechanism of generating the image might miss the shape entirely.
Does not currently support interactive parsing, so a par file must be given on the command line.
Code duplicates things from stir::InterfileHeader. This is bad as it might miss new features being added there.
Kris Thielemans