STIR  6.2.0
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 CSPECTUB::angle_typeStructure to store angles values, indices and ratios
 Cstir::ArcCorrectionA class to arc-correct projection data
 Cstir::ArrayFunctionObject< num_dimensions, elemT >A class for operations on n-dimensional Arrays
 Cstir::ArrayFunctionObject< num_dimensions, float >
 CSPECTUB::attpth_typeStructure for attenuation calculus
 Cstd::basic_string< Char >STL class
 Cstir::BeginEndAllFunction< TopLevelIterT, RestIterT >Helper class for NestedIterator when the 1st level iterator refers to a stir full iterator for the 2nd level iterator
 Cstir::BeginEndFunction< TopLevelIterT, RestIterT >Helper class for NestedIterator when the 1st level iterator refers to an ordinary iterator for the 2nd level iterator
 CSPECTUB::bin_typeStructure for bin information
 Cstir::BinAndCorrA small bundle of a Bin and its additive correction value
 Cstir::BloodFrameDataA class for storing plasma samples of a single study
 Cstir::BoundaryConditionsPreliminary class to specify boundary conditions for filters
 Cstir::BSpline::BSplines1DRegularGrid< out_elemT, in_elemT, constantsT >Temporary class for 1D B-splines
 Cstir::BSpline::BSplines1DRegularGrid< double, double >
 Cstir::BSpline::BSplinesRegularGrid< num_dimensions, out_elemT, in_elemT, constantsT >A class for n-dimensional BSpline interpolation when the input samples are on a regular grid
 Cstir::BSpline::BSplinesRegularGrid< num_dimensions, elemT, elemT >
 Cstir::ByteOrderThis class provides member functions to find out what byte-order your machine is and to swap numbers
 Cstir::GE::RDF_HDF5::detail::CListAnyRecordDataGEHDF5Class for finding out what the event/size-type is in a GE RDF9 listmode file
 Cstir::ecat::CListEventDataECAT8_32bitClass for decoding storing and using a raw coincidence event from a listmode file from the ECAT 966 scanner
 Cstir::ecat::ecat7::CListEventDataECAT962Class for storing and using a coincidence event from a listmode file
 Cstir::ecat::ecat7::CListEventDataECAT966Class for decoding storing and using a raw coincidence event from a listmode file from the ECAT 966 scanner
 Cstir::GE::RDF_HDF5::detail::CListEventDataGEHDF5Class for storing and using a coincidence event from a GE RDF9 listmode file
 Cstir::CListEventDataLMFClass for storing and using a coincidence event from a listmode file
 Cstir::CListEventDataNeuroLFClass for record with coincidence data using NeuroLF bitfield definition
 Cstir::CListEventDataSAFIRClass for record with coincidence data using SAFIR bitfield definition
 Cstir::ecat::ecat7::CListRecordECAT966A class for a general element of a listmode file
 Cstir::ecat::CListTimeDataECAT8_32bitA class for decoding a raw events that is neither time or coincidence in a listmode file from the ECAT 8_32bit scanner
 Cstir::ecat::ecat7::CListTimeDataECAT962A class for storing and using a timing 'event' from a listmode file
 Cstir::ecat::ecat7::CListTimeDataECAT966A class for decoding a raw timing 'event' from a listmode file from the ECAT 966 scanner
 Cstir::CListTimeDataLMFA class for storing and using a timing 'event' from a listmode file
 Cstir::CListTimeDataSAFIRClass for record with time data using SAFIR bitfield definition
 CSPECTUB::collim_typeCollimator parameters structure
 Cstir::CopyFill< T >Helper class for stir::copy_to and stir::fill_from
 Cstir::CopyFill< Array< num_dimensions, elemT > >Helper class for stir::copy_to and stir::fill_from
 Cstir::CopyFill< DynamicProjData >Copy all bins to a range specified by an iterator
 Cstir::CopyFill< MultipleProjData >Copy all bins to a range specified by an iterator
 Cstir::CopyFill< ProjData >Helper class for stir::copy_to and stir::fill_from
 Cstir::DataSymmetriesForDenselsA class for encoding/finding symmetries common to the geometry of the projection data and the discretised density
 Cstir::DataSymmetriesForViewSegmentNumbersA class for encoding/finding symmetries. Works only on ViewSegmentNumbers (instead of Bin)
 Cstir::DateTimeStringsA simple structure to hold 2 strings (date and time)
 Cstir::DetectionPositionPair< coordT >A class for storing 2 coordinates-sets of a detection, together with a timing-position index (for TOF), as suitable for PET
 CSPECTUB::discrf_typeStructure for distribution function information
 Cstir::DistributedCachingInformationThis class implements the logic needed to support caching in a distributed manner
 Cstir::DynamicProjDataDynamic projection data
 Cboost::detail::empty_baseBoost class for chaining of operators (see operators.hpp)
 Cboost::equality_comparable< T, B >Boost class to define operator!= in terms of operator== (see operators.hpp)
 Cstir::ExamDataBase class for data objects such as ProjData etcProvides an ExamInfo member
 Cstir::ExamInfoClass for storing information about 1 exam (or scan)
 Cstir::FactoryRegistry< Key, Factory, Compare >This class can be used to store 'factories' and their corresponding keys. It is essentially a map, but with some extra embelishments
 Cstir::FilePathThe FilePath class
 Cstir::FileSignatureA class to read/store the file signature
 Cstir::ProjDataInfo::Float1Float2Struct which holds two floating numbers
 Cstir::FrameSinglesRatesA single frame of singles information
 Cstir::FullArrayIterator< topleveliterT, restiterT, elemT, _Ref, _Ptr >Class FullArrayIterator implements (forward) iterators that go through all elements of an Array
 Cstir::GatedDiscretisedDensityClass of multiple image gates
 Cstir::GE::RDF_HDF5::GEHDF5WrapperA class that extracts and reads the necessary data from GE HDF5 input files
 Cstir::GeneralisedPoissonNoiseGeneratorGenerates noise realisations according to Poisson statistics but allowing for scaling
 Cstir::HigherPrecision< T >Helper class to get a type with higher precision
 Cstir::HighResWallClockTimerHigh-resolution timer
 CImageReading and writing gipl files
 Cstir::ImagingModalityClass for encoding the modality
 Cstir::IndexRange< 1 >The (simple) 1 dimensional specialisation of IndexRange
 Cstir::InputFileFormat< DataT >Base-class for file-formats for reading
 Cstir::InputFileFormat< DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > >
 Cstir::InputFileFormat< DynamicDiscretisedDensity >
 Cstir::InputFileFormat< ListModeData >
 Cstir::InputFileFormat< ParametricVoxelsOnCartesianGrid >
 Cstir::InputFileFormat< STIRImageType >
 Cstir::InputFileFormatRegistry< DataT >A class for registering (and finding) all input file formats
 Cstir::InputStreamWithRecords< RecordT, OptionsT >A helper class to read data from a (presumably binary) stream
 Cstir::GE::RDF_HDF5::InputStreamWithRecordsFromHDF5< RecordT >A helper class to read data from a hdf5 file
 Cstir::interfile_lessA function object that compares Interfile keywords
 Cstir::InvertAxisUtility class to "invert" an axis
 Cstir::detail::is_1dClass used to signify it's a 1D array
 Cstir::detail::is_not_1dClass used to signify it's not a 1D array
 Cstir::JacobianForIntBPThe next class is used in BackProjectorByBinUsingInterpolation to take geometric things into account. It also includes some normalisation. (internal use only)
 Cstir::KeyArgumentA class that enumerates the possible types that can be used to store parsed values. Used (only) by KeyParser
 Cstir::KeyParserA class to parse Interfile headers
 Cstir::ListEventClass for storing and using gamma events from a list mode file
 Cstir::ListGatingInputA class recording external input to the scanner (normally used for gating)
 Cstir::ListRecordA class for a general element of a list mode file
 Cstir::ListTimeA class for storing and using a timing record from a listmode file
 Cstir::GE::RDF_HDF5::detail::ListTimeDataGEHDF5A class for storing and using a timing 'event' from a GE RDF9 listmode file
 Cstir::LmToProjDataBootstrap< LmToProjDataT >Class for binning list mode data into projection data using the bootstrap procedure
 Cstir::LmToProjDataWithRandomRejection< LmToProjDataT >Class for binning list mode data into projection data using the bootstrap procedure
 Cstir::LOR< coordT >A base class for specifying an LOR with geometric coordinates
 Cstir::LOR< float >
 Cstir::LORCylindricalCoordinates_z_and_radius< coordT >An internal class for LORs. Do not use
 Cstir::map_elementClass to store the Interfile keywords and their actions
 Cstir::MaskingParametersA struct to hold the parameters for image masking
 Cstir::ModelMatrix< num_param >A helper class to store the model matrix for a linear kinetic model
 Cstir::ModelMatrix< 1 >
 Cstir::ModelMatrix< 2 >
 Cstir::NestedIterator< topleveliterT, GetRestRangeFunctionT >Class NestedIterator implements a (forward) iterator using a pair of 'nested' iterators
 Cstir::NiftyPETHelperHelper class for the wrapped NiftyPET projectors
 Cstir::NormSquared< T >A helper class that computes the square of the norm of numeric data
 Cstir::NumericInfo< NUMBER >Class NumericInfo<NUMBER> defines properties for the type NUMBER
 Cstir::NumericInfo< double >Basic properties of double
 Cstir::NumericInfo< float >Basic properties of float
 Cstir::NumericInfo< signed char >Basic properties of signed char
 Cstir::NumericInfo< signed int >Basic properties of signed int
 Cstir::NumericInfo< signed long >Basic properties of signed long
 Cstir::NumericInfo< signed short >Basic properties of signed short
 Cstir::NumericInfo< unsigned char >Basic properties of unsigned char
 Cstir::NumericInfo< unsigned int >Basic properties of unsigned int
 Cstir::NumericInfo< unsigned long >Basic properties of unsigned long
 Cstir::NumericInfo< unsigned short >Basic properties of unsigned short
 Cstir::NumericTypeNames for some numeric types and methods for finding their properties
 Cstir::detail::ParallelprojHelperHelper class for Parallelproj's projectors
 Cstir::Parametric2Single< DiscDensT >A helper class to find the type of a 'single' image for a corresponding parametric image
 Cstir::ParametricDiscretisedDensity< DiscDensT >Class to store parametric images
 Cstir::ParseAndCreateFrom< OutputT, InputT, ParserT >Template for adding keywords to a parser and creating an object
 Cstir::ParseAndCreateFrom< DiscretisedDensity< 3, float >, stir::ProjData >
 Cstir::ParseAndCreateFrom< TargetT, GatedProjData >
 Cstir::ParseAndCreateFrom< TargetT, stir::DynamicProjData >
 Cstir::ParseAndCreateFrom< TargetT, stir::ListModeData >
 Cstir::ParseAndCreateFrom< TargetT, stir::ProjData >
 Cstir::ParseDiscretisedDensityParametersClass for adding parameters relevant to DiscretisedDensity to a parser
 Cstir::ParsingObjectA base class for objects that want to be able to parse parameter files
 Cboost::partially_ordered< T, B >Boost class to define all comparison operators given only 2 (see operators.hpp)
 Cboost::partially_ordered< BasicCoordinate< num_dimensions, coordT >, boost::equality_comparable< BasicCoordinate< num_dimensions, coordT > > >
 Cboost::partially_ordered< DetectionPosition< coordT >, boost::equality_comparable< DetectionPosition< coordT > > >
 Cboost::partially_ordered< DetectionPosition< unsigned int >, boost::equality_comparable< DetectionPosition< unsigned int > > >
 Cstir::PlasmaDataA class for storing plasma and blood samples of a single study
 Cstir::PointOnCylinder< coordT >A class for a point on a cylinder
 Cstir::Polaris_MT_FileClass for parsing .mt files output by the Polaris software
 CSPECTUB::proj_typeStructure for projection information
 Cstir::ProjDataInfoAn (abstract base) class that contains information on the projection data
 Cstir::ProjMatrixElemsForOneBinThis stores the non-zero projection matrix elements for every 'densel' that contributes to a given bin
 Cstir::ProjMatrixElemsForOneBinValueStores voxel coordinates and the value of the matrix element
 Cstir::ProjMatrixElemsForOneDenselThis stores the non-zero projection matrix elements for every 'voxel'
 CSPECTUB::psf1d_typeStructure for PSF information
 CSPECTUB::psf2da_typeStructure for distribution function information
 Cstir::PtrBeginEndAllFunction< TopLevelIterT, RestIterT >Helper class for NestedIterator when the 1st level iterator refers to a pointer to a stir full iterator for the 2nd level iterator
 Cstir::PtrBeginEndAllFunction< TopLevelIterT, boost::pointee< boost::iterator_value< TopLevelIterT >::type >::type::const_full_iterator >
 Cstir::PtrBeginEndFunction< TopLevelIterT, RestIterT >Helper class for NestedIterator when the 1st level iterator refers to pointers to an ordinary iterator for the 2nd level iterator
 Cstir::PtrBeginEndFunction< TopLevelIterT, boost::pointee< boost::iterator_value< TopLevelIterT >::type >::type::const_iterator >
 Cstir::PullLinearInterpolator< elemT >A function object to pull interpolated values from the input array into the grid points of the output array
 Cstir::PullNearestNeighbourInterpolator< elemT >A function object to pull interpolated values from the input array into the grid points of the output array
 Cstir::PushNearestNeighbourInterpolator< elemT >A function object to push values at the grid of the input array into the output array
 Cstir::PushTransposeLinearInterpolator< elemT >A function object to push values at the grid of the input array into the output array
 Cstir::RadionuclideA class for storing radionuclide information
 Cstir::RegisteredParsingObject< Derived, Base, Parent >Parent class for all leaves in a RegisteredObject hierarchy that do parsing of parameter files
 Cstir::RegisterInputFileFormat< Format >A helper class to allow automatic registration to the default InputFileFormatRegistry
 Cstir::RegisteredParsingObject< Derived, Base, Parent >::RegisterItA helper class to allow automatic registration
 Cstir::RelatedBinsThis class contains all information about a set of bins related by symmetry
 Cstir::RelatedDenselsThis class contains all information about a set of densels related by symmetry
 Cstir::RelatedViewgrams< elemT >A class for storing viewgrams which are related by symmetry
 Cstir::RelatedViewgrams< float >
 Cstir::ResolutionIndex< num_dimensions, elemT >Structure that is used to hold the output of the function find_fwhm_in_image
 Cstir::ROIValuesA class to store and get results of an ROI calculation
 Cstir::RunTestsA base class for making test classesWith a derived class, an application could look like
 Cstir::ecat::ecat6::ScanInfoRecECAT 6 CTI scanner parameters
 Cstir::ScannerA class for storing some info on the scanner
 Cstir::Segment< elemT >An (abstract base) class for storing 3d projection dataThis stores a subset of the data accessible via a ProjData object, where the SegmentIndices are fixed
 Cstir::SegmentIndicesA very simple class to store segment numbers and any other indices that define a segment
 Cboost::shared_ptr< T >A smart pointer class: multiple shared_ptr's refer to one object
 Cstir::SucceededClass containing an enumeration type that can be used by functions to signal successful operation or not
 Cstir::SumOfGeneralisedObjectiveFunctions< ObjFuncT, TargetT, ParentT >A base class for sums of 'generalised' objective functions, i.e. objective functions for which at least a 'gradient' is defined
 Cstir::SymmetryOperationEncodes symmetry operation on image coordinates and projection data coordinates
 Cstir::TimedBlock< TimerT=Timer >Helper class for measuring execution time of a block of code.It starts the timer in ctor, stops in dtor. Do not create unnamed instances of this class, as they are quite useless: you cannot predict destruction time
 Cstir::TimedObjectBase class for all objects which need timers. At the moment, there's only a CPU timer
 Cstir::TimeFrameDefinitionsClass used for storing time frame durations
 Cstir::TimeGateDefinitionsClass used for storing time gate durations
 Cstir::TimerA general base class for timers. Interface is like a stop watch
 Cstir::TypeForNumericType< numeric_type_enum >A helper class that specifies the C++ type for a particular NumericType
 Cstir::Utah_phantomA class that represents a Utah phantom
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< T >A templated class for vectors, but with indices starting not from 0
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< Array< num_dimensions - 1, elemT > >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< elemT >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< float >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< IndexRange< num_dimensions - 1 > >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< int >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< shared_ptr< stir::ArrayFunctionObject< 1, elemT > > >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< shared_ptr< stir::BinNormalisation > >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< shared_ptr< stir::DataProcessor< TargetT > > >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< shared_ptr< TargetT > >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< stir::ProjDataInfo::Float1Float2 >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< stir::QuadraticPrior< float > >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< stir::VectorWithOffset< Det1Det2 > >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< stir::VectorWithOffset< elemT > >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< stir::VectorWithOffset< int > >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< stir::VectorWithOffset< MapProjMatrixElemsForOneBin > >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< stir::VectorWithOffset< shared_ptr< RingNumPairs > > >
 Cstir::VectorWithOffset< stir::VectorWithOffset< ViewTangPosSwap > >
 Cstir::VerbosityThis class enables the user to control the on-screen output
 CSPECTUB::volume_typeStructure for bin information
 CSPECTUB::voxel_typeStructure for voxel information
 CSPECTUB::wm_da_typeWeight_mat_da structure definition. Structure for generating weight matrix
 CSPECTUB::wm_typeWeight_mat structure definition. Structure for reading weight matrix
 CSPECTUB::wmh_typeComplementary information (matrix header)
 Cstir::ZoomOptionsThis class enables the user to choose between different zooming optionsThe 3 possible values determine a global scale factor used for the end result: (i) preserve sum (locally) (ii) preserve values (like interpolation) (iii) preserve projections: using a STIR forward projector on the zoomed image will give (approximately) the same projections