STIR  6.2.0
listmode_utilities Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for listmode_utilities:


file  add_ecat7_header_to_sgl.cxx
 Prepend contents of ECAT7 header to a new sgl file (from list mode acquisition)
file  conv_NiftyPET_stir.cxx
 Convert between NiftyPET and STIR imagees and projdata.
file  list_lm_countrates.cxx
 Utility to generate a count rate curve for some listmode data The count rate curve is just a list of the total number of prompts and delayeds in subsequent time intervals. The current output is a file with 4 columns:
file  list_lm_events.cxx
 Program to show info about listmode data.
file  list_lm_info.cxx
 A utility that lists info on the listmode data on stdout.
file  lm_fansums.cxx
 Program to compute detector fansums directly from listmode data.
file  lm_to_projdata.cxx
 Program to bin listmode data to 3d sinograms.
file  lm_to_projdata_bootstrap.cxx
 Program to bin listmode data to projection data using bootstrapping (uses stir::LmToProjDataBootstrap)
file  lm_to_projdata_NiftyPET.cxx
 Program to bin listmode data to 3d sinograms using STIR's NiftyPET wrapper.
file  lm_to_projdata_with_random_rejection.cxx
 Program to bin listmode data to projection data using random rejection of counts (uses stir::LmToProjDataWithRandomRejection)
file  print_sgl_values.cxx
 Utility program that prints out values from an sgl file.
file  rebin_sgl_file.cxx
 Utility program scans the singles file looking for anomalous values.
file  scan_sgl_file.cxx
 Utility program scans the singles file looking for anomalous values.