STIR  6.2.0
Classes | Namespaces
PixelsOnCartesianGrid.h File Reference

defines the stir::PixelsOnCartesianGrid class More...

#include "stir/DiscretisedDensityOnCartesianGrid.h"
#include "stir/CartesianCoordinate2D.h"
#include "stir/PixelsOnCartesianGrid.inl"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  stir::PixelsOnCartesianGrid< elemT >
 This class is used to represent pixelised densities on a rectangular grid (2D). More...


 Namespace for the STIR library (and some/most of its applications)

Detailed Description

defines the stir::PixelsOnCartesianGrid class

Sanida Mustafovic
Kris Thielemans (with help from Alexey Zverovich)
PARAPET project