STIR  6.2.0
conv_UPENN_projdata_to_STIR.cxx File Reference

Convert PennPET Explorer-type of sinogram to STIR-type The PennPET projdata skip over the gaps, the –gaps options adds them back to STIR's projdata. Without the –gaps flag the output will match the input (as closely as possibly). –inv: should be used for the attenuation correction –up_treshold should be used with normalisation (typically 13) More...

#include "stir/ProjDataInfo.h"
#include "stir/ProjDataInfoCylindricalNoArcCorr.h"
#include "stir/ProjDataInterfile.h"
#include "stir/RelatedViewgrams.h"
#include "stir/Succeeded.h"
#include "stir/is_null_ptr.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "stir/recon_buildblock/BinNormalisationFromProjData.h"
#include "stir/TrivialDataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbers.h"
#include "stir/ViewSegmentNumbers.h"
#include "stir/LORCoordinates.h"
#include "liblor.h"
#include "libimagio++.h"


bool is_gap (int r)
 Regurn true if the ring is a gap (between 0 and 16)
int main (int argc, const char *argv[])

Detailed Description

Convert PennPET Explorer-type of sinogram to STIR-type The PennPET projdata skip over the gaps, the –gaps options adds them back to STIR's projdata. Without the –gaps flag the output will match the input (as closely as possibly). –inv: should be used for the attenuation correction –up_treshold should be used with normalisation (typically 13)

Nikos Efthimiou
--output <filename>
--template <filename>
--input <filename>
--up_thresshold <value>