STIR  6.2.0
conv_to_SimSET_att_image.cxx File Reference

Convert a transmission image into SimSET attenuation file input. More...

#include "stir/shared_ptr.h"
#include "stir/DiscretisedDensity.h"
#include "stir/IO/interfile.h"
#include "stir/IO/read_from_file.h"
#include "stir/Succeeded.h"
#include <iostream>


int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Detailed Description

Convert a transmission image into SimSET attenuation file input.

Charalampos Tsoumpas
Kris Thielemans
conv_to_SimSET_image [SimSET_image_filename][original_image]
Output: "SimSET_image_filename".hv AND "SimSET_image_filename".v

This is a utility program converts a transmission image (in units of cm^-1 and for 511 keV) into a SimSET attenuation input file with index values from the table below ( This is done by a very simple segmentation of the transmission image.

Material              Attenuation index
-----------------      ---------------------
Air                          0    //Implemented
Water                        1        //Implemented
Blood                        2        //implemented
Bone                         3        //Implemented
Brain                        4
Heart                        5
Lung                         6        //Implemented
Muscle                       7
Lead                         8
Sodium Iodide                9
BGO                         10
Iron                        11
Graphite                    12
Tin                         13
GI Tract                    14
Connective tissue           15
Copper                      16
Perfect absorber            17
LSO                         18
GSO                         19
Aluminum                    20 //Implemented
Tungsten                    21
Liver                       22
Fat                         23
LaBr3                       24
Low viscosity polycarbonate 25
NEMA polyethylene           26
Polymethyl methylcrylate    27
Polystyrene fibers          28

See the SimSET documentation for more details.

If at least one attenuation value in the transmission image is not segmented either implement the new attenuation indices or change the input image. HINT: If the image is produced by the STIR utility: generate_image, the subsampling parameters should be set to 1 when small voxels sizes are used.